Why Is It Always "Could Be The Worst Storm In 30 Years"?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4

mudwhistle is in here doing yeoman’s work, laying the groundwork, planting the seeds of “you can’t believe FoxNews”, ahead of the election. :laugh:
It's been proven to everyone but you yammering fools that you can't believe any of them!
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4


I'd rather watch something else.

Now they're comparing it to Katrina....so I'm gonna watch something else.

Lions vs Browns on NFL Network
mudwhistle is in here doing yeoman’s work, laying the groundwork, planting the seeds of “you can’t believe FoxNews”, ahead of the election. :laugh:
I knew that when they ambushed Trump during the first Republican Debate in 2016. Megan Kelly, Chris Matthews, and Brett Baer.
So you're about 3 years behind the times.
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4

Because it is true. Any storm COULD be the worst storm in thirty years on the other hand it COULD be the best storm in thirty years and the odds are fifty fifty either way. But saying the latter does not sell.
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4

In Florida: Hurricane Andrew
In Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina
In Texas: Hurricane Ike et al

The year before we moved to Texas (2009), this picture was made of Hurricane Ike. I recollect seeing one image of the storm completely covering the map of Texas, from El Paso to Beaumont, and from Brownsville to above the northernmost border of Texas, which was north of Amarillo. As it went North, the cloud cover for some reason seemed a lot denser, and you couldn't even see the Texas Border, so the channel I was watching (or the NOAA) used a map of Texas, that was totally covered with the spiral cloud cover, which just looked like a huge snowball it was so dense by then. You could still make out the eye, which was likely over an area somewhere between Waco and Corsicana, slightly east of center, so the hurricane took in a lot of property in all Texas neighboring states.
Hurricane Ike:

To me, the word "could" is what makes all of the difference because you never know how bad anything is going to be until it has already taken place.

God bless you always!!!

It's to prove the theory of man-made global warming & how each weather event is worse than the last

Then come to find out when it actually happens...it was all a bunch of hype. Fear-mongers all of them
It's a silly thing to criticize. I'd much rather they hype up a storm and be safe than downplay it and get fucked.
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4


I won't agree or disagree that it could be the worst storm in 30 years, but, as always, fear sells. CNN, MSNBC, the Weather Network, they love this stuff for their ratings and getting people to watch news and nothing else, go out, spend money on back up stuff they may or may not need.

It's like the Paris Accord, "we need to sign this to save the planet". 1-2 years later and what's been solved? Now they are pushing for MORE Agreements, Accords and boondoggles. It will never be solved in their mind because it's an excuse to push for more transfer of wealth, U.S taxpayers primarily are supposed to pay for (on behalf of the world).

Again, Im not trying to minimize the potential damage, and better to be safe than sorry of course. However, these often come weaker than advertised. As a bonus, you know some will push, "see, the planet is attacking us because we won't address global warming (or whatever the term is they use nowadays)"!

Another thing, I don't know about your local Weather Network channel, but where we live there are a couple of female reporters who get absolutely giddy whenever they are reporting heavy rain/snow/hail or hurricane like conditions. It's demented.
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To me, the word "could" is what makes all of the difference because you never know how bad anything is going to be until it has already taken place.

God bless you always!!!


Exactly...….'woulda, shoulda, coulda'

When it comes to mother nature, there are no definites until after the fact.
They're doing it again. Fox is reporting that this storm could be the worst storm in 30 years.

Wasn't the last one supposed to be the worst storm?

I don't watch news that much lately because it's getting to the point where you can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.

Hurricane Dorian will be 'very big' storm, Trump says, as Floridians prepare for potential Category 4

In Florida: Hurricane Andrew
In Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina
In Texas: Hurricane Ike et al

The year before we moved to Texas (2009), this picture was made of Hurricane Ike. I recollect seeing one image of the storm completely covering the map of Texas, from El Paso to Beaumont, and from Brownsville to above the northernmost border of Texas, which was north of Amarillo. As it went North, the cloud cover for some reason seemed a lot denser, and you couldn't even see the Texas Border, so the channel I was watching (or the NOAA) used a map of Texas, that was totally covered with the spiral cloud cover, which just looked like a huge snowball it was so dense by then. You could still make out the eye, which was likely over an area somewhere between Waco and Corsicana, slightly east of center, so the hurricane took in a lot of property in all Texas neighboring states.
Hurricane Ike:

Hurricanes effect the weather over a thousand miles away.
A storm in Hawaii can effect waves in Alaska.
Cloud cover can envelope several states.....but the real danger is wind, flooding, and tidal-surge on the beaches. Once a storm gets over land it loses most of it's strength.
I have seen the damage left behind from Hugo, which was a massive storm.
Tree branches were falling in my yard outside of Ft Bragg when the eye hit landfall 250 miles away.
I year later I went down to FL on I 95 and saw how the eye knocked over trees like toothpicks....but thank God it was a forest, not a city.

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