Why is abortion the way of the world?

Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

Hey abort tard. Turn the page in your playbook.

LESH already played that card.
We already covered the hard fact that the fetus is not 'part of the mothers body.' Why are you reverting to that?

There is literally no definition that makes any logical sense that places the fetus as part of the woman's body. Her having the right to do what she wants with it is not relevant to the fact that the state recognized killing that fetus - even unintentionally and unknowing if you harmed the mother with intent - as HOMICIDE. In one instance, killing that human is one of the worst crimes possible and in the other it is noting more than biological waste removed for convenience.

How can you not see the massive double think that position requires? It is nothing at all like 'robbing yourself.' The value placed on the fetus varies MASSIVELY in those 2 situation though nothing about the fetus itself is different in any shape or form.

Either killing the fetus is not a big deal or it is - trying to justify legal repercussions on one instance and none in the other is just seriously bad law and inconsistent.

Well, no it actually is not opinion. It is supported by facts. Such a position requires you to hold 2 different values for the same action on extreme opposite ends.

Weren't those laws added to further prosecute violent criminals, not as protection for unborn fetuses?

Being pro-choice and anti-violent criminal is not a contradiction.

The point that you are missing (or intentionally trying to dodge ) is that the violoent criminal can be charged with MURDER.

The charge of MURDER, by legal definition, means that the victim is/was "another human being" a "person."

I challenge any of you proabort leftards to explain how a child in the womb is NOT a human being or person when the mom (sic) decides to pay planned parenthood to kill it. . . . But it suddenly IS a human being / person when some violent criminal kills it.
Bad law, no doubt enacted by some well meaning zealots such as yourself.

Bad law should be easy enough to overturn.

The ACLU, which vehemently opposed the laws being passed in the first place has not even tried to overturn them or if they have tried, the Supreme Court shot them down.

Pretty remarkable seeing how the same Supreme Court allowed for Gay Marriage to be recognized.
Probably not as easy as you might think. After all, don't you consider Roe v Wade as bad law? The right has been stacking the court with Catholics for decades, and still hasn't tried to tackle that one.

Diversion noted.

Anything but a direct answer to the point. Right?
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Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"
Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"

Apparently you didn't read the rest of the heartbreaking link.
Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"

Apparently you didn't read the rest of the heartbreaking link.

Apparently, you believe everyone thinks with their glands instead of their brains.

Equally apparently, you're wrong. Read the "heartbreaking link". Refused to let my hormones overwhelm my intellect and logic. STILL don't see how killing babies is okay because "Bad things happened to me!! Pity me and let me do what I want!!!"

I'm sorry she was raped. Would gladly sign on to help her hunt the bastard down and castrate him. Wasn't the baby who raped her, so I can't get on board with dismembering HER over it.

I'm also very sorry that her baby died. As a parent, losing one of my children is the most horrific nightmare I never want to imagine. However, my sympathy for her is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the lesson she took away from the death of her child was, "I should have just cut her up and thrown her away so that I wouldn't have suffered." Trying to frame it as, "It would have been more humane for me to have killed her" doesn't really register with me, either, since I'm not a fan of putting humans down like sick pets.

But I assume from your post that your answer to my question is, "I don't have any arguments beyond feeeelzzzz! I have a sad story, so I win!!"

To which I say, no. That means you lost, and are too stupid to know it.
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Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"

Apparently you didn't read the rest of the heartbreaking link.

Apparently, you believe everyone thinks with their glands instead of their brains.

Equally apparently, you're wrong. Read the "heartbreaking link". Refused to let my hormones overwhelm my intellect and logic. STILL don't see how killing babies is okay because "Bad things happened to me!! Pity me and let me do what I want!!!"

I'm sorry she was raped. Would gladly sign on to help her hunt the bastard down and castrate him. Wasn't the baby who raped her, so I can't get on board with dismembering HER over it.

I'm also very sorry that her baby died. As a parent, losing one of my children is the most horrific nightmare I never want to imagine. However, my sympathy for her is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the lesson she took away from the death of her child was, "I should have just cut her up and thrown her away so that I wouldn't have suffered." Trying to frame it as, "It would have been more humane for me to have killed her" doesn't really register with me, either, since I'm not a fan of putting humans down like sick pets.

But I assume from your post that your answer to my question is, "I don't have any arguments beyond feeeelzzzz! I have a sad story, so I win!!"

