Why is banning trans from military service a good thing?

In my personal opinion I disagree with President Biden on this issue because of the medication those doing conversion therapy must take along with the fact many must seek therapy to deal with the transfer from one possible sex to the other which is not something you want on the battlefield at any moment.

I know this will not sit well with some but at times you also have to weigh the risks to benefit of having a transgender in the Military and the risk is much higher from physical and sexual abuse to mental issues and let be clear the Military can be a very abusive culture even for a straight man or woman, so ask yourself do you want Transgenders to endure such abuse and for me it is a major no!

Actually I think this is a valid point. I'm not saying I agree with you because a lot people in the military may at some point have to deal with issues that come up. If someone in the military gets Cancer do we just kick them to the curb?

As far as higher risk of physical or sexual abuse, you could make the case that women shouldn't be in the military. Cultures change, if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered then bowing down because others do then that's not really a great choice.

Women in the military endure tremendous amount of physical and psychological abuse and it has been reported many times, so I personally believe Transgenders would endure so much more abuse and changing the abusive nature is almost impossible and if you have never served you never will understand that it is worst than prison or was when I joined and I was told I would have more rights and freedom as a prisoner than as a enlisted man in the military...

So as I wrote many will disagree with me but my objection is not because I have any issue with Transgenders but knowing the abusive nature of the Military that has not changed that much since I left and would not wish that on anyone...
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!
Maybe it's more like MLK said about judging people by their character. We have transgenders volunteering for the military and we have cowardly pieces of shit like trump dodging the draft.

Why are you skipping President Biden?

"Lifeguard/Football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma during Vietnam,"

In my personal opinion I disagree with President Biden on this issue because of the medication those doing conversion therapy must take along with the fact many must seek therapy to deal with the transfer from one possible sex to the other which is not something you want on the battlefield at any moment.

I know this will not sit well with some but at times you also have to weigh the risks to benefit of having a transgender in the Military and the risk is much higher from physical and sexual abuse to mental issues and let be clear the Military can be a very abusive culture even for a straight man or woman, so ask yourself do you want Transgenders to endure such abuse and for me it is a major no!

Actually I think this is a valid point. I'm not saying I agree with you because a lot people in the military may at some point have to deal with issues that come up. If someone in the military gets Cancer do we just kick them to the curb?

As far as higher risk of physical or sexual abuse, you could make the case that women shouldn't be in the military. Cultures change, if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered then bowing down because others do then that's not really a great choice.

Women in the military endure tremendous amount of physical and psychological abuse and it has been reported many times, so I personally believe Transgenders would endure so much more abuse and changing the abusive nature is almost impossible and if you have never served you never will understand that it is worst than prison or was when I joined and I was told I would have more rights and freedom as a prisoner than as a enlisted man in the military...

Do you think women should be barred from joining? If not, wouldn't you want to save them from abuse?

So as I wrote many will disagree with me but my objection is not because I have any issue with Transgenders but knowing the abusive nature of the Military that has not changed that much since I left and would not wish that on anyone...

Yep, I disagree with you but I don't think you're coming from a bad place at all.
In my personal opinion I disagree with President Biden on this issue because of the medication those doing conversion therapy must take along with the fact many must seek therapy to deal with the transfer from one possible sex to the other which is not something you want on the battlefield at any moment.

I know this will not sit well with some but at times you also have to weigh the risks to benefit of having a transgender in the Military and the risk is much higher from physical and sexual abuse to mental issues and let be clear the Military can be a very abusive culture even for a straight man or woman, so ask yourself do you want Transgenders to endure such abuse and for me it is a major no!

Actually I think this is a valid point. I'm not saying I agree with you because a lot people in the military may at some point have to deal with issues that come up. If someone in the military gets Cancer do we just kick them to the curb?

As far as higher risk of physical or sexual abuse, you could make the case that women shouldn't be in the military. Cultures change, if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered then bowing down because others do then that's not really a great choice.

Women in the military endure tremendous amount of physical and psychological abuse and it has been reported many times, so I personally believe Transgenders would endure so much more abuse and changing the abusive nature is almost impossible and if you have never served you never will understand that it is worst than prison or was when I joined and I was told I would have more rights and freedom as a prisoner than as a enlisted man in the military...

Do you think women should be barred from joining? If not, wouldn't you want to save them from abuse?

So as I wrote many will disagree with me but my objection is not because I have any issue with Transgenders but knowing the abusive nature of the Military that has not changed that much since I left and would not wish that on anyone...

Yep, I disagree with you but I don't think you're coming from a bad place at all.

