Why is it always Muslims?

either you have never actually known muslims or you like to parrot islamo Nazi propaganda-----in fact considering the fact
that you quote islamo Nazi propaganda----you could, yourself--be a muslim. I have interacted very closely with

So either I don't know any Muslims or i'm secretly a Muslim... er.... that's confusing.

Here's the thing you don't get. I'm actually kind of indifferent to Muslims or Hindus. they are people who live on the other side of the planet. We don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with us.

Instead, we support guys like bin Laden and Saddam (both guys the CIA told Reagan we could work with) and then wonder why they turn on us, and we support the Zionists which is like slapping a big dick in the face of the Islamic world.
And boy oh boy, do you guys on the left ever "acknowledge" them !! In fact, that's fucking all you guys ever do !
Ever thought about moving to Canada ? It really does fit your taste much better.

Why when we can fix this country? You see, the big anchor on America progressing is really that we have "Jesus-Land" attached to us. The part of the country where thousands of you got killed trying to protect the rights of rich people to own black people like that was something to be proud of.

Sadly, you all seem to have never outgrown that mentality.
either you have never actually known muslims or you like to parrot islamo Nazi propaganda-----in fact considering the fact
that you quote islamo Nazi propaganda----you could, yourself--be a muslim. I have interacted very closely with

So either I don't know any Muslims or i'm secretly a Muslim... er.... that's confusing.

Here's the thing you don't get. I'm actually kind of indifferent to Muslims or Hindus. they are people who live on the other side of the planet. We don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with us.

Instead, we support guys like bin Laden and Saddam (both guys the CIA told Reagan we could work with) and then wonder why they turn on us, and we support the Zionists which is like slapping a big dick in the face of the Islamic world.

oh----ok you are an isolationist idiot------now I got it.
Indifferent to the world and utterly ignorant. Now I know---
reading your posts is something like listening to the learned
conversation that takes place in the allyways of saloons on the
edge of town. -------or in the methadone clinic waiting rooms
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.

Actually, I used to not care about guns that much, until I had discussions with people like Conservative65 talking about all the people he can't wait to shoot.

So you didn't used to care, but now because of one poster you want every American to surrender their firearms ?
Don't need guns to compensate for something that doesn't need compensated. I own guns because I have a RIGHT to do so. Don't won't one, don't buy one. Don't want me to have one, come get it son.

You own guns because you are a scared little man...
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.

He's the typical Liberal. Joe can support something and if another person opposes it, that other person is simply not supposed to do it. For example, the arugment for same sex marriage includes if you don't want to take part in one don't but don't keep others from doing it. However, if people like Joe opposes something, he feels it's his place to support a ban on it.
And boy oh boy, do you guys on the left ever "acknowledge" them !! In fact, that's fucking all you guys ever do !
Ever thought about moving to Canada ? It really does fit your taste much better.

Why when we can fix this country? You see, the big anchor on America progressing is really that we have "Jesus-Land" attached to us. The part of the country where thousands of you got killed trying to protect the rights of rich people to own black people like that was something to be proud of.

Sadly, you all seem to have never outgrown that mentality.

You're not going to see America lose the "Jesusland" moniker as you put it. If anything, it will only increase as Hispanics who are the future are even more likely to be Christians, and more likely to be practicing the faith.
I've said for many years now that the future here is likely to become more socially conservative as it is now.
Hispanics have lots of kids, and white libs have very few kids.
It wasn't a single invasion, that's not how things went down back then, Muslims kept invading, and getting greedier, until it became alarming. You of course choose to ignore the words of the Pope which I posted about cleansing the land from Islam.

I make a habit of ignoring shit that is said by Popes.

The point being by 1190, the Caliphate had broken down into several competing groups, and they really weren't encroaching on Europe at that point. Urban II simply wanted to enhance his street cred against an 'anti-Pope' by calling a crusade that all the Kings of that time ignored.

Islamic history didn't begin and end with Saladin, you are ignorant, and TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF.

Whereas Islam began with killing of unbelievers right from the start.

