Why is Biden's cabinet members predominantly Jewish?

Well you are doing a fine Job I tell ya!

Now do I put a flaming cross on the lawn, wear a pillow case and have a Battle Flag if Lee with me and can I change my name to Jim Bob?
"Of" an "Billy Bob", "Jimmy Joe" and other double names work just as well.
The book of Jonah deals with xenophobia.
Written long before the US was formed as a nation.

The US was always pretty welcoming of immigration from Northern and Western Europe, exclusive of course of the Irish who are "subhuman inferiors".
"Of" an "Billy Bob", "Jimmy Joe" and other double names work just as well.
Hey, I am trying to convince the OP I am like him and you ain’t helping me by trying to fix my OF because I knew it was if or was it IF and should have been OF and do I need a Banjo?
Written long before the US was formed as a nation.

The US was always pretty welcoming of immigration from Northern and Western Europe, exclusive of course of the Irish who are "subhuman inferiors".
Italians, Puerto Ricans, Spanish, Greeks and Eastern Europeans as well as Arabs suffered discrimination.
Like these White guilt cucks.


I sincerely hope they now feel better about themselves.

laughing animated.gif

Not only do I feel no guilt for the actions of men who lived more than a hundred years ago and did bad things, there's no possibility period I'll ever get on my knees for anyone other than God.

When I do though, I sure hope he helps me back up!
Because 'White' in that case meant Anglo-Saxon with a few variations.

No, what we are saying is you are dumber than a box of rocks to think you can apply what happened in the 1700’s to today time…
That's some bullshit. Enlightenment principles were superior to Jewish theological culture then, and still are today.

The ground rules of the nation, and indeed, the forum, are America's founding documents. Any ethnic or population group that feels it doesn't want to assimilate to that?

. . . . can take a hike.
A really poor article making the same "mistake" we usually see from the left.

With Totalitarian Dictatorship at the far left and Anarchism on the far right Fascism and Marxism both fall well left of center.

Identity politics making race the center of debate also falls well to the left because libertarians, true liberals and real conservatives don't give a damn about race.
Now we know why America is in peril. People need to wake up! Biden has zero America Firsters in his cabinet.

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all Jewish! Why is that?

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State

✡️️ Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director

Why, for you, of course. He did it just to piss you off. Is it working?
That's some bullshit. Enlightenment principles were superior to Jewish theological culture then, and still are today.

The ground rules of the nation, and indeed, the forum, are America's founding documents. Any ethnic or population group that feels it doesn't want to assimilate to that?

. . . . can take a hike.
"Judeo-Christian Values" are "Enlightenment Principles".

They are the ethics and principles that inspired the Enlightenment to begin with identifying God as having created and granted our natural rights.
"Judeo-Christian Values" are "Enlightenment Principles".

They are the ethics and principles that inspired the Enlightenment to begin with identifying God as having created and granted our natural rights.

The values of the Jewish Talmud, more closely resemble the Jesuit plans to control the masses around the planet, much like fascist ideology.

Empiricism, Skepticism, Liberalism, Individualism, these are the values of the Enlightenment => Freedom.

Control, Obedience, Hierarchy, Collectivism, these are the values of the Talmud => Authoritarianism.

The only thing the Americans took from Jews, was that Christianity was based on Judaism. "Until 1820, the Jewish population of America was only about 6,000!"

Jews and the Founding of America​


". . . It must be noted however that some of the other founding fathers were a bit more ambivalent about the Jews than was Washington.

John Adams, who said some highly complimentary things about the Jews,(3) also noted that “it is very hard work to love most of them [the Jews]. And he looked forward to the day when “the asperities and peculiarities of their character” would be worn away and they would become “liberal Unitarian Christians.”

Thomas Jefferson thought Jews needed more secular learning so that “they will become equal object of respect and favor,” implying that without such learning they could not expect to be respected. Writes Arthur Hertzberg in The Jews in America (p. 87):

“Jefferson was thus expressing the view of the mainstream of the Enlightenment, that all men could attain equal place in society, but the ‘entrance fee’ was that they should adopt the ways and the outlook of the ‘enlightened.’ Jefferson did not consider that a Yiddish-speaking Jew who knew the Talmud was equal in usefulness to society with a classically trained thinker like himself.”

This idea that there was freedom for you in America as long as you were not “too Jewish,” kept most Jews away. Until 1820, the Jewish population of America was only about 6,000!

This changed in the 1830s when Reform German Jews, who had scrapped traditional Judaism and were not “too Jewish,” began to arrive. The great migrations of poor, oppressed Jews from Eastern Europe would follow near the turn of the century. But before we take up that story, we must look to see what was happening to the Jews of Europe."

I have absolutely no problem with Jews in America, as long as they respect, and cherish American culture and traditions.

The problem? Is when they want to serve in American government, and KEEP Israeli citizenship. I have always thought that THIS, is problematic. IN this? I agree with Teddy Roosevelt. I would disagree with any British or Mexican, that wanted to likewise serve in our government, and keep their citizenship.


Time For New Rules In Washington Dealing With Dual Citizenship​

". . . For example, President James Buchanan, although his father was naturalized as a U.S. citizen, was still a British subject by virtue of his birth to an Irish father. President Chester A. Arthur’s father was born in Ireland and a British subject at the time the president was born in the United States and thus passed down his citizenship to Arthur. It was President Teddy Roosevelt, however, who first raised questions about dual citizenship in regard to politics, calling it a self-evident absurdity. Most recently, the issue was raised in regard to the foreign citizenship of Ted Cruz when he ran against Donald Trump in 2016.. . . "

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

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