Why is Biden so unpopular now?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

People are speculating as to why polls show Biden is in the dog house now in terms of popularity. And as you might suspect, much of it stems from how he handled the Afghanistan fiasco.

1. He lied repeatedly about the conditions and expectations of what to expect in Afghanistan. He told untruths about how it was unlikely that the Taliban would take over quickly, and he lied about not leaving until all Americans were out. This is just a few of the repeated lies coming from Biden and the State Department.

2. He sold himself as the only competent adult running. But when you look at how he has handled himself, Biden avoids the press, and even went on vacation as Afghanistan was falling apart. His staff then make it clear to him that the optics don't look good regarding him being on vacation while Rome burns, so he then gives a quick press conference WITHOUT answering any questions, and then resumes his vacation.

3. Four Gold Star families complained about being disrespected by Joe Biden when their sons were being laid to rest. Biden seemed more preoccupied with wanting to leave as he repeatedly checked his watch according to the families. And the families all said Biden kept talking about his son who was in the military and who later died from cancer, as if he knew the pain they were suffering, just like he insists to this very day that he handled the Afghanistan situation well.

Stepping back from all this, what is clear is that Biden is a narcissist and appears to be incapable of correction and empathy. He is a man who cannot fathom that he has ever done anything wrong in his life, and discounts those that say otherwise.

In a way, he is the perfect man for a government that seems equally distant and cold to the feelings of the average American. A man that does not need to be accountable for anything he does or says. And a man who can probably win reelection in 2024 despite how the average man feels about him because of the successful demonization of Orange man in the press.

The only question is, who is disliked more, Biden or his VP?

He was NEVER that popular. He would not be the post turtle he is if 10 million asswipes could not have mailed in 8 ballots each and get him over the line.

Just a guess, but maybe because he has literally fucked up everything he has touched. In only 8 months.
True, but I think it has a lot to do with behavior, like talking down to Gold Star families as their loved one is put to rest and being more preoccupied with his son than their son, as if he has any idea how it feels to have their loved one gunned down in the line of duty cuz his son was in the military too. Or avoiding the press in a time of national crisis and going on vacation.

It is one thing to screw things up, but it is another thing to be indifferent to it and unable to even see that you have screwed something up.

In a way, the country is in a continual state of crisis with someone at the helm who is incompetent and tone deaf.

But the bad thing for the DNC is, even with the media continuing to cover for him, the poll numbers keep tanking. Usually they are able to control public opinion better than this. But perhaps they are confident they can demonize Orange man easy enough for Biden to win in 2024.

People are speculating as to why polls show Biden is in the dog house now in terms of popularity. And as you might suspect, much of it stems from how he handled the Afghanistan fiasco.

1. He lied repeatedly about the conditions and expectations of what to expect in Afghanistan. He told untruths about how it was unlikely that the Taliban would take over quickly, and he lied about not leaving until all Americans were out. This is just a few of the repeated lies coming from Biden and the State Department.

2. He sold himself as the only competent adult running. But when you look at how he has handled himself, Biden avoids the press, and even went on vacation as Afghanistan was falling apart. His staff then make it clear to him that the optics don't look good regarding him being on vacation while Rome burns, so he then gives a quick press conference WITHOUT answering any questions, and then resumes his vacation.

3. Four Gold Star families complained about being disrespected by Joe Biden when their sons were being laid to rest. Biden seemed more preoccupied with wanting to leave as he repeatedly checked his watch according to the families. And the families all said Biden kept talking about his son who was in the military and who later died from cancer, as if he knew the pain they were suffering, just like he insists to this very day that he handled the Afghanistan situation well.

Stepping back from all this, what is clear is that Biden is a narcissist and appears to be incapable of correction and empathy. He is a man who cannot fathom that he has ever done anything wrong in his life, and discounts those that say otherwise.

In a way, he is the perfect man for a government that seems equally distant and cold to the feelings of the average American. A man that does not need to be accountable for anything he does or says. And a man who can probably win reelection in 2024 despite how the average man feels about him because of the successful demonization of Orange man in the press.

