Why is faux news swift boating again.


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2012
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

Why is the Rest of the media providing Cover for this Failure of a President.
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

Why is the Rest of the media providing Cover for this Failure of a President.

no one will admit to a bad idea, some are having buyers beware, and the media held no bones that they were in teh tank for obama so how could they distance themselves from this meltdown?
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

If the president had taken responsibility for FIXING problems instead of spending 4 years blaming BUSH for his own failures, maybe we'd be in a better position today. Instead what we have are record high gas prices, 10.5% unemployment in the county I live in, and just overall the worst economy our country has endured in the last 30 years. Maybe a little less time playing golf during his administration was needed?
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

If the president had taken responsibility for FIXING problems instead of spending 4 years blaming BUSH for his own failures, maybe we'd be in a better position today. Instead what we have are record high gas prices, 10.5% unemployment in the county I live in, and just overall the worst economy our country has endured in the last 30 years. Maybe a little less time playing golf during his administration was needed?
Another lie swift boating

Reagan 125 days off
Bush1 135
Clinton 68
Bush 2 187 days off
Obama .64

So bub, who spends more time off playing golf?
The Maobama regime screwed the pooch in Lybia, why are you trying to make excuses for them, not a damn thing you posted has anything to do with that FACT. Taking responsibility for their actions or inactions in this case is a virtue the Moabama regime is serverly lacking. He's got to learn to man up for a change.
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So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

If the president had taken responsibility for FIXING problems instead of spending 4 years blaming BUSH for his own failures, maybe we'd be in a better position today. Instead what we have are record high gas prices, 10.5% unemployment in the county I live in, and just overall the worst economy our country has endured in the last 30 years. Maybe a little less time playing golf during his administration was needed?
Another lie swift boating

Reagan 125 days off
Bush1 135
Clinton 68
Bush 2 187 days off
Obama .64

So bub, who spends more time off playing golf?

( emphasis added)

Since you asked so "nicely":

Obama has played golf 100 times so far. Bush played 24 times in 8 years.

In less than one term, Obama has eclipsed his predecessor. President George W. Bush played golf 24 times during eight years in the White House, ABC News' Good Morning America reports.

Obama's Played 100 Rounds Of Golf; Which Presidents Beat That? : The Two-Way : NPR

Oh and...

Where are you getting 64 or .64 days for Obama? In August of 2011 he had already taken 70 days. That was a YEAR ago.

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It's silly, and so fuckin what if he played golf more times, I guess bush a getting friendly with his sheep in Texas for half ofnhis first presidency. It's a tactic they use.
Obama sacrificed four American lives at the American Embassy in Benghazi in order to further his policy of Muslim Appeasement and when it became apparent his vaunted Arab Spring had turned to sh!t with a resurgent al Qaeda in Libya, he turned to his best friend , the "Big Lie". Just four little "Bumps in the road" The US Marines were too busy protecting the US Ambassador in Barbados from drunken American tourists.
Cut the BS. Obama's friend, Soros, orchestrated the September, 2008 bank panic that nearly crushed the US economy the resulting economic malaise caused by that panic still hangs around America's neck like the proverbial albatross. Obama came in and orchestrated a 787 billion slush fund which funneled billions into the pockets of party loyalists and his donors like George Kaiser with his Solyndra debacle and Elon Musk's Tesla motors. The American people in flyover country saw little from that boondoggle, except for Ohio, where the UAW lives high on the hog, though having to carefully step over the bodies of long penniless and dead GM and Chrysler bondholders after Obama's trashing of the nation's long standing bankruptcy laws.
Believe it or not a book has been written about presidents and exercise. The title, Presidents At Golf, by George Sullivan.
Sullivan says, that Ike played more golf than any other president before or since. But the exercise of many president's was not seen by the public, swimming pools installed boarded over, reinstalled, gymnasiums built like the one Reagan installed, and still other presidents did their thing. But if we can anything to slam a president for, let's do it. We are a petty people?
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

Nothing like the Liberal Media using Bain for the same reasons... You hypocrites are really something. And last I checked Democrats voted for those Wars too... What would your response to 9/11 have been? An apology no doubt.
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.

Nothing like the Liberal Media using Bain for the same reasons... You hypocrites are really something. And last I checked Democrats voted for those Wars too... What would your response to 9/11 have been? An apology no doubt.

No it would not have been, I will tell you, personally Iraq would not have happened. also I am not brain washed, i form my own oppinion. It seems to me that people like YOU are brain washed
So it seems the faux news and rwers seem fixated on lybia. Here are some facts you forgetting

1. Bush had 8 years to get osama bin laden, never did.
2. Bush over extended our military.
3. Bush put the wars on a cc, for years to come.
4. Bush cut taxes for the super wealthy at a time of war.
5. Bush wrote a 700 billion drug plan for seniors, that was never paid for.
6. Attacks on en Embasies have happened under all recent administRions.
7. Bush was warned about attacks againt the united states before 911. He failed to act.
8. Bush sat in office during the 2nd largest stock market crash in our history.
9. Bush had a horrid education plan, no child left behind. It failed

Ok before I talk about Obama, I need to point out, NO economist that has any creditibility will agree with this statement. Tax cuts pay for them selves.

Ok .
Obama took one of the worst economic situations and stopped the bleeding.
Obama gave the order to kill osama
Obama oversaw the end of iraq war
Obama is in the precession of overseeing the end of the afganastn war
Obama passed a health care bill that evens the playing field
Obama helped pass equal pay for women
Obama didn't send the united stated to war when provoked making us bleed anymore in all ways.

So faux news and the people who support them, just know your viewership is the least informed base out of all major us media outlets. Also this week it's lybia, next week you will forget all about it, and make a new attack, rince and repeat.
What does any of that list of dubious "accomplishments" have to do with your Boiking lying out his ass to all of us all for nearly two weeks after the incident in Libya?

You do realize that had this been a president with an (R) next to his name, the media jackals would have been running with these outright lies wall-to-wall since the attack and murders happened, don't you?

But he has that (D) by his name, so all you fluffers and butt boys check your curiosity and outrage at the door.
No it would not have been, I will tell you, personally Iraq would not have happened. also I am not brain washed, i form my own oppinion. It seems to me that people like YOU are brain washed
"Regime change in Iraq" was made official federal policy in 1998....Who was president then, fool?

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