Personally I would ask my daughter ( if I had one ) not to entertain the idea of joining the Military and would also tell my son ( if I had one ) not to join because there are better avenues to get an education without risking your life and for a female risking physical, sexual and psychological abuse...

Do I believe Women should be banned because of the abusive nature of the Military?

I hate to say it but yes...

Is it because I believe women are inferior?

No, but with the abusive nature and many times it has been covered up I just do not see the benefit until the culture is changed but you can not change the culture until you introduce women and transgenders is what you will tell me, so for me it is a hard no but not because of bigotry but knowing what they will endure is something that they shouldn’t endure...

Many of those on the right will disagree but a transgender will most likely be raped and abused until they either leave or commit suicide, and this is reality and the military will give it usual lip service about how they will bring the military into the 21st century but they will not...

So I have to disagree and say no but I have no say really and just hope that those that do serve do not endure what I believe will happen and if I see it believe me I am not known to be silent about bigotry...
Soon they'll want to be a woman only through the work week, but a man on the weekends.
A Firefighter one day, a Florist the next.
Here in America you can be any kind of freak you likie at any given time, AND join the military.
Thanks Dems for the freak show, as the minds of our children will be taught to conform.
In my personal opinion I disagree with President Biden on this issue because of the medication those doing conversion therapy must take along with the fact many must seek therapy to deal with the transfer from one possible sex to the other which is not something you want on the battlefield at any moment.

I know this will not sit well with some but at times you also have to weigh the risks to benefit of having a transgender in the Military and the risk is much higher from physical and sexual abuse to mental issues and let be clear the Military can be a very abusive culture even for a straight man or woman, so ask yourself do you want Transgenders to endure such abuse and for me it is a major no!

Actually I think this is a valid point. I'm not saying I agree with you because a lot people in the military may at some point have to deal with issues that come up. If someone in the military gets Cancer do we just kick them to the curb?

As far as higher risk of physical or sexual abuse, you could make the case that women shouldn't be in the military. Cultures change, if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered then bowing down because others do then that's not really a great choice.

Women in the military endure tremendous amount of physical and psychological abuse and it has been reported many times, so I personally believe Transgenders would endure so much more abuse and changing the abusive nature is almost impossible and if you have never served you never will understand that it is worst than prison or was when I joined and I was told I would have more rights and freedom as a prisoner than as a enlisted man in the military...

Do you think women should be barred from joining? If not, wouldn't you want to save them from abuse?

So as I wrote many will disagree with me but my objection is not because I have any issue with Transgenders but knowing the abusive nature of the Military that has not changed that much since I left and would not wish that on anyone...

Yep, I disagree with you but I don't think you're coming from a bad place at all.

Personally I would ask my daughter ( if I had one ) not to entertain the idea of joining the Military and would also tell my son ( if I had one ) not to join because there are better avenues to get an education without risking your life and for a female risking physical, sexual and psychological abuse...

Do I believe Women should be banned because of the abusive nature of the Military?

I hate to say it but yes...

Is it because I believe women are inferior?

No, but with the abusive nature and many times it has been covered up I just do not see the benefit until the culture is changed but you can not change the culture until you introduce women and transgenders is what you will tell me, so for me it is a hard no but not because of bigotry but knowing what they will endure is something that they shouldn’t endure...

Many of those on the right will disagree but a transgender will most likely be raped and abused until they either leave or commit suicide, and this is reality and the military will give it usual lip service about how they will bring the military into the 21st century but they will not...

So I have to disagree and say no but I have no say really and just hope that those that do serve do not endure what I believe will happen and if I see it believe me I am not known to be silent about bigotry...

Ok. Yes, I'm going to disagree with you and for the reason you mentioned so I won't go into detail about it.

However, as I implied before I don't think you're being a bigot in this thread.
Our military, as with any other military, has two goals. One is to break things and the other is to kill people. It is not a laboratory for social experiments. If changes are made, they should only be if they enable the military to a better job of breaking things and killing people.
In my personal opinion I disagree with President Biden on this issue because of the medication those doing conversion therapy must take along with the fact many must seek therapy to deal with the transfer from one possible sex to the other which is not something you want on the battlefield at any moment.

I know this will not sit well with some but at times you also have to weigh the risks to benefit of having a transgender in the Military and the risk is much higher from physical and sexual abuse to mental issues and let be clear the Military can be a very abusive culture even for a straight man or woman, so ask yourself do you want Transgenders to endure such abuse and for me it is a major no!

Actually I think this is a valid point. I'm not saying I agree with you because a lot people in the military may at some point have to deal with issues that come up. If someone in the military gets Cancer do we just kick them to the curb?