The only question is, who is disliked more, Biden or his VP?
Several things come together to go badly at the same time...duh....
But, that's the measure of a good leader. How they do when times are BAD..not when
the country is skating and times are good. Yes, he's fucked up. But so far, he hasn't cost
500K plus Americans their lives yet. :)

That Afghanistan balloon is slowly losing its air. Your side didn't get as much mileage out of
it as you thought you were going to get. You can thank the Texas SC and the SC for that...whoops.
The cork needed to be put in that sieve. The buck stopped at Biden's desk. He made the call. It
went badly for him but I support him ending things. I have a feeling most Americans (except for the alt-right)
will come around to thinking the same thing.

Again,, come back and see me in three months to see where Biden's approval rating is.
Several things come together to go badly at the same time...duh....
But, that's the measure of a good leader. How they do when times are BAD..not when
the country is skating and times are good. Yes, he's fucked up. But so far, he hasn't cost
500K plus Americans their lives yet. :)

That Afghanistan balloon is slowly losing its air. Your side didn't get as much mileage out of
it as you thought you were going to get. You can thank the Texas SC and the SC for that...whoops.
The cork needed to be put in that sieve. The buck stopped at Biden's desk. He made the call. It
went badly for him but I support him ending things. I have a feeling most Americans (except for the alt-right)
will come around to thinking the same thing.

Again,, come back and see me in three months to see where Biden's approval rating is.
So the measure of a good leader is how he does after he fucked everything up? LOL

People are speculating as to why polls show Biden is in the dog house now in terms of popularity. And as you might suspect, much of it stems from how he handled the Afghanistan fiasco.

1. He lied repeatedly about the conditions and expectations of what to expect in Afghanistan. He told untruths about how it was unlikely that the Taliban would take over quickly, and he lied about not leaving until all Americans were out. This is just a few of the repeated lies coming from Biden and the State Department.

2. He sold himself as the only competent adult running. But when you look at how he has handled himself, Biden avoids the press, and even went on vacation as Afghanistan was falling apart. His staff then make it clear to him that the optics don't look good regarding him being on vacation while Rome burns, so he then gives a quick press conference WITHOUT answering any questions, and then resumes his vacation.

3. Four Gold Star families complained about being disrespected by Joe Biden when their sons were being laid to rest. Biden seemed more preoccupied with wanting to leave as he repeatedly checked his watch according to the families. And the families all said Biden kept talking about his son who was in the military and who later died from cancer, as if he knew the pain they were suffering, just like he insists to this very day that he handled the Afghanistan situation well.

Stepping back from all this, what is clear is that Biden is a narcissist and appears to be incapable of correction and empathy. He is a man who cannot fathom that he has ever done anything wrong in his life, and discounts those that say otherwise.

In a way, he is the perfect man for a government that seems equally distant and cold to the feelings of the average American. A man that does not need to be accountable for anything he does or says. And a man who can probably win reelection in 2024 despite how the average man feels about him because of the successful demonization of Orange man in the press.

The only question is, who is disliked more, Biden or his VP?
huh, they don't seem to mention any polls. One recent poll (iirc) put him at over 50% approval. Then again, the latest Rasmusen Poll puts him down where Trump was:
Several things come together to go badly at the same time...duh....
But, that's the measure of a good leader. How they do when times are BAD..not when
the country is skating and times are good. Yes, he's fucked up. But so far, he hasn't cost
500K plus Americans their lives yet. :)

That Afghanistan balloon is slowly losing its air. Your side didn't get as much mileage out of
it as you thought you were going to get. You can thank the Texas SC and the SC for that...whoops.
The cork needed to be put in that sieve. The buck stopped at Biden's desk. He made the call. It
went badly for him but I support him ending things. I have a feeling most Americans (except for the alt-right)
will come around to thinking the same thing.

Again,, come back and see me in three months to see where Biden's approval rating is.
Trump killed 500 thousand people did he? How did he do that exactly?

