Why is congress exempt from obamacare?

screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.

prove me wrong Jokey...

the UNIONS are attempting now to pull the same stunt....they also don't want to pay the extra Obummercare costs for their Cadillac plans either...
screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.

prove me wrong Jokey...

the UNIONS are attempting now to pull the same stunt....they also don't want to pay the extra Obummercare costs for their Cadillac plans either...

the union bosses all left obama's meeting with shit-eating grins on their faces-----union exdemption coming soon, big business already has a delay, congress has exemption, unions getting exemption. But us normal americans-------we have to lube up and have it rammed up our butts.

Why can't obama-lovers see what is being done to them?
No one does. So lets start there.

Why do they do it? The same reasons they are allowed to vote themselves pay increases. Because they are full of shit

Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.


Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

Republicans have proposed alternatives......like....

tax deductions for your healthcare costs....
being able to buy across state lines.....
providing money for state fund coverage for preexisting conditions....

House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times
Both you and birdog love to live in an accusatory world that fits into your ideology.
Enjoy your fantasy.

Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

You're talking to the people who go batshit crazy over a CEO's million dollar salary, but don't utter a peep over an entertainer's multi million dollar movie contract.

People who go into hysterics about an oil company's %17.2 tax rate, but are delighted GE pays %0.

People who ALLEGEDLY sexually harrassed women and had an affair are people of the worst sort if they're republicans, but any sort of deviancy or perversion is a private matter when they're a democrook.

You don't really think you're going to get a logical response from a bed wetter do you?
No one does. So lets start there.

Why do they do it? The same reasons they are allowed to vote themselves pay increases. Because they are full of shit

Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.


Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

It's not my fault english is your second language.

Why would you need an alternative to a malignant law? Why not just get rid of the law?

Secondly, the problems that obozocare is supposed to fix, are caused by government interference in the medical industy in the first place. ER's should not have to provide services to people who show up everytime they catch a cold and never pay for the service. They shouldn't have to house every homeless guy who gets brought in unresponsive in an ambulance because he doesn't want to sleep outside that night. Doctors shouldn't get sued for 9 figure settlements by the likes of John Edwards.

In otherwords LIBERALISM fucked up healthcare.
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Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.


Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

It's not my fault english is your second language.

Why would you need an alternative to a malignant law? Why not just get rid of the law?

Secondly, the problems that obozocare is supposed to fix, are caused by government interference in the medical industy in the first place. ER's should not have to provide services to people who show up everytime they catch a cold and never pay for the service. They shouldn't have to house every homeless guy who gets brought in unresponsive in an ambulance because he doesn't want to sleep outside that night. Doctors shouldn't get sued for 9 figure settlements by the likes of John Edwards.

In otherwords LIBERALISM fucked up healthcare.

If you tell me to throw out my TV, I'm going to wait until you bring the new one because I'm not stupid. That's why people don't want to get rid of it first for the promise of something later. The only people who fall for that still poop themselves or are in Kindergarten aka Children

Anti anti anti...I know what you DONT like, I'm trying to get you to verbalize what you are in FAVOR for. As much as you dislike Obamacare you cant offer no alternative AND support for no plan.
AS ALWAYS, ALL OF YOU PUB DUPES ARE BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORONS lol MORE stupid BS, for hater dupes only. Factcheck, Snopes, and everyone else says you're a brainwashed idiot. LOL!!

Explanation:The trouble started in 2009 with a cheap stunt orchestrated by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). While lawmakers already get insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan, just like other federal employees, the Iowa Republican pushed a proposal to force members of Congress out of the federal system and into exchanges.The point wasn't to shape policy, but to create a talking point for Republicans. Grassley desperately wanted to say, "Those darn Democrats think the exchanges are good enough for millions of Americans, but not good enough for themselves," and he assumed Dems would balk at his "plan" because they'd be unwilling to give up the generous Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.

But Democrats called Grassley's bluff, embraced his idea, and added it to the Affordable Care Act.And that's where the story gets a little tricky -- Grassley's partisan-stunt-gone-wrong sent members and their aides to get coverage through exchange marketplaces, but never created a mechanism to make that happen.

As Jonathan Cohn explained yesterday:The federal government, like most large employers, not only provides the opportunity for its workers to get insurance. It also pays a large portion of the premium. Now that lawmakers and their advisers were going into the exchanges, what would happen to that contribution? Would they just lose the money?The answer, the administration decided last week, is no. Lawmakers and their staffs could keep their employer contributions, and apply that money towards the cost of whatever insurance they buy in the exchanges.