To which I say, no. That means you lost, and are too stupid to know it.

You and I may disagree on some part of, or all of, the idea of a rape exception but I sincerely do appreciate your position and your efforts (along with several others here on USMB) very much.
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Why is abortion the way of the world?

Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"

Apparently you didn't read the rest of the heartbreaking link.

Apparently, you believe everyone thinks with their glands instead of their brains.

Equally apparently, you're wrong. Read the "heartbreaking link". Refused to let my hormones overwhelm my intellect and logic. STILL don't see how killing babies is okay because "Bad things happened to me!! Pity me and let me do what I want!!!"

I'm sorry she was raped. Would gladly sign on to help her hunt the bastard down and castrate him. Wasn't the baby who raped her, so I can't get on board with dismembering HER over it.

I'm also very sorry that her baby died. As a parent, losing one of my children is the most horrific nightmare I never want to imagine. However, my sympathy for her is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the lesson she took away from the death of her child was, "I should have just cut her up and thrown her away so that I wouldn't have suffered." Trying to frame it as, "It would have been more humane for me to have killed her" doesn't really register with me, either, since I'm not a fan of putting humans down like sick pets.

But I assume from your post that your answer to my question is, "I don't have any arguments beyond feeeelzzzz! I have a sad story, so I win!!"

To which I say, no. That means you lost, and are too stupid to know it.

You and I may disagree on some part or all of the udea of a rape exception but I sincerely do appreciate your position and your efforts (along with several others here on USMB) very much.

I appreciate that you're patient enough to keep beating against petrified skulls and atrophied brains long after I'm fully prepared to donate them to scientific research.

Understand that, while I do not think rape makes it okay to kill the baby, that doesn't mean that I think banning or restricting abortions in those extremely rare cases is the best way to approach the problem. I would vastly prefer that rape survivors all receive extensive counseling to help them heal and move on with their lives, and I would want that to include seeing the baby as the separate individual he/she is, rather than merely an extension of the rapist and the assault.
Many reasons.

I was raped when I was 17 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 years old. My baby died when I was 19 years old.

I cannot recall the color of the sky when I woke up the morning I was raped, or what I did in the hours leading up to the assault. I think of it in terms of Before and After, and I’m caught right in between the two.

More: I Wish I’d Had A ‘Late-Term Abortion’ Instead Of Having My Daughter

So the baby needed to die, because it was HER fault somehow? Or because people are entitled to lives where nothing bad ever happens, and whatever evil they need to do to accomplish that end for themselves is okay?

Really not seeing the argument here, other than "FEeeeeeellllzz! All your arguments are invalid because I have a sad story!!!!"

Apparently you didn't read the rest of the heartbreaking link.

Apparently, you believe everyone thinks with their glands instead of their brains.

Equally apparently, you're wrong. Read the "heartbreaking link". Refused to let my hormones overwhelm my intellect and logic. STILL don't see how killing babies is okay because "Bad things happened to me!! Pity me and let me do what I want!!!"

I'm sorry she was raped. Would gladly sign on to help her hunt the bastard down and castrate him. Wasn't the baby who raped her, so I can't get on board with dismembering HER over it.

I'm also very sorry that her baby died. As a parent, losing one of my children is the most horrific nightmare I never want to imagine. However, my sympathy for her is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the lesson she took away from the death of her child was, "I should have just cut her up and thrown her away so that I wouldn't have suffered." Trying to frame it as, "It would have been more humane for me to have killed her" doesn't really register with me, either, since I'm not a fan of putting humans down like sick pets.

But I assume from your post that your answer to my question is, "I don't have any arguments beyond feeeelzzzz! I have a sad story, so I win!!"

To which I say, no. That means you lost, and are too stupid to know it.

You and I may disagree on some part or all of the udea of a rape exception but I sincerely do appreciate your position and your efforts (along with several others here on USMB) very much.

I appreciate that you're patient enough to keep beating against petrified skulls and atrophied brains long after I'm fully prepared to donate them to scientific research.

Understand that, while I do not think rape makes it okay to kill the baby, that doesn't mean that I think banning or restricting abortions in those extremely rare cases is the best way to approach the problem. I would vastly prefer that rape survivors all receive extensive counseling to help them heal and move on with their lives, and I would want that to include seeing the baby as the separate individual he/she is, rather than merely an extension of the rapist and the assault.

Understood and thanks again.
I'm willing to bet that most hypocrite PETAtardz are pro abortion.