As far as higher risk of physical or sexual abuse, you could make the case that women shouldn't be in the military. Cultures change, if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered then bowing down because others do then that's not really a great choice.

Women in the military endure tremendous amount of physical and psychological abuse and it has been reported many times, so I personally believe Transgenders would endure so much more abuse and changing the abusive nature is almost impossible and if you have never served you never will understand that it is worst than prison or was when I joined and I was told I would have more rights and freedom as a prisoner than as a enlisted man in the military...

Do you think women should be barred from joining? If not, wouldn't you want to save them from abuse?

So as I wrote many will disagree with me but my objection is not because I have any issue with Transgenders but knowing the abusive nature of the Military that has not changed that much since I left and would not wish that on anyone...

Yep, I disagree with you but I don't think you're coming from a bad place at all.

Personally I would ask my daughter ( if I had one ) not to entertain the idea of joining the Military and would also tell my son ( if I had one ) not to join because there are better avenues to get an education without risking your life and for a female risking physical, sexual and psychological abuse...

Do I believe Women should be banned because of the abusive nature of the Military?

I hate to say it but yes...

Is it because I believe women are inferior?

No, but with the abusive nature and many times it has been covered up I just do not see the benefit until the culture is changed but you can not change the culture until you introduce women and transgenders is what you will tell me, so for me it is a hard no but not because of bigotry but knowing what they will endure is something that they shouldn’t endure...

Many of those on the right will disagree but a transgender will most likely be raped and abused until they either leave or commit suicide, and this is reality and the military will give it usual lip service about how they will bring the military into the 21st century but they will not...

So I have to disagree and say no but I have no say really and just hope that those that do serve do not endure what I believe will happen and if I see it believe me I am not known to be silent about bigotry...
If I might chime in... I appreciate where you are coming from but I don’t think you are promoting productive solutions. If there is an abuse problem in the military for women and LGBT then the problem should be addressed. By banning women and LGBT you are essentially hiding from the issues and letting them fester. Had the same advice been given to blacks during jim crow they would still be sitting in the back of the bus and attending segregated schools. Things get messy when you push for real change. IMO you just do the right thing
Fuck Off Asshole. I won't consider responding to your first piece of shit sentence, other than my first sentence.

As to the second, I managed my agencies Domestic Violence Unit, wrote and managed two Dept. of Justice Violence Against Women Grants and have been married to my wife since 1974. Oh, did I forget to tell you to go fuck yourself?

.....and here I commiserated with you and everything.

So, you were trying to get trannies in the military way back in 1974, were you?
Eh they are mentally ill, but no reason to think they can’t do what the job entails.
People with a 50% suicide rate are fine but not the CRAZY SUMBITCH that always dreams about being naked in the high school hallway?
Maybe you are right.

So what are they capable of doing according to you? Should they be on the dole because they’re incapable of anything? Are you qualified to set the parameters on what they can and cannot do? Where are your credentials if so?
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!
Why do you say they are ill? They are obviously different but what makes it ill or wrong?
It isnt "wrong" they cant help it. Like schizos. or people with recurring nightmares.
Both conditions you mentioned are considered a danger to the group. What about trans poses a danger to the group?
People that dream about being chased by an alligator are a danger but people suffering from an illness that carries a 50% suicide rate AFTER physical treatment and must take medicine forever, arent.
Got it.

50% suicide rate after surgery? That's not even close to being true.

The suicide rate for transgendered people is higher having little to nothing do with surgery.

Conclusions: We observed no increase in suicide death risk over time and even a decrease in suicide death risk in trans women. However, the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning. It is important to have specific attention for suicide risk in the counseling of this population and in providing suicide prevention programs.

So, while the suicide rate for trans women appears to go down over time, surgery is obviously not by itself going to resolve the challenges that transgendered people feel about themselves reinforced by people like you who insist they are freaks or however you choose to explore you're own sexuality.

Obviously you are personally most likely not affected by transgenderism, but you guys love to talk about "trannies" and "chicks with dicks" and are totally in on sexual innuendoes. Let 'em be, they've never done a fucking thing to you. You're not qualified to diagnose them so leave it to professionals. The ones without the political hooks in right wing think tanks.

Even if it were true so what? The half of cock cutters don’t have suicidal ideations and some of them are capable of military work if that’s their choice. Why deprive them?
NOBODY with 'special needs' should serve in our military. This shit isn't complicated unless you want it to be.

Yeah but who’s to say they require special needs? So long as they’re not asking for special privileges and they’re capable of doing the same work everyone else is, I don’t think it’s right to discriminate against them.