The policy has nothing to do with "exempting" Congress from the health care law, and everything to do with creating a mechanism through which lawmakers will kick themselves off their own insurance plan and into exchanges without a major premium hike.For Republicans and their allies to whine incessantly about this is ridiculous, even by contemporary conservative standards. We are, after all, talking about an idea pushed by a Republican senator and quietly celebrated away from the cameras by Republican offices.J

on Chait added that the manufactured outrage over an "exemption" for Congress represents "the toxic combination of ignorance and bad faith that has characterized the right's approach to Obamacare."So Grassley's amendment created a situation for government workers that Republicans claimed, falsely, the law would create for everybody else: forcing them off their employer insurance and on to the exchanges. Grassley's amendment didn't even attempt to design a coherent way of changing health-care worker benefits, because, again, it wasn't an attempt to reform health care for Congress and its staff -- it was an attempt to furnish a talking point for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

It yanked away the subsidized health insurance Congress and its staff get, essentially imposing a massive pay cut on those workers.<.blockquote>It was up to the Obama administration to figure out a resolution to this, and last week, to the relief of lawmakers and their staffers, it did -- offering the patch to a problem a Republican senator inadvertently imposed on lawmakers.

Bottom line: has Congress exempted itself from Obamacare? No. Members of the House and Senate, as well as their aides, will be kicked out of the federal system -- all because Grassley played a stupid game -- and will get coverage through exchanges.The exchanges were, of course, designed for Americans who can't get coverage through their employer, but this pool of consumers will have a very notable exception: Congress.Anyone who tells you there's a congressional "exemption" from the law either doesn't know what they're talking about, or assumes you're easily fooled into believing nonsense.
Congress isn't 'exempt' from Obamacare - The Maddow Blog

Congress isn't 'exempt' from Obamacare - The Maddow Blog

Don't you EVER get tired of being a hater dupe? everything YOU KNOW ABOUT aca IS TOTAL bs LOL
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Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

It's not my fault english is your second language.

Why would you need an alternative to a malignant law? Why not just get rid of the law?

Secondly, the problems that obozocare is supposed to fix, are caused by government interference in the medical industy in the first place. ER's should not have to provide services to people who show up everytime they catch a cold and never pay for the service. They shouldn't have to house every homeless guy who gets brought in unresponsive in an ambulance because he doesn't want to sleep outside that night. Doctors shouldn't get sued for 9 figure settlements by the likes of John Edwards.

In otherwords LIBERALISM fucked up healthcare.

If you tell me to throw out my TV, I'm going to wait until you bring the new one because I'm not stupid. That's why people don't want to get rid of it first for the promise of something later. The only people who fall for that still poop themselves or are in Kindergarten aka Children

Anti anti anti...I know what you DONT like, I'm trying to get you to verbalize what you are in FAVOR for. As much as you dislike Obamacare you cant offer no alternative AND support for no plan.

what you don't understand is that the Demoncraps are going to cancel your cable TV and only let you watch certain channels.....then eventually unplug it altogether and replace it with maybe a one-station radio...
Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.


Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

Republicans have proposed alternatives......like....

tax deductions for your healthcare costs....
being able to buy across state lines.....
providing money for state fund coverage for preexisting conditions....

House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times

From the link:
The timing of the bill’s roll-out is conspicuous, since key aspects of the president’s law are set to take effect in less than two weeks, and Republican critics of the law are mounting a last-ditch effort to delay or defund the law as part of fiscal fights on Capitol Hill.

“First of all, we start by repealing Obamacare,” RSC Chairman Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican, said of the new bill.

Read more: House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Then hope that something else will be passed. Trust us!
It's not my fault english is your second language.

Why would you need an alternative to a malignant law? Why not just get rid of the law?

Secondly, the problems that obozocare is supposed to fix, are caused by government interference in the medical industy in the first place. ER's should not have to provide services to people who show up everytime they catch a cold and never pay for the service. They shouldn't have to house every homeless guy who gets brought in unresponsive in an ambulance because he doesn't want to sleep outside that night. Doctors shouldn't get sued for 9 figure settlements by the likes of John Edwards.

In otherwords LIBERALISM fucked up healthcare.