You didn't answer.

You rely on the same tactics as PETA, making up a crazy revisionist definition of person, so you can scream that people you don't like are 'murderers'.

We'd be hypocrites if we didn't laugh at both you and PETA, being you use the same argument.

We're not hypocrites, so we do laugh at both of you.
I'm willing to bet that most hypocrite PETAtardz are pro abortion.

You didn't answer.

You rely on the same tactics as PETA, making up a crazy revisionist definition of person, so you can scream that people you don't like are 'murderers'.

We'd be hypocrites if we didn't laugh at both you and PETA, being you use the same argument.

We're not hypocrites, so we do laugh at both of you.

If you like laughing at idiots, I bet you spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.


We already have FETAL HOMICIDE laws Dullard!

Laws that already legally define children in the womb as such. LAWS that make the killing of a child in the womb during a criminal act, a CRIME of MURDER.

LAWS that have already been upheld by the Supreme Court for well over a decade now. Convictions and all.

Get back to me when PETA can say the same.
Science is unequivocal.
A human is a human from the moment of conception.
I have a very unscientific view of what it means to be human and the value I place on life.
I thought you just said that we were the ones ignoring science.

You people are so crazy. But of course..you just accuse others of that which you are currently engaged...thus:

"I should have assumed that since the writers of these laws are looking to subvert Roe v. Wade they would try to blur the line between science and the law."
Misusing science. Science may say that a new human being begins at conception as a zygote but if can't say when that zygote becomes a person deserving of being protected by law against the wishes of the mother.
Science is unequivocal.
A human is a human from the moment of conception.
I have a very unscientific view of what it means to be human and the value I place on life.
I thought you just said that we were the ones ignoring science.

You people are so crazy. But of course..you just accuse others of that which you are currently engaged...thus:

"I should have assumed that since the writers of these laws are looking to subvert Roe v. Wade they would try to blur the line between science and the law."
Misusing science. Science may say that a new human being begins at conception as a zygote but if can't say when that zygote becomes a person deserving of being protected by law against the wishes of the mother.

The legal definition of a natural person is "a human being."

A human being (even in the zygote stage of their life) meets that definition.

Sans (even without) our fetal HOMICIDE laws but especially in accordance with them.
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When life becomes fair you let me know.
i dont mind abortion, so long as the doctor has concluded that the baby is going to turn out to look like Maxine Waters with the brain of a racist tasmainian devil or mad cow.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.


We already covered the hard fact that the fetus is not 'part of the mothers body.' Why are you reverting to that?

There is literally no definition that makes any logical sense that places the fetus as part of the woman's body. Her having the right to do what she wants with it is not relevant to the fact that the state recognized killing that fetus - even unintentionally and unknowing if you harmed the mother with intent - as HOMICIDE. In one instance, killing that human is one of the worst crimes possible and in the other it is noting more than biological waste removed for convenience.

How can you not see the massive double think that position requires? It is nothing at all like 'robbing yourself.' The value placed on the fetus varies MASSIVELY in those 2 situation though nothing about the fetus itself is different in any shape or form.

Either killing the fetus is not a big deal or it is - trying to justify legal repercussions on one instance and none in the other is just seriously bad law and inconsistent.

If you see that as hypocritical, that is your opinion.

Well, no it actually is not opinion. It is supported by facts. Such a position requires you to hold 2 different values for the same action on extreme opposite ends.
We ALL hold positions that require us to hold 2 different values for the same action on extreme opposite ends. If I kill you on the street, that is likely murder. If I kill you in my house, that might be considered self-defense and would not be murder. If I were insane and killed you, probably not a murder. If I were a soldier and killed you in a combat zone, not only would it likely not be murder but I might get an award. In every scenario you are dead even though nothing about you may be different.
What about the writers of U.S. patent laws that prohibit any patents on "human organisms" in any stage of development? Do you think the patent office is trying to overturn Roe too?
No. I think they are more concerned with a new version of slavery.
What about the writers of U.S. patent laws that prohibit any patents on "human organisms" in any stage of development? Do you think the patent office is trying to overturn Roe too?
No. I think they are more concerned with a new version of slavery.

If a human being in the zygote, embryo or fetal stage of their life is NOT a person. . .

Slavery of who?

Please explain why it would not be ok to "enslave" them. . . But it is perfectly fine to KILL them with an abortion.
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