For the first century of its existence, Islam was absolutely soaked in blood. The killing only slowed down as the Islamic empire finally ran into boundaries in the 8th century, after about a century of expansionist, imperialist, unprovoked Islamic aggression.

First, don't post shit by Uncle Tom Sowell. That guy has no credibility with me when he's shining the Koch Brothers shoes.

Second, Christians had an even bloodier history of killing "unbelievers" and "infidels". (Yes, "Infidel" is a western term, not an islamic one.) That's why you'll never meet an Albigensian today. Or an Arian. Or a worshipper of Odin of Zeus or Quezacoatl. The Christians totally wiped those fuckers out.

Meanwhile, the Islamic world did allow Mandeans, Zoroasterians, Samaritans, Jews, Coptic and Assyrian Christians, Yazidis and other non-Islamic types to live in their countries for centuries.

So the last thing I want to hear from you guys is "My Sky Pixie makes me less of a dick than their sky pixie."

Becuase at the end of the day, you all worship the same Sky Pixie.... who doesn't exist.

The Pope was in charge and his words meant everything. We aren't arguing "violence committed by Christians". The crusades were initiated as a response to Muslim invasions of Chritian lands. That is indesputable, and so far all your blabbering hasn't contradicted it.

Now, let me remind you of the topic you are trying so hard to avoid, why is it only Muslims that respond to cartoons in this manner?
Muslims "allowed" Zoroastrians, Christians, Mandeans etc to live as an underclass enslaved and tributory to muslims.
Southern Christians in the USA "allowed" blacks to live
as slaves too. In fact even European Christians allowed
gypsies and jews to live. Both Christians and muslims have
a history of genocide. Christians gave it up

Christians just went on a bender in 1940 and gave it up for a while.

Sorry, if you stack up the death toll by Christians and compare them to the death toll of Muslims, Christians really come out looking a lot worse. Which is what happens when you think your imaginary Sky Fairy tells you to do something.

Actually you're wrong, Muslims have killed far more.
One need not go back to the Crusades to find examples of western based violence with religious themes. Such themes were used in abundance during the Atlantic slave trade and Europe's colonial experiments.
And boy oh boy, do you guys on the left ever "acknowledge" them !! In fact, that's fucking all you guys ever do !
Ever thought about moving to Canada ? It really does fit your taste much better.

Why when we can fix this country? You see, the big anchor on America progressing is really that we have "Jesus-Land" attached to us. The part of the country where thousands of you got killed trying to protect the rights of rich people to own black people like that was something to be proud of.

Sadly, you all seem to have never outgrown that mentality.

You're not going to see America lose the "Jesusland" moniker as you put it. If anything, it will only increase as Hispanics who are the future are even more likely to be Christians, and more likely to be practicing the faith.
I've said for many years now that the future here is likely to become more socially conservative as it is now.
Hispanics have lots of kids, and white libs have very few kids.

And Hispanics are Catholics who take their religion very seriously.
Actually you're wrong, Muslims have killed far more.

Turning this into a pissing contest isn't very intellectually honest or useful; that being said you have absolutely no supporting evidence for your above statement.
One need not go back to the Crusades to find examples of western based violence with religious themes. Such themes were used in abundance during the Atlantic slave trade and Europe's colonial experiments.
Meanwhile the general theme of Islam is Arab imperialism, invading people and forcing Arab language, culture, shariah law, and religion down their throats.
Meanwhile the general theme of Islam is Arab imperialism, invading people and forcing Arab language, culture, shariah law, and religion down their throats.

An amusing sentiment since most Muslims aren't Arabs.
Actually you're wrong, Muslims have killed far more.

Turning this into a pissing contest isn't very intellectually honest or useful; that being said you have absolutely no supporting evidence for your above statement.

Sure I do, one example: how many Hindus did Muslim animals slaughter in the Islamic conquest of India? About 70 to 80 million.

Intellectually honest. From someone who defends Islamism? Ha ha ha.
Sure I do, one example: how many Hindus did Muslim animals slaughter in the Islamic conquest of India? About 70 to 80 million.

