Zone1 Why is Anti Black Racism so prevalent among white Jews?


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Mar 11, 2015

The Sterling Shuffle: Unpacking White Jewish Racism​

Sikivu Hutchinson: Sterling’s racist references to shiftless black untouchables are simply yet another snapshot of how caste, ethnicity and the bootstraps mythology play out in “post-racial” America.

For years the mug of real estate mogul and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling commanded prime ad space in the Los Angeles Times. Touting Sterling’s philanthropy, these ads often feature grinning photos of prominent African American politicians, religious leaders, and other glad-handing public figures who’ve received hefty donations from his financial empire. After TMZ revealed a recording of Sterling’s racist comments about black people to girlfriend V. Stiviano, President Obama and other dignitaries were swift to condemn him. On Monday it was “shockingly” revealed that Sterling, who is Jewish, went the extra mile with his racism in the recording, contending that “the blacks are treated like dogs” in Israel to Stiviano. Responding to her criticism of this claim, Sterling reiterated that “the black Jews” are “less than” white Jews and that that is the way it should be.

Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. Yet Sterling’s comments are noteworthy because they not only highlight the white supremacist bent of Israeli anti-African sentiment but the social construction of Jewish whiteness. Echoing rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent references to blacks thriving under slavery, Sterling expressed the paternalistic view that he “supports” blacks on the team by giving them clothes, houses, and cars. He then blasts Stiviano for comparing anti-black racism and discrimination to the Jewish Holocaust. Implicit in this shutdown is the notion that Jewish suffering under the Holocaust precludes consideration of how white Jews have benefited from institutional and systemic racism.

The illusion of lockstep black-Jewish solidarity on liberal political coalition-building has long masked the reality of white Jewish privilege and investment in white supremacy. This is especially relevant to Sterling (who tellingly changed his name from Tokowitz to the more Anglicized Sterling) because he is a multi-millionaire developer who has also been the subject of two federal racial discrimination lawsuits involving tenants of color.

In her book How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America, Karen Brodkin notes that Jews contrasted themselves with the specter of a “mythic blackness”.

History shows that some white Jews took the same path as other white Gentile ethnic groups and used their skin color to move forward and did so by stepping on blacks. SOME JEWS, not all, and SOME JEWS today are doing the same thing.
Ethiopian Jews might beg to differ.

It's a more fitting question for the 'religion section.
Jews here made a thread in this section claiming that blacks are 4x more anti semitic than everyone else and no one white talked about moving it.

How Jews became white​

In her introduction, author Emily Tamkin writes that she wasn’t sure she should write this book because of her shaky Jewish background — she didn’t go to Hebrew school, learn Hebrew or become bat mitzvah, and she is married to a non-Jew.

Yes, she may not have been an expert on Judaism and the American Jewish community — at least when she began this project. But she did her homework and her take on the material is often fresh, unique — reflecting her background in academia and journalism (Fulbright fellow, senior U.S. editor at the New Statesman, former staffer at Foreign Policy and BuzzFeed news).

And because she is a young, liberal student of public affairs, her perspective is invaluable to old conservatives like me. In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd and the resultant movement for Black equality, Tamkin presents a look at 20th-century American Jews’ efforts to be seen as white usually not found in most Jewish histories written by professional historians who were less concerned with matters of race.

Nineteenth-century Jewish leaders wanted Jews to be considered “American citizens of Jewish faith” — and white, she notes. Whiteness gave them the right to immigrate to the U.S. and become citizens, the author explains.

“More established and acculturated Jews tried to convince the Jewish masses … that they needed to present themselves to the non-Jewish public as more white than ethnic, more all-American than other, dissuading them from forming ‘Hebrew’ political and workingman’s clubs.”

Some Jewish immigrants rejected racial definitions, Tamkin says. While race was all-important in America, in Eastern Europe Jews thought of themselves as a people or an ethnicity.

“Was the question of racial sameness or distinctiveness, some wondered, even relevant to them?”

Nonetheless, the idea of the importance of Jews being seen as white extended into the 20th century. American Jews understood persecution. They knew that assimilation endangered their language and traditions. Still, many Jews decided “to move closer to the white American mainstream. It was the white mainstream that promised stability and safety.”

why does the o.p. pretend he/she is black??????????????????????????????????????????
Jews can be and are white, Jews can be and are Black. Jews can be and are Asian.

