Why is a P.L.O. Flag Hoisted in D.C.?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Why is a P.L.O. Flag Hoisted in D.C.?

January 22, 2013
By Joseph Puder


Almost immediately following his reelection as president, and just weeks before his inauguration, Barrack Hussein Obama sent a clear message as to his intentions regarding the Middle East and the Jewish state. He nominated a national security team consisting of U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA) as Secretary of State, former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) as Secretary of Defense, and John Brennan to head the CIA. These figures are known for their various degrees of hostility to the Jewish state, and their partiality towards and appeasement of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah. But if that was not enough, the Obama administration granted in 2011 permission to the Palestinian Liberation Organization to fly their flag in America’s capital – Washington, DC.


The U.S. Congress reaction to the Palestinian UN move on November 29, 2012, was to send President Obama a letter on December 21, 2012, signed by 231 members along with the chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee declaring “We believe that the U.S. must react strongly to the Palestinian leadership failure to uphold its obligations.” Members of Congress suggested that the U.S., at a minimum, should close the P.L.O. offices in Washington.

President Obama’s national security nominees notwithstanding, his approval of the PLO flag flying in the nation’s capital is an affront to peace and justice.

Why is a P.L.O. Flag Hoisted in D.C.?
Obama's CIA director nominee..

perhaps you should stop trolling and actually pay attention to what you're saying:


Israel Radio reported that sources in Prime Minister Netanyahu's office said that the Prime Minister knew of the planned step and did not object to it. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem claimed that the step was taken to strengthen Abu Mazen and try to get him to agree to direct talks with Israel. However, they expressed dissapointment that the White House did not make the upgrade contingent upon the cessation of the PA's anti-Israel incitement.

PLO Flag in Washington, D.C. - Politics & Gov't - News - Israel National News

see the date and the source? you ok with the source?? yah.. thought you might be. Now see the part in bold? uh huh...

but i'm wondering why the wacko o/p thought this was an issue almost 3 years later.

thanks for embarrassing us once again.
Last edited:
Obama's CIA director nominee..

perhaps you should stop trolling and actually pay attention to what you're saying:


Israel Radio reported that sources in Prime Minister Netanyahu's office said that the Prime Minister knew of the planned step and did not object to it. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem claimed that the step was taken to strengthen Abu Mazen and try to get him to agree to direct talks with Israel. However, they expressed dissapointment that the White House did not make the upgrade contingent upon the cessation of the PA's anti-Israel incitement.

PLO Flag in Washington, D.C. - Politics & Gov't - News - Israel National News

see the date and the source? you ok with the source?? yah.. thought you might be. Now see the part in bold? uh huh...

but i'm wondering why the wacko o/p thought this was an issue almost 3 years later.

thanks for embarrassing us once again.

Doesn't really have much to do with what i posted.:confused: You libs seem to think you can simply be nice to people and they'll love you ...Go figure
Unfortunately, many brainwashed Americans think Israel is our 51st state.......... :mad:

That'll be something to do with Israel agents being at all levels of US government.
I'm unsure how they gained control of the United States but they've done a great job of it.
The best part is, it doesn't even matter who you vote for, Israel has its fingers stuck up all their arses in one way or another.
I'm amazed Americans stand for such foreign interference in their home affairs, more so when it costs American tax payers so much to fund it.
Unfortunately, many brainwashed Americans think Israel is our 51st state.......... :mad:

That'll be something to do with Israel agents being at all levels of US government.
I'm unsure how they gained control of the United States but they've done a great job of it.
The best part is, it doesn't even matter who you vote for, Israel has its fingers stuck up all their arses in one way or another.
I'm amazed Americans stand for such foreign interference in their home affairs, more so when it costs American tax payers so much to fund it.

Unfortunately, many brainwashed Americans think Israel is our 51st state.......... :mad:

That'll be something to do with Israel agents being at all levels of US government.
I'm unsure how they gained control of the United States but they've done a great job of it.
The best part is, it doesn't even matter who you vote for, Israel has its fingers stuck up all their arses in one way or another.
I'm amazed Americans stand for such foreign interference in their home affairs, more so when it costs American tax payers so much to fund it.
American children have the so called Holocaust pounded into their head at a very early age by their teachers. Plus the plagiarized Diary of Ann Frank is required reading in all elementary schools.

So by the time kids graduate high school.

The Israel is a victim and we must defend it to the death brainwashing is complete. :cool:
Unfortunately, many brainwashed Americans think Israel is our 51st state.......... :mad:

That'll be something to do with Israel agents being at all levels of US government.
I'm unsure how they gained control of the United States but they've done a great job of it.
The best part is, it doesn't even matter who you vote for, Israel has its fingers stuck up all their arses in one way or another.
I'm amazed Americans stand for such foreign interference in their home affairs, more so when it costs American tax payers so much to fund it.
American children have the so called Holocaust pounded into their head at a very early age by their teachers. Plus the plagiarized Diary of Ann Frank is required reading in all elementary schools.

So by the time kids graduate high school.

The Israel is a victim and we must defend it to the death brainwashing is complete. :cool:

Scrub yo little pea brain with this Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage ...:D

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