If you tell me to throw out my TV, I'm going to wait until you bring the new one because I'm not stupid. That's why people don't want to get rid of it first for the promise of something later. The only people who fall for that still poop themselves or are in Kindergarten aka Children

Anti anti anti...I know what you DONT like, I'm trying to get you to verbalize what you are in FAVOR for. As much as you dislike Obamacare you cant offer no alternative AND support for no plan.

what you don't understand is that the Demoncraps are going to cancel your cable TV and only let you watch certain channels.....then eventually unplug it altogether and replace it with maybe a one-station radio...

Ok and repubs will......

See the problem you have? You can criticize what we have but if you have no alternative then what we have is pretty good comparably
screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.

wrong, they are keeping the same pays-all plan that they had, and we taxpayers are covering the additional cost. They voted a taxpayer funded subsidy for themselves and their staffs.

check it out, snake. you are wrong.

I still have the same plan I've had for the last 5+ years, does that mean I'm exempt too?

Maybe you should learn what being "exempt" even means before you use such big words.
Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..

Republicans have proposed alternatives......like....

tax deductions for your healthcare costs....
being able to buy across state lines.....
providing money for state fund coverage for preexisting conditions....

House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times

From the link:
The timing of the bill’s roll-out is conspicuous, since key aspects of the president’s law are set to take effect in less than two weeks, and Republican critics of the law are mounting a last-ditch effort to delay or defund the law as part of fiscal fights on Capitol Hill.

“First of all, we start by repealing Obamacare,” RSC Chairman Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican, said of the new bill.

Read more: House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Then hope that something else will be passed. Trust us!

a Republican plan really has no hope of being passed with a Democrat Senate and a Prez who plans to shut down the government because America doesn't like his Obummercare....
Republicans have proposed alternatives......like....

tax deductions for your healthcare costs....
being able to buy across state lines.....
providing money for state fund coverage for preexisting conditions....

House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times

From the link:
The timing of the bill’s roll-out is conspicuous, since key aspects of the president’s law are set to take effect in less than two weeks, and Republican critics of the law are mounting a last-ditch effort to delay or defund the law as part of fiscal fights on Capitol Hill.

“First of all, we start by repealing Obamacare,” RSC Chairman Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican, said of the new bill.

Read more: House Republicans file, promote an alternative to Obamacare - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Then hope that something else will be passed. Trust us!

a Republican plan really has no hope of being passed with a Democrat Senate and a Prez who plans to shut down the government because America doesn't like his Obummercare....

But the republican plan already passed. It's called the Affordable Care Act. Have you heard of it?
Their "plan" is the same as it always has been for multiple situations: Get rid of it first then trust us we will have something better. Honest!
PUBS WON'T EVEN VOTE FOR THEIR OWN IDEAS. Add national exchanges to O-Care fer chrissake, or you malpractice ideas. NOBODY is stopping you...
Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

Why don't you pose your question like an adult? Why are you trolling in 'politics'?

Obamacare hasn't affected my healthcare coverage at all, as far as I know.

What is it forcing you to do?
screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.

wrong, they are keeping the same pays-all plan that they had, and we taxpayers are covering the additional cost. They voted a taxpayer funded subsidy for themselves and their staffs.

check it out, snake. you are wrong.

I still have the same plan I've had for the last 5+ years, does that mean I'm exempt too?

Maybe you should learn what being "exempt" even means before you use such big words.

do you understand what being 'exempt' from the Obummercare rules that require extra $$$ for the same Cadillac plan you now have means.....?
From the link:

Then hope that something else will be passed. Trust us!

a Republican plan really has no hope of being passed with a Democrat Senate and a Prez who plans to shut down the government because America doesn't like his Obummercare....

But the republican plan already passed. It's called the Affordable Care Act. Have you heard of it?

yeah right......how many Republicans voted for it.....?

Their "plan" is the same as it always has been for multiple situations: Get rid of it first then trust us we will have something better. Honest!

i agree that both Rs and Ds have mucked up things royally.....but Obummercare takes the cake....

it's time to change directions...just look how the Tea Party faction turned around the Rinos....:thup:

we need more of this...
a Republican plan really has no hope of being passed with a Democrat Senate and a Prez who plans to shut down the government because America doesn't like his Obummercare....

But the republican plan already passed. It's called the Affordable Care Act. Have you heard of it?

yeah right......how many Republicans voted for it.....?


Doesn't mean it wasn't their idea to begin with. It's the republican plan, embrace it!

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