As I said, the media has perfected propaganda, so it will probably matter little how bad he screws up because the media controls elections now. Censoring social media this last election I think was the straw that broke the camels back. No free media means democracy can't work anymore.
Several things come together to go badly at the same time...duh....
But, that's the measure of a good leader. How they do when times are BAD..not when
the country is skating and times are good. Yes, he's fucked up. But so far, he hasn't cost
500K plus Americans their lives yet. :)

That Afghanistan balloon is slowly losing its air. Your side didn't get as much mileage out of
it as you thought you were going to get. You can thank the Texas SC and the SC for that...whoops.
The cork needed to be put in that sieve. The buck stopped at Biden's desk. He made the call. It
went badly for him but I support him ending things. I have a feeling most Americans (except for the alt-right)
will come around to thinking the same thing.

Again,, come back and see me in three months to see where Biden's approval rating is.
Jim Acosta is Cuban, Chech and Irish. He wants Communism and Eastern Europe type of living for us all.
Trump killed 500 thousand people did he? How did he do that exactly?

As I said, the media has perfected propaganda, so it will probably matter little how bad he screws up because the media controls elections now. Censoring social media this last election I think was the straw that broke the camels back. No free media means democracy can't work anymore.
Blew the response to the virus. Period. That's not propaganda. That's the truth. Don't blame the media for reporting Trump's self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
He made the lion share of his issues. No self-awareness. No humility. No compassion. No competence.
Jim Acosta is Cuban, Chech and Irish. He wants Communism and Eastern Europe type of living for us all.
I think Biden just wants an easy life and to left the hell alone, so he will sell out to whoever he needs to in order to get that done.
Joe Biden was never popular. Think about it. The supposed Party of “diversity” and “progressivism” voted for an old white, life long politician with a history of making questionable racist statements. They voted for him because more than half their electorate believed the lies about President Trump that were fed to them 24/7. Joe Biden received 10,000,000+ votes more than Obama? These people had no idea who and what they were voting for and ended up voting against there own self interests. That is the epitome of ignorance.
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Blew the response to the virus. Period. That's not propaganda. That's the truth. Don't blame the media for reporting Trump's self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
He made the lion share of his issues. No self-awareness. No humility. No compassion. No competence.
Trump did exactly what your boy Fauci told him to do. That's what killed those people, but Biden is bringing the pandemic back.
Well, 20% of Biden voters wanted their vote back. And that was BEFORE the Afghan shitshow.

This whole administration is a sinking ship. They know it and there's not much they can do about it now.
So the measure of a good leader is how he does after he fucked everything up? LOL
He fucked up the with the Afghanistan withdrawal. The rest?...a matter of alt-right perspective, things beyond his control, and having to deal with the legacy of his predecessor's decisions...or...non-decisions. :)
Trump did exactly what your boy Fauci told him to do. That's what killed those people, but Biden is bringing the pandemic back.
No. You can spin it whatever way you'd like but the people giving this pandemic new life are majority Trump supporters who refuse to get vaccinated for one reason or the other.
Trump didn't listen to Fauci. He dismissed him.
My parents owned a retirement home when I was a small boy.

We had one woman in the early stages of Alzheimer's who would take calls on her shoe, watch her deceased husband farm the fields in front of the home.

There was a highway there.

She was capable of holding very brief conversations involving single, uncomplex questions.

Would you like a glass of water?

Are you cold?

Are you hungry?

However, if you asked her to explain, she would ramble, and stammer on from topic to topic, and then just go silent.

Joe is approaching that. I am willing to bet he is already on one, if not multiple medications for dementia.

I recall one of our nurse staff commenting to my father when the topic arose of her being relocated to a nursing home.

The reason, one night she gained access to the kitchen, removed all of the food from a large refrigerator, she replaced the items with her clothes.

When questioned she stated that she was packing the car to go see her sister

"Last year she was much better."
No. You can spin it whatever way you'd like but the people giving this pandemic new life are majority Trump supporters who refuse to get vaccinated for one reason or the other.
Trump didn't listen to Fauci. He dismissed him.
We do not care about blue areas anymore. And growing ones. Limited nuclear, biological and chemical warfare in these areas will end this long suffering national nightmare. It is not about Trump.

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