Why is heroin used intravenously?

This is a lie. In 14, there was no heroin for a long time and all heroin addicts who did not quit died from desomorphine

Right, because you know more about what is happening all over the country than an investigative reporter.

We will just chalk this up to the same intellectual prowess you used to say that homosexuals molest people simply by being in the same room.
Very true. But the dosage and risks are more well known.

You are free, for example, to forego chemotherapy and die of cancer sooner, avoiding the complications of chemo.

At least it is an informed choice.
Dosage and risks of illegal drugs are well known, I research any medications that are prescribed, I currently taking just one prescription and I hope my diet will rid me o that one as well.
Basically, heroin in the Russian Federation was used in the 90s, this is 100%. Most likely around 2005, it generally almost disappeared from the mass circulation. In 2014, everyone has long forgotten what it is.
Basically, heroin in the Russian Federation was used in the 90s, this is 100%. Most likely around 2005, it generally almost disappeared from the mass circulation. In 2014, everyone has long forgotten what it is.

Apparently not.
And besides that, I know that the police began to catch heroin addicts much more actively at that time.

There is no doubt that this is a dirty policy of the left, and my hypothesis that the left is very afraid of heroin is confirmed.

Moreover, this coincides with the fraud in the right-wing movement of Russia and the removal of the government of the Republican Party. Kasyanov was then the head of the government. He left at 04. It was sabotage against Bush, and from that time on, the right in Russia turned into a fiction, as it is now in the USA
Now young people use spice. I don't know what it is, but it seems like some kind of cheap pig synthetic drug, like if someone smoked too much marijuana.
I know better, you fucking jerk. In the 90s, there was a smell of vinegar in all the entrances and every day in the subway you could meet heroin addicts

Russia is 17 million square kilometers. But your subway rides told you all about the heroin addiction in the entire nation.

Jeez you are an idiot.
in short they become fools for a while. as if someone put a dick in their head, this is not from the category of "aristocratic" buzz.
They have faces like idiots. They don't seem to enjoy it.

I prefer my cannabis in its natural form.
I didn't even know they were synthetic cannabinoids, I guessed it from the behavior. They are the same idiots as marijuana users, only multiplied by 2.

People who love cannabinoids are natural idiots
Exactly the kind of public that the left likes - natural idiots who like to amplify their idiocy with substances like alcohol, cannabinoids and LSD
Dosage and risks of illegal drugs are well known,
No, they aren't. That's the entire point. They most certainly are NOT known.

You have NO IDEA how much heroin is in that pile of powder you just got. None.

Neither does the person who sold it to you.

Neither does the person who sold it to him.

Nobody does.

Because the people manufacturing it are not scientists working in labs with million dollar centrifuges, subjecting their work to random quality control tests backed by force of law and public information requests.
I didn't even know they were synthetic cannabinoids, I guessed it from the behavior. They are the same idiots as marijuana users, only multiplied by 2.

People who love cannabinoids are natural idiots


I have smoked weed off and on since the early '70s. I am far from an idiot. At the very least I don't think heroin is safe, regardless of how it is consumed.

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