Jews can be literally any race or ethnicity you can name.

The idea that Jews are only white or non white is laughable to anyone who understands halacha.

The Sterling Shuffle: Unpacking White Jewish Racism​

Sikivu Hutchinson: Sterling’s racist references to shiftless black untouchables are simply yet another snapshot of how caste, ethnicity and the bootstraps mythology play out in “post-racial” America.

For years the mug of real estate mogul and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling commanded prime ad space in the Los Angeles Times. Touting Sterling’s philanthropy, these ads often feature grinning photos of prominent African American politicians, religious leaders, and other glad-handing public figures who’ve received hefty donations from his financial empire. After TMZ revealed a recording of Sterling’s racist comments about black people to girlfriend V. Stiviano, President Obama and other dignitaries were swift to condemn him. On Monday it was “shockingly” revealed that Sterling, who is Jewish, went the extra mile with his racism in the recording, contending that “the blacks are treated like dogs” in Israel to Stiviano. Responding to her criticism of this claim, Sterling reiterated that “the black Jews” are “less than” white Jews and that that is the way it should be.

Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. Yet Sterling’s comments are noteworthy because they not only highlight the white supremacist bent of Israeli anti-African sentiment but the social construction of Jewish whiteness. Echoing rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent references to blacks thriving under slavery, Sterling expressed the paternalistic view that he “supports” blacks on the team by giving them clothes, houses, and cars. He then blasts Stiviano for comparing anti-black racism and discrimination to the Jewish Holocaust. Implicit in this shutdown is the notion that Jewish suffering under the Holocaust precludes consideration of how white Jews have benefited from institutional and systemic racism.

The illusion of lockstep black-Jewish solidarity on liberal political coalition-building has long masked the reality of white Jewish privilege and investment in white supremacy. This is especially relevant to Sterling (who tellingly changed his name from Tokowitz to the more Anglicized Sterling) because he is a multi-millionaire developer who has also been the subject of two federal racial discrimination lawsuits involving tenants of color.

In her book How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America, Karen Brodkin notes that Jews contrasted themselves with the specter of a “mythic blackness”.

History shows that some white Jews took the same path as other white Gentile ethnic groups and used their skin color to move forward and did so by stepping on blacks. SOME JEWS, not all, and SOME JEWS today are doing the same thing.
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Anti black racism is not prevalent among white Jews. Most Jews have supported the civil rights movement since the formation of the NAACP.
Thank you. This was a “payback” thread the OP started, which is actually against the rules. It was in response to my starting a thread many months ago, referencing the studies and polls that show that antisemitism is about twice as common among blacks than whites, and putting that fact uo for discussion. So the OP does this “revenge” thread. Of course, racism is not prevalent among Jews at all, and Jews were often the only ones willing to rent or hire blacks back in the day.

The Sterling Shuffle: Unpacking White Jewish Racism​

Sikivu Hutchinson: Sterling’s racist references to shiftless black untouchables are simply yet another snapshot of how caste, ethnicity and the bootstraps mythology play out in “post-racial” America.

For years the mug of real estate mogul and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling commanded prime ad space in the Los Angeles Times. Touting Sterling’s philanthropy, these ads often feature grinning photos of prominent African American politicians, religious leaders, and other glad-handing public figures who’ve received hefty donations from his financial empire. After TMZ revealed a recording of Sterling’s racist comments about black people to girlfriend V. Stiviano, President Obama and other dignitaries were swift to condemn him. On Monday it was “shockingly” revealed that Sterling, who is Jewish, went the extra mile with his racism in the recording, contending that “the blacks are treated like dogs” in Israel to Stiviano. Responding to her criticism of this claim, Sterling reiterated that “the black Jews” are “less than” white Jews and that that is the way it should be.

Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. Yet Sterling’s comments are noteworthy because they not only highlight the white supremacist bent of Israeli anti-African sentiment but the social construction of Jewish whiteness. Echoing rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent references to blacks thriving under slavery, Sterling expressed the paternalistic view that he “supports” blacks on the team by giving them clothes, houses, and cars. He then blasts Stiviano for comparing anti-black racism and discrimination to the Jewish Holocaust. Implicit in this shutdown is the notion that Jewish suffering under the Holocaust precludes consideration of how white Jews have benefited from institutional and systemic racism.

