Why is Biden's cabinet members predominantly Jewish?

I am not going there because that subject is off limits, and I am already hated on this board by the individuals that run it, so I ain’t going there surda …

Let debate his stupidity without attacking someone family…

What it is those like him are usually men who have low self esteem and feel that minorities are to blame for their failure in life…

I will answer and the poster has another thread about Hispanics and how they are replacing white society, so tell me is the Op a racist or just misunderstood?
Well he's too dumb to realize that over 90% of Hispanics and Latino's in the US are considered to be white.

Huge Smiley.jpg
So the other 97% of people in positions of power who are mostly white have no part in your perceived destruction of the country?

These are democrat policies, not Jewish Policies and they are shared as desired goals by the entire left not just the "Jewish Left".

You people are blinded by your own hate and stupidity as much as any leftist in the US. You're just mirror images of one another.
The public education indoctrin
The First Jews to Settle in what is the US today arrived around 1700 so they too were very much a part of our founding,.
You do know this nation was created for White citizens only, right?
Question: if ZOG is smart, why is the result of their policies destroying everything and making Whitey (who created civilization) slaves? Answer: because they are clever indeed! But because of hundreds of "non-profit" groups, (ADL, SPLC, etc.) they are untouchable! Tell the truth and go to jail!

The reality is that people end up in government because they attract the attention of those running the government. Whoever those people are.

And the agendas that exist can often be very complex and contradictory.

The problem with the US system of voting representatives is it's very easy to manipulate. And they manipulate like crazy to get people who will do the bidding of those with the power.

But the American people are so fucking blind, I've been talking about Proportional Representation on this forum, a forum, you'd hope, full of people interested in politics.

For the most part the responses are "PR, what's that? I can't even be bothered to look it up" and "they haven't told me I like it, so it must be bad" and "This is muhmerica, we don't do no fancy dancy crap like that, we're not Europe" and other such brain dead responses. Though I think I've peaked the attention of about three people in what, 8 years at least.....
I read that slave traders were of Jewish extraction. Not blaming them. Black tribal leaders were offering their slaves at discounted prices. :heehee:
So why is the first and second amendments still upheld today? They're still cherished and were created in the 1700's
Yeah and other amendments were added to give people freedom and rights, so times have changed but don’t worry skippy you can tell us all about your fear of losing power in life…
Where is that written?
Naturalization Act of 1790. The very first legislation by the first Congress. Here it is:

Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) is a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free White person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free black people and Asians.
Yeah and other amendments were added to give people freedom and rights, so times have changed but don’t worry skippy you can tell us all about your fear of losing power in life…
I keep looking to find, "One White Nation Under God" in our founding documents but can't. Am I missing something?
Naturalization Act of 1790. The very first legislation by the first Congress. Here it is:

Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) is a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free White person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free black people and Asians.
The US already existed by that point and again, Jews, Spanish, and Portuguese were considered to be "White" at the time.

Native born Americans and those living in the US at the time the Constitution was ratified did not have to be naturalized because they were citizens by birth unde the Jus Soli doctrine.

They were not just citizens, they were "Natural Born Citizens".

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