Hiring NORMAL people who meet guidelines isn’t really discriminating against abnormals who don’t meet guidelines.
Remember the old days when folks had to look and act a certain way in order to obtain obtain gainful employment?
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!

Are you a psychologist - Or did you at least sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
LoL .. Thanks for your professional guidance as to mental illness.
Because people that deny reality arent mentally ill.
Thanks for your input, jackass.
Democrats cant see mental illness because they are
Eh they are mentally ill, but no reason to think they can’t do what the job entails.
People with a 50% suicide rate are fine but not the CRAZY SUMBITCH that always dreams about being naked in the high school hallway?
Maybe you are right.

So what are they capable of doing according to you? Should they be on the dole because they’re incapable of anything? Are you qualified to set the parameters on what they can and cannot do? Where are your credentials if so?
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!
Why do you say they are ill? They are obviously different but what makes it ill or wrong?
It isnt "wrong" they cant help it. Like schizos. or people with recurring nightmares.
Both conditions you mentioned are considered a danger to the group. What about trans poses a danger to the group?
People that dream about being chased by an alligator are a danger but people suffering from an illness that carries a 50% suicide rate AFTER physical treatment and must take medicine forever, arent.
Got it.

50% suicide rate after surgery? That's not even close to being true.

The suicide rate for transgendered people is higher having little to nothing do with surgery.

Conclusions: We observed no increase in suicide death risk over time and even a decrease in suicide death risk in trans women. However, the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning. It is important to have specific attention for suicide risk in the counseling of this population and in providing suicide prevention programs.

So, while the suicide rate for trans women appears to go down over time, surgery is obviously not by itself going to resolve the challenges that transgendered people feel about themselves reinforced by people like you who insist they are freaks or however you choose to explore you're own sexuality.

Obviously you are personally most likely not affected by transgenderism, but you guys love to talk about "trannies" and "chicks with dicks" and are totally in on sexual innuendoes. Let 'em be, they've never done a fucking thing to you. You're not qualified to diagnose them so leave it to professionals. The ones without the political hooks in right wing think tanks.

Even if it were true so what? The half of cock cutters don’t have suicidal ideations and some of them are capable of military work if that’s their choice. Why deprive them?
NOBODY with 'special needs' should serve in our military. This shit isn't complicated unless you want it to be.

Yeah but who’s to say they require special needs? So long as they’re not asking for special privileges and they’re capable of doing the same work everyone else is, I don’t think it’s right to discriminate against them.

Hiring NORMAL people who meet guidelines isn’t really discriminating against abnormals who don’t meet guidelines.
Remember the old days when folks had to look and act a certain way in order to obtain obtain gainful employment?
Hire whoever you want for your private business. The military is owned by the people and is held to a hire responsibility
…if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered…

If you're so confused about the difference between men and women that you consider there to be any valid basis for “transgenderism”, then that is prima facie proof that you are suffering from a severe mental defect, and certainly not fit for military duty.
I guess when your [sic] not intelligent enough to respond with words you should just use animated cartoons. Well played!

Unlike some, I am intelligent enough to use the correct words, when I use them. For example, I know the difference between “your” and “you're”. I'm struck by the irony of an illiterate retard trying to cast aspersions on my literacy.

But then, I'm trying to explain this to someone who isn't even smart enough to understand the difference between men and women. Rather like the cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing.
Eh they are mentally ill, but no reason to think they can’t do what the job entails.
People with a 50% suicide rate are fine but not the CRAZY SUMBITCH that always dreams about being naked in the high school hallway?
Maybe you are right.

So what are they capable of doing according to you? Should they be on the dole because they’re incapable of anything? Are you qualified to set the parameters on what they can and cannot do? Where are your credentials if so?
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!
Why do you say they are ill? They are obviously different but what makes it ill or wrong?
It isnt "wrong" they cant help it. Like schizos. or people with recurring nightmares.
Both conditions you mentioned are considered a danger to the group. What about trans poses a danger to the group?
People that dream about being chased by an alligator are a danger but people suffering from an illness that carries a 50% suicide rate AFTER physical treatment and must take medicine forever, arent.
Got it.

50% suicide rate after surgery? That's not even close to being true.

The suicide rate for transgendered people is higher having little to nothing do with surgery.

Conclusions: We observed no increase in suicide death risk over time and even a decrease in suicide death risk in trans women. However, the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning. It is important to have specific attention for suicide risk in the counseling of this population and in providing suicide prevention programs.

So, while the suicide rate for trans women appears to go down over time, surgery is obviously not by itself going to resolve the challenges that transgendered people feel about themselves reinforced by people like you who insist they are freaks or however you choose to explore you're own sexuality.

