Why is heroin used intravenously?

drunks dont like smoking..what fucking bar do you go to?
Yes. Many alcoholics do not smoke at all until they drink. Now smoking has become out of fashion, and almost everyone has quit. Alcoholics hardly smoke. They used to smoke because of fashion, and they often smoked only with mouth. They were forbidden to smoke at their wife's house and they obeyed. I am sure that drunks do not tolerate tobacco well, and they do not even get used to it. And a heroin addict on a dose can smoke a pack in 2 hours.
In the 90s, alcoholics simply pretended to be smokers, there is no doubt about it. A smoker cannot easily go without cigarettes for several hours. They do not care about tobacco, it is only a burden to them.
It is even difficult for them to smoke on the go, they stop to smoke. I ran cross country with a cigarette in my mouth at school and it didn’t bother me. I never think about whether I'm standing or walking when I smoke, I don't care.
There is no doubt that among all drug addicts, it is alcoholics who age the fastest. In addition to sagging skin, capillaries come out of them, the face turns blue and huge pores open.
Most likely, the point here is that in alcoholics in the liver, alcohol is processed into a kind of acetone and enters the bloodstream, then it enters the Krebs cycle. Because of this, very strong oxidation occurs, and free radicals destroy tissues.
Smoking probably reverses it, it gives the antioxidant effect
And most likely, most alcoholics are congenitally dependent. Giving up alcohol does not improve their quality of life, they lack dopamine or other substances, so they always feel bad if they don't drink. Therefore, most alcoholics actually drink regularly but in moderation.
In the 90s, alcoholics simply pretended to be smokers, there is no doubt about it. A smoker cannot easily go without cigarettes for several hours. They do not care about tobacco, it is only a burden to them.
It is even difficult for them to smoke on the go, they stop to smoke. I ran cross country with a cigarette in my mouth at school and it didn’t bother me. I never think about whether I'm standing or walking when I smoke, I don't care.

This is absolutely wrong. I have known quite a few alcoholics. And they smoked like fiends.
Most likely, the point here is that in alcoholics in the liver, alcohol is processed into a kind of acetone and enters the bloodstream, then it enters the Krebs cycle. Because of this, very strong oxidation occurs, and free radicals destroy tissues.
Smoking probably reverses it, it gives the antioxidant effect

Smoking does NOT reverse the damages of alcohol. In fact, it accelerates them.

I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 40 years. So I am well aware of the addiction and the harm it can do.

There are only a few kinds of cancer that are cannot be caused by or aggravated by smoking.
And most likely, most alcoholics are congenitally dependent. Giving up alcohol does not improve their quality of life, they lack dopamine or other substances, so they always feel bad if they don't drink. Therefore, most alcoholics actually drink regularly but in moderation.

An actual alcoholic cannot drink in moderation. For them the next drink starts it all over again.

And yes, if an alcoholic gives up alcohol their quality of life improves dramatically. Not at first, when they are experiencing withdrawal. But it improves greatly after that.

You are posting what you want to hear, not the actual truth.
Smoking does NOT reverse the damages of alcohol. In fact, it accelerates them.

I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 40 years. So I am well aware of the addiction and the harm it can do.

There are only a few kinds of cancer that are cannot be caused by or aggravated by smoking.
There is no evidence of a link between cancer and smoking, and there cannot be, because cancer depends only on oxidation stress and the immune system.
There is no evidence of a link between cancer and smoking, and there cannot be, because cancer depends only on oxidation stress and the immune system.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Cancer has been linked to smoking for decades. And linked by numerous independent medical researchers.

No, cancer does not depend on the immune system.

And one of the major causes of oxidation stress is smoking.
There is no evidence of a link between cancer and smoking, and there cannot be, because cancer depends only on oxidation stress and the immune system.
"There is no evidence of a link between cancer and smoking"
Any credibility you may have once had, if any, is now completely gone.
"There is no evidence of a link between cancer and smoking"
Any credibility you may have once had, if any, is now completely gone.
Perhaps there is reverse correlation. Now men have degraded towards weakness and femininity, and they smoke little. When men were strong and courageous they all smoked.

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