Zone1 Why is Christianity True And Not The Faith Of The Hare Krishnas?

Tell Putin to leave the Ukraine as soon as possible.
Neither I, Putin, nor his Army are occupying NoKrainium. They are having tea, Vodka, and my donation of Slivovica in the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.
Best date to do so is yesterday.
Oh gee, you missed the date! :icon_cry:Your bedmate NoKrainiums are being slaughtered so badly that the average age of their conscripts is 45 years old. If you want your citizens and the NATO dupes to be part of the statistics just come over to NoKrainium. We've prepared a party for you with a pyrotechnic extravaganza. :auiqs.jpg:
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If you dont accept Christ that is your choice

But you are gamboling with your soul
Your religion is garbage. No decent person would ever fall for it. Keep your wacko, sadistic, psycho-god, who tortures people forever for not converting to a religion. I could never love and serve a god like that.
Your religion is garbage. No decent person would ever fall for it. Keep your sadistic, psycho-god, who tortures people forever for not converting to a religion.
Ok if you say so

Its no skin off my nose what happens to you
That is just your belief which you express as Faith in a desperate attempt to make it appear that you have a reasoned reason .
Which , of course , you do not .

P.S . Do souls gambol? Or are you gambling on that as a matter of Faith ?
Ok, same reply to you as I gave to Red Front

Your lack of Faith is your problem not mine
Ok if you say so

Its no skin off my nose what happens to you
I didn't say there's no God, I said your god isn't God. Your god is a sadistic monster who tortures people in hell for all eternity for not converting to a particular religion. Even predestines people to eternal torture. You worship an evil god.
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I didn't say there's no God, I said your god isn't God. Your god is a sadistic monster that tortures people in hell for all eternity for not converting to a particular religion. Even predestines people to eternal torture. You worship an evil god.

Its your problem not mine
Good for you
Bad for you, a person who worships a demon, who keeps human souls alive in the hell he created, torturing them for all eternity. He's a sadistic, wicked devil.
Ok, if you say so
I say it because it's true. Now have the last word if you want and delude yourself into thinking you "won" something. I have better things to do with my precious time than waste it here going back and forth with you. Good riddance, I'm done with you.
I say it because it's true. Now have the last word if you want and delude yourself into thinking you "won" something. I have better things to do with my precious time than waste it here going back and forth with you. Good riddance, I'm done with you.
I havent tried to win anything with you

Didnt I make it clear that I dont care what you believe or what happens to your soul?
... Your bedmate NoKrainiums are being slaughtered so badly ...

Aha. You do not live in fear of god nor do you believe in your own karma and you seem to practice not any other form of spiritual system and you also do not know what is justice or grace. I fear if you will win then this will be your greatest defeat. But don't worry. I do not think god will let you win in the end, challenger. In the end everything will be good. And as long as it is still not good it is not the end.

PS: By the way a serios question: Why do you live? Would the universe not be a better place without you?
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That makes sense to you? The God of Israel, YHWH killing himself because he supposedly can't forgive? If someone doesn't believe this, this same God, who killed himself/his son (????????) will damned them to hell, forever. That's what the vast majority of Protestant Christians believe. Most Christians believe that non-Christians are damned.
You have the story wrong. Can you tell me why you changed the story from Christ coming to save people from their sins to God killing himself? Jesus saving people from sin is a world of difference from God killing himself. So tell me. In your story, why do you have God killing himself? I need to first understand the reasons for your perspective.

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