Obviously you are personally most likely not affected by transgenderism, but you guys love to talk about "trannies" and "chicks with dicks" and are totally in on sexual innuendoes. Let 'em be, they've never done a fucking thing to you. You're not qualified to diagnose them so leave it to professionals. The ones without the political hooks in right wing think tanks.

Even if it were true so what? The half of cock cutters don’t have suicidal ideations and some of them are capable of military work if that’s their choice. Why deprive them?
NOBODY with 'special needs' should serve in our military. This shit isn't complicated unless you want it to be.

Yeah but who’s to say they require special needs? So long as they’re not asking for special privileges and they’re capable of doing the same work everyone else is, I don’t think it’s right to discriminate against them.

Hiring NORMAL people who meet guidelines isn’t really discriminating against abnormals who don’t meet guidelines.
Remember the old days when folks had to look and act a certain way in order to obtain obtain gainful employment?
Hire whoever you want for your private business. The military is owned by the people and is held to a hire responsibility
Our military is owned by the people so therefore bleeding heart whackos in Mexifornia and Loon York decide who we hire?
I guess when your [sic] not intelligent enough to respond with words you should just use animated cartoons. Well played!

Unlike some, I am intelligent enough to use the correct words, when I use them. For example, I know the difference between “your” and “you're”.

But then, I'm trying to explain this to someone who isn't even smart enough to understand the difference between men and women. Rather like the cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing.
Haha, I love it when y’all run from the substance to try and fling insults about typos. Almost as good at the cartoons.
Eh they are mentally ill, but no reason to think they can’t do what the job entails.
People with a 50% suicide rate are fine but not the CRAZY SUMBITCH that always dreams about being naked in the high school hallway?
Maybe you are right.

So what are they capable of doing according to you? Should they be on the dole because they’re incapable of anything? Are you qualified to set the parameters on what they can and cannot do? Where are your credentials if so?
Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military | Fox News
Because they are mentally ill. Thats why.
You can get kicked out of the military for having recurring nightmares, but not delusion? Lol
Murica' Fuck yeah!
Why do you say they are ill? They are obviously different but what makes it ill or wrong?
It isnt "wrong" they cant help it. Like schizos. or people with recurring nightmares.
Both conditions you mentioned are considered a danger to the group. What about trans poses a danger to the group?
People that dream about being chased by an alligator are a danger but people suffering from an illness that carries a 50% suicide rate AFTER physical treatment and must take medicine forever, arent.
Got it.

50% suicide rate after surgery? That's not even close to being true.

The suicide rate for transgendered people is higher having little to nothing do with surgery.

Conclusions: We observed no increase in suicide death risk over time and even a decrease in suicide death risk in trans women. However, the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning. It is important to have specific attention for suicide risk in the counseling of this population and in providing suicide prevention programs.

So, while the suicide rate for trans women appears to go down over time, surgery is obviously not by itself going to resolve the challenges that transgendered people feel about themselves reinforced by people like you who insist they are freaks or however you choose to explore you're own sexuality.

Obviously you are personally most likely not affected by transgenderism, but you guys love to talk about "trannies" and "chicks with dicks" and are totally in on sexual innuendoes. Let 'em be, they've never done a fucking thing to you. You're not qualified to diagnose them so leave it to professionals. The ones without the political hooks in right wing think tanks.

Even if it were true so what? The half of cock cutters don’t have suicidal ideations and some of them are capable of military work if that’s their choice. Why deprive them?
NOBODY with 'special needs' should serve in our military. This shit isn't complicated unless you want it to be.

Yeah but who’s to say they require special needs? So long as they’re not asking for special privileges and they’re capable of doing the same work everyone else is, I don’t think it’s right to discriminate against them.

Hiring NORMAL people who meet guidelines isn’t really discriminating against abnormals who don’t meet guidelines.
Remember the old days when folks had to look and act a certain way in order to obtain obtain gainful employment?
Hire whoever you want for your private business. The military is owned by the people and is held to a hire responsibility
Our military is owned by the people so therefore bleeding heart whackos in Mexifornia and Loon York decide who we hire?
Why would you think that?
…if you think there is nothing wrong with being transgendered…

If you're so confused about the difference between men and women that you consider there to be any valid basis for “transgenderism”, then that is prima facie proof that you are suffering from a severe mental defect, and certainly not fit for military duty.

I understand the difference between men and women. I understand what biological sex is as well as gender. You're triggered, good.
Haha, I love it when y’all run from the substance to try and fling insults about typos. Almost as good at the cartoons.

You're the one who suggested that my literacy was deficient, remember? And in so doing, you failed to achieve even nearly the level of literacy that I nearly always exhibit.

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