Intellectually honest. From someone who defends Islamism? Ha ha ha.

Having basic standards for information doesn't equate to 'defending" anything. And I am sure you'd be more than happy to cite appropriate sources for your claims. Of course the Americas experienced a 90% depopulation when the Europeans started coming over, going from around 100 million persons to only 10 million. So if I am supposed to be blown away by your number, you rather missed the mark.
Meanwhile the general theme of Islam is Arab imperialism, invading people and forcing Arab language, culture, shariah law, and religion down their throats.

An amusing sentiment since most Muslims aren't Arabs.

Duh, you are repeating what I said. You are even dumber than Joe. Arabs invaded Iran and shoved the Arabic alphabet, shariah law, and religion down their throats, did they not? To this day the Iraians are trying to remove the shackles of this Arab religion off their necks. All these countries that now consider themselves Arab or Arab republics were never Arab.
Duh, you are repeating what I said. You are even dumber than Joe. Arabs invaded Iran and shoved the Arabic alphabet, shariah law, and religion down their throats, did they not? To this day the Iraians are trying to remove the shackles of this Arab religion off their necks. All these countries that now consider themselves Arab or Arab republics were never Arab.

Cultural expansion through empire building is hardly a religious trait. It isn't happenstance that much of Africa speaks either French or English today; and early Arabic empires placed a far greater emphasis on ethnicity (Arab identity) than they did on religion until after the Abbasid came in and opened the empire up ethnically. Pointing to The Arab conquest of Persia doesn't really do much to promote your anti-Islamic rhetoric. It is hardly historically unique or contingent upon religion.
Sure I do, one example: how many Hindus did Muslim animals slaughter in the Islamic conquest of India? About 70 to 80 million.

Intellectually honest. From someone who defends Islamism? Ha ha ha.

Having basic standards for information doesn't equate to 'defending" anything. And I am sure you'd be more than happy to cite appropriate sources for your claims. Of course the Americas experienced a 90% depopulation when the Europeans started coming over, going from around 100 million persons to only 10 million. So if I am supposed to be blown away by your number, you rather missed the mark.

Oh ok. So you admit that Muslims slaughtered millions of people in their conquest of India, it's just a question of how many millions this peaceful religion of Islam slaughtered.

Remind us again, what beef did Muslims have with the Hindus in India, that caused them to invade and start committing genocide on the Indian subcontinent? Same beef Muslims had with Christians in Europe. Mohammad told them to conquer and kill to spread Islam.
Duh, you are repeating what I said. You are even dumber than Joe. Arabs invaded Iran and shoved the Arabic alphabet, shariah law, and religion down their throats, did they not? To this day the Iraians are trying to remove the shackles of this Arab religion off their necks. All these countries that now consider themselves Arab or Arab republics were never Arab.

Cultural expansion through empire building is hardly a religious trait. It isn't happenstance that much of Africa speaks either French or English today; and early Arabic empires placed a far greater emphasis on ethnicity (Arab identity) than they did on religion until after the Abbasid came in and opened the empire up ethnically. Pointing to The Arab conquest of Persia doesn't really do much to promote your anti-Islamic rhetoric. It is hardly historically unique or contingent upon religion.

I'm just pointing to just one example of Arabs invading a nation and shoving their religion, language, and culture down their throats at the point of the sword. Islam is Arab imperialism.
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Oh ok. So you admit that Muslims slaughtered millions of people in their conquest of India, it's just a question of how many millions this peaceful religion of Islam slaughtered.

I am familiar with the Arab invasion of Persia yes; though I did ask you for a source to corroborate you 80 million dead figure.

Remind us again, what beef did Muslims have with the Hindus in India, that caused them to invade and start committing genocide on the Indian subcontinent? Same beef Muslims had with Christians in Europe. Mohammad told them to conquer and kill to spread Islam.

The same beef that the Germans had when they invaded south west Africa and engaged in genocide against the Herero and Nama people. The same beef that the Mongols had when they invaded the Middle East. Expansion of empire. No religion required.

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