The illusion of lockstep black-Jewish solidarity on liberal political coalition-building has long masked the reality of white Jewish privilege and investment in white supremacy. This is especially relevant to Sterling (who tellingly changed his name from Tokowitz to the more Anglicized Sterling) because he is a multi-millionaire developer who has also been the subject of two federal racial discrimination lawsuits involving tenants of color.

In her book How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America, Karen Brodkin notes that Jews contrasted themselves with the specter of a “mythic blackness”.

History shows that some white Jews took the same path as other white Gentile ethnic groups and used their skin color to move forward and did so by stepping on blacks. SOME JEWS, not all, and SOME JEWS today are doing the same thing.

The Sterling Shuffle: Unpacking White Jewish Racism​

Sikivu Hutchinson: Sterling’s racist references to shiftless black untouchables are simply yet another snapshot of how caste, ethnicity and the bootstraps mythology play out in “post-racial” America.

For years the mug of real estate mogul and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling commanded prime ad space in the Los Angeles Times. Touting Sterling’s philanthropy, these ads often feature grinning photos of prominent African American politicians, religious leaders, and other glad-handing public figures who’ve received hefty donations from his financial empire. After TMZ revealed a recording of Sterling’s racist comments about black people to girlfriend V. Stiviano, President Obama and other dignitaries were swift to condemn him. On Monday it was “shockingly” revealed that Sterling, who is Jewish, went the extra mile with his racism in the recording, contending that “the blacks are treated like dogs” in Israel to Stiviano. Responding to her criticism of this claim, Sterling reiterated that “the black Jews” are “less than” white Jews and that that is the way it should be.

Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. Yet Sterling’s comments are noteworthy because they not only highlight the white supremacist bent of Israeli anti-African sentiment but the social construction of Jewish whiteness. Echoing rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent references to blacks thriving under slavery, Sterling expressed the paternalistic view that he “supports” blacks on the team by giving them clothes, houses, and cars. He then blasts Stiviano for comparing anti-black racism and discrimination to the Jewish Holocaust. Implicit in this shutdown is the notion that Jewish suffering under the Holocaust precludes consideration of how white Jews have benefited from institutional and systemic racism.

The illusion of lockstep black-Jewish solidarity on liberal political coalition-building has long masked the reality of white Jewish privilege and investment in white supremacy. This is especially relevant to Sterling (who tellingly changed his name from Tokowitz to the more Anglicized Sterling) because he is a multi-millionaire developer who has also been the subject of two federal racial discrimination lawsuits involving tenants of color.

In her book How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America, Karen Brodkin notes that Jews contrasted themselves with the specter of a “mythic blackness”.

History shows that some white Jews took the same path as other white Gentile ethnic groups and used their skin color to move forward and did so by stepping on blacks. SOME JEWS, not all, and SOME JEWS today are doing the same thing.

Why not keep targeting them in your riots and looting sprees and assaulting them in the streets? Your ilk seems to think that's great stuff, then snivel about how you're 'overcharged for crimes' when your fellow racists get caught.
Anti black racism is not prevalent among white Jews. Most Jews have supported the civil rights movement since the formation of the NAACP.

Yes, they did, and black radicals rewarded them by firing many Jewish teachers in the NYC public school system and replaced them with dumbass semi-literate AA cronies and turned the system into worthless wastes of space and bottomless money pits.. I doubt many American Jews would repeat that mistake these days.
Why not keep targeting them in your riots and looting sprees and assaulting them in the streets? Your ilk seems to think that's great stuff, then snivel about how you're 'overcharged for crimes' when your fellow racists get caught.
Whites do more of this. Every year whites lead the nation in vandalism, property crimes, and hate crime attacks.
Yes, they did, and black radicals rewarded them by firing many Jewish teachers in the NYC public school system and replaced them with dumbass semi-literate AA cronies and turned the system into worthless wastes of space and bottomless money pits.. I doubt many American Jews would repeat that mistake these days.
Wrong again. And whites have received AA since 1776.
Whites do more of this. Every year whites lead the nation in vandalism, property crimes, and hate crime attacks.
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011, NCJ 236018 BJS PATTERNS & TRENDS Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008 Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010 Alexia Cooper and Erica L. Smith, BJS Statisticians

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—  Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)


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