Why I'm a Democrat now

All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt,
Come on. You need to get real. That was the Democrats raising taxes to pay down the debt, but then they turn around a pass a gigantic spending bill every time. Republicans are no longer playing along with the liberals' tax-and-spend game.
supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism
That's more than enough boozing and schmoozing at the VFW and American Legion halls, and wining and dining in Europe. Dude, our troops support us, not the other way around. Who's lacing up the boots and bearing arms here, now? Because it sure as hell ain't the Democrats. And we've got more than enough city hall communism to overthrow right here at home in the States before we start worrying ourselves about the Russian krais and oblasts. Oh by the way the Russians are capitalists now, and they are more than fed up with communism and city hall themselves. And all that NATO gun control bullshit just keeps on coming from the European Union, world without end.
Yes the republicans cut taxes and borrow. Huge debt increase with trump.
If they would also cut spending, would you be OK with cutting taxes?

Particularly the military spending that doubles that of the next country, China?
Of course. But unlike repubs I think you cut the spending first. Government isn't the best user of $$$. I'm a Milton Friedman sort of republican. The party is no longer small government however. I'm much more of a capitalist than the right is.
You see Brian. We agree on stuff. We agree that these fucktard's in government spending money like a bunch of fucking spend-thrift, trust fun kids.

Neither of the parties give us what we really want, responsibility. We need a viable third-party.
Clearly we need something better. Do you feel as strongly about needing some sort of campaign finance reform? I tend to think all our politicians are bought by some lobby or another. And like Milton Freidman would say, lobbies help a minority.... I don't think I'm ever part of the minority being help.
if campaign finance reform will give us what we need (a third-party) I might be seriously interested in seeing what we have.

The current situation does not help us one bit. I am getting fucking sick and tired of it.

I am a liberty guy. I am a free speech guy. It is getting to the point where I am going to have to eventually abandon that for the purpose of getting some sort of representation.

I would support a change in the way we vote toward a representation by voting percentage set up.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
why the long explanation ? it would have been much simpler and truthful if admitted that you took one up the ass loved it and turned dem .
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
I support a percentage voting set up.

A party that gets 5% of the vote, should get 5% representation.

It is the only way that good ideas can actually come forward.
The idea that the Republicans are responsible fiscal conservatives today is obviously absurd. The idea that Democrats are fiscal conservatives is equally absurd.

U.S. society, our national budget, our balance of payments, many of our corporations, most of our states ... are bankrupt, in the red. Without fiat money, Federal Reserve monetarizing debt, the U.S. would be like ... Argentina. More than half of Americans have no significant savings or are in debt, and now after COVID-19 the situation will worsen. This is not to be blamed on Republicans or Democrats exclusively. It is systemic.




I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
I support a percentage voting set up.

A party that gets 5% of the vote, should get 5% representation.

It is the only way that good ideas can actually come forward.
That's an interesting idea. I'd have to do a lot of research to arrive at just what I think would be best. But that certainly seems like a way at getting more ideas out there and hopefully not giving one party too much power.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
I support a percentage voting set up.

A party that gets 5% of the vote, should get 5% representation.

It is the only way that good ideas can actually come forward.
Been good agreeing with you for a bit. I assume next time you will be cursing me again, but it's been good just the same. If we can a agree on things is shows there is always hope....
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
I support a percentage voting set up.

A party that gets 5% of the vote, should get 5% representation.

It is the only way that good ideas can actually come forward.
Been good agreeing with you for a bit. I assume next time you will be cursing me again, but it's been good just the same. If we can a agree on things is shows there is always hope....
Just let me keep my guns, and don't stop people from buying them, and we're all good.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
But do you limit it at just a third? Feel like some system with even more could be better. A third would have to be an improvement though.
I support a percentage voting set up.

A party that gets 5% of the vote, should get 5% representation.

It is the only way that good ideas can actually come forward.
Been good agreeing with you for a bit. I assume next time you will be cursing me again, but it's been good just the same. If we can a agree on things is shows there is always hope....
Just let me keep my guns, and don't stop people from buying them, and we're all good.
There will always be some things we disagree on no doubt. While I think I'm right, it doesn't make you a bad person. I know lots of good people that believe exactly the same as you. For now I hope laws don't get weaker.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
the only partisan between me and you is you......i think both parties are destroying this country with their tit for tat bullshit while you think only one is....if you have problems with both parties you would not vote democrat or republican....being a real independent means telling both parties to stick their political bullshit were the sun dont shine.....lets see you say that to biden and his party....i bet you wont....because you cant.....
Neither of the parties give us what we really want, responsibility. We need a viable third-party.
Clearly we need something better. Do you feel as strongly about needing some sort of campaign finance reform? I tend to think all our politicians are bought by some lobby or another. And like Milton Freidman would say, lobbies help a minority.... I don't think I'm ever part of the minority being help.
if campaign finance reform will give us what we need (a third-party) I might be seriously interested in seeing what we have.

The current situation does not help us one bit. I am getting fucking sick and tired of it.

I am a liberty guy. I am a free speech guy. It is getting to the point where I am going to have to eventually abandon that for the purpose of getting some sort of representation.

I would support a change in the way we vote toward a representation by voting percentage set up.
Breaking the two-party duopoly requires a much more informed and progressive electorate, laws against big money in politics, and major reforms in state and federal voting procedures. Good ideas can be found on this non-partisan good government website: www.fairvote.org .

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
the only partisan between me and you is you......i think both parties are destroying this country with their tit for tat bullshit while you think only one is....if you have problems with both parties you would not vote democrat or republican....being a real independent means telling both parties to stick their political bullshit were the sun dont shine.....lets see you say that to biden and his party....i bet you wont....because you cant.....
So you think independents just don't vote then? Well you are wrong. We have to pick which one will do the least damage. In this case it is clearly Biden. I don't agree with the far left on transgenders. I think one is born a male or a female and the difference is obvious. I think often dems are too quick to throw money at problems that then get worse. Isn't there a strong argument that throwing money at kids so they can go to college has greatly increased the cost of college? Dem failures are not lost on me, but trump has been a disaster...

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

Obvious fake...

Whatever it is Republicans support, democrats spend far more than republicans. Just a other liar.
They did not spend more under Obama or Clinton. You are totally misinformed. Read something. The biggest growth in government has been under Reagan and w bush. We still have ridiculous a giveaway to the rich top tax rates and lack of investment in America for 35 years now. We have a flat tax system. Only total misinformation makes you possible.

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