Why is Biden's cabinet members predominantly Jewish?

I will answer it because the Jewish people in Government are not the issue but it is those like you are the issue.

Jewish people just like Muslims, Christians and so on are not the real issue but it is their radical elements like you that are the issue…

I bitched today about the black racists on this site and then here you are helping confirm the other side is as retarded.

So answer me this why are you so concerned about being replaced?
Replacement for White people is a reality the founders didn't want.
Lots of sensitive folks are denying reality of ZOG. By the way, according to Ancestry I am 9% Jew. But obviously many people prefer to avoid the obvious, that Jews obtained control of key elements of society and are apparently intentionally destroying it or are simply incompetent idiots which begs the question, why were they hired or appointed to begin with. Is there a Jew in power that objects to the notion White people are evil? It is part of their religious/cultural identity. :dunno:
Being Jewish in America doesn't make you beholding to the State of Israel any more than being Catholic makes one beholding to Italy.

You are an Anti-Semitic fool.
Richard Nixon would disagree.

'It’s about time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second,'
Lots of sensitive folks are denying reality of ZOG. By the way, according to Ancestry I am 9% Jew. But obviously many people prefer to avoid the obvious, that Jews obtained control of key elements of society and are apparently intentionally destroying it. I mean is there a Jew in power that objects to the notion White people are evil?
We are evil, but that is what makes us so damn good…
Now we know why America is in peril. People need to wake up! Biden has zero America Firsters in his cabinet.

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all Jewish! Why is that?

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State

✡️️ Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director

Because they're smart people. Because they're not the rednecks you'd prefer?
Richard Nixon would disagree.

'It’s about time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second,'
Nixon? Really? That's the best you have?

poor baby.gif

What an idiot.
The founder’s didn’t want you to vote either unless you own land, so you better own land and if not I am invoking the right to deny you any right to vote…

You need to get real…
Oh I own plenty of land. Lots of it for hunting wild game.
Lots of sensitive folks are denying reality of ZOG. By the way, according to Ancestry I am 9% Jew. But obviously many people prefer to avoid the obvious, that Jews obtained control of key elements of society and are apparently intentionally destroying it or are simply incompetent idiots. I mean is there a Jew in power that objects to the notion White people are evil? It is part of their religious/cultural identity. :dunno:
So the other 97% of people in positions of power who are mostly white have no part in your perceived destruction of the country?

These are democrat policies, not Jewish Policies and they are shared as desired goals by the entire left not just the "Jewish Left".

You people are blinded by your own hate and stupidity as much as any leftist in the US. You're just mirror images of one another.

How about Cabinet members who speak English?
I'm still waiting for the idiot to explain how anyone can be "emboldened to another country".

Not only is there an apparent allergy to rational thought, he seems to have one making exposure to a dictionary fatal.
Maybe his family tree doesn't branch.
I am not going there because that subject is off limits, and I am already hated on this board by the individuals that run it, so I ain’t going there surda …

Let debate his stupidity without attacking someone family…

What it is those like him are usually men who have low self esteem and feel that minorities are to blame for their failure in life…
Because they're smart people. Because they're not the rednecks you'd prefer?
Question: if ZOG is smart, why is the result of their policies destroying everything and making Whitey (who created civilization) slaves? Answer: because they are clever indeed! But because of hundreds of "non-profit" groups, (ADL, SPLC, etc.) they are untouchable! Tell the truth and go to jail!

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