Why is it always Muslims?

Nothing in there says the motive of the attackers was sanctions. They were not even Russian. They attacked for obvious reasons . In fact, they had threatened to attack the place when the Mohamed cartoon was drawn.
3 days after Hollande went public with his speech.

Now Netanfuckyou is sending Mossad agents to assist French authorities.

Could it possibly be to make sure it doesn't get known that the terrorists who committed the attack, were trained and funded by Israeli authorities?

What the Times of Israel report fails to mention is that Netanyahu has been actively supporting Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah terrorists out of the occupied Golan heights. While coming to France’s rescue, Netanyahu does not deny his government’s support of the jihadists in Syria. The IDF top brass has acknowledged that “global jihad elements inside Syria” are supported by Israel:
Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

At a lookout point overlooking the Syrian border, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan briefed Netanyahu on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence. (Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2014)

Keep it, comin love,
Keep it, comin' love,
Don't stop it now,
don't stop it no

Could it be that you just made an incredible idiot out of yourself you Palestinian ass kissing conspiracy nut? The answer is yes.
Nothing in there says the motive of the attackers was sanctions. They were not even Russian. They attacked for obvious reasons . In fact, they had threatened to attack the place when the Mohamed cartoon was drawn.
3 days after Hollande went public with his speech.

Now Netanfuckyou is sending Mossad agents to assist French authorities.

Could it possibly be to make sure it doesn't get known that the terrorists who committed the attack, were trained and funded by Israeli authorities?

What the Times of Israel report fails to mention is that Netanyahu has been actively supporting Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah terrorists out of the occupied Golan heights. While coming to France’s rescue, Netanyahu does not deny his government’s support of the jihadists in Syria. The IDF top brass has acknowledged that “global jihad elements inside Syria” are supported by Israel:
Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

At a lookout point overlooking the Syrian border, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan briefed Netanyahu on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence. (Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2014)

Keep it, comin love,
Keep it, comin' love,
Don't stop it now,
don't stop it no

Could it be that you just made an incredible idiot out of yourself you Palestinian ass kissing conspiracy nut? The answer is yes.

Which isn't an unusual occurence when it comes to Anus Mouth.
Nope. People born in Israel are Israelis, even if their parents or grand Parents are from Europe.
They're not going anywhere, and there's nothing you can do about it

WHen the Arabs do overrun the Zionist entity, they aren't going to make that distinction.
Yes I will agree with you. The Christian world is getting sick and tired of islamic savagery and will soon give them the modern version of Crusades they've been begging for. A few more of these attacks on the West and its values by Muslims, and Christians will be taking their gloves off.

Guy, if you really don't think that the Western World wouldn't happily throw you Zionists to the wolves to appease htem, you are delusional.
To the OP: It is not Always Muslims, but it is Always Barbarians.

Evidence: witness the recent Black Lives Matter protests which devolved into violence perpetrated by anarchists and thugs.

The thing they have in common with Islamofascists is a desire to destroy Civil Society.
BTW, most Americans are of European heritage. Should they also go back to Europe?

If we were constantly at war with the Native people here and couldn't co-exist with them, maybe.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You want Israelis born in Israel who have European heritage to go "the fuck back to Europe" because they are at war with some 'natives' ?

Ya, that totally makes sense. Jewish Israelis are going to listen to their enemies and just pick and and leave :rolleyes:
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You want Israelis born in Israel who have European heritage to go "the fuck back to Europe" because they are at war with some 'natives' ?

Ya, that totally makes sense. Jewish Israelis are going to listen to their enemies and just pick and and leave

Or they can die horribly when Arabs are in the majority, which they eventually will be.

I really, really don't care which.

I suspect the rich ones will go back to Europe and the poor ones will get killed and we will get another dose of "Please give us stuff because someone did something nasty to us."
You mean like they tried to in 1948, 1967, and 1973 ??

Keep dreaming Nazi Joe

Read up on the Crusades, buddy. these things never end well for invaders.
Except Jews did not invade Israel. Most of them were invited by the British. An invasion is a military offensive.
If you call that an invasion, then you are calling every mass immigration an invasion.
As for the Arab majority, that's unlikely to happen. Even if it would, it would be a long time away. Inside Israel, it's 75% Jews 25% Arabs
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.


They were particular harsh on Jews. They only attacked one side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! There artwork could have been mistaken as Goebbels. Yet not one Jewish threat against the antisemitic cartoonist. Not one attack of violence by Jews.
Because the japanese are smart enough to keep them at arms' length, telling them "We won't tolerate your terrorist shit, so take it someplace else".

That post about Japan was not accurate anyway.
Except Jews did not invade Israel. Most of them were invited by the British. An invasion is a military offensive.
If you call that an invasion, then you are calling every mass immigration an invasion.

You mean because the British LIED to the Arabs to get them to revolt against the Turks and then double crossed them, that makes the Zionist invasion of Palestine okay?
As for the Arab majority, that's unlikely to happen. Even if it would, it would be a long time away. Inside Israel, it's 75% Jews 25% Arabs

Yep, keep pretending the West Bank and Gaza aren't there, or the 2 million Palestinian refugees.
As for the Arab majority, that's unlikely to happen. Even if it would, it would be a long time away. Inside Israel, it's 75% Jews 25% Arabs

Yep, keep pretending the West Bank and Gaza aren't there, or the 2 million Palestinian refugees.
But that's not Israel. So what if the Arab population there surpasses the Jewish population? What do you think they are going to do ? Gather at the Israeli border and try and overrun Israel ?? Common. You;re delirious
Except Jews did not invade Israel. Most of them were invited by the British. An invasion is a military offensive.
If you call that an invasion, then you are calling every mass immigration an invasion.

You mean because the British LIED to the Arabs to get them to revolt against the Turks and then double crossed them, that makes the Zionist invasion of Palestine okay?
You clearly didn't read my post properly.European Jews immigrating to mandatory Palestine was not an 'invasion', In fact, the British invited most of them, AND the British promised them a Jewish homeland. Also, an invasion is a military offensive. Unarmed Jews leaving Europe for obvious reasons to create a safe haven is not invading.
Weather it was fair or not, is a completely different issue.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

Religious extremism, and even religious conservatism, is the problem.

The difference is only the scope and severity of the reaction to moral outrage.

Muslim extremists seem to use killing to try and stop people bad mouthing Islam.

Bill O'Reilly seems to use shame to try and stop people bad mouthing Christianity.

Please don't start about how Christians don't kill people for A,B, and C, but Muslims do for A, B, and C....because that's not my point and I already accept that.

I'm talking about the root cause of the killing, and it's moral outrage fueled by religion.

And while the horse has left the barn for Islam, I see the religious right in the US opening the barn door and getting the horse ready. I feel like the terrorists win when isolated terrorism causes people on this site to suggest entire populations and religions are evil

Yes I will agree with you. The Christian world is getting sick and tired of islamic savagery and will soon give them the modern version of Crusades they've been begging for. A few more of these attacks on the West and its values by Muslims, and Christians will be taking their gloves off.

I never thought in a million years that I would ever seriously consider the use of nukes. Lately I've been noticing more and more that I could probably be talked into it.
Nope. People born in Israel are Israelis, even if their parents or grand Parents are from Europe.
They're not going anywhere, and there's nothing you can do about it

WHen the Arabs do overrun the Zionist entity, they aren't going to make that distinction.
We understand your daily need to jerk yourself off to that thought, but this isn't the Israel Palestine forum, Achmed.

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