Why is it always Muslims?

Wrong, the crescent moon is derived from the moon god idol worshippers that existed in the Arabian peninsula. Ramadan was pre Islamic pagan holiday which occurs during a crescent moon.

Ramadan is a fasting period commemorating the Battle of Badr and it is not pre-Islamic. I think you are thinking of the other holy months for fasting within Islam which are rooted in pre-Islamic Arabian tradition. The crescent moon symbol is not part of that tradition though, and the Quran specifically mentions NOT idolizing the moon, which also rather pokes holes in your theory.

Hey look, another "hole", ha ha ha:

Ramadan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ramadan was originally a pagan festival in the pre-Islamic Sabaean culture of Arabia. Originally the fast was from moon-rise to moon-set, a festival in dedication to the moon god. This festival was observed by many pagan societies throughout Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq and even Persia. This was later adopted by Muhammad, and the fast rules were set to sunrise to sundown. Prior to Islam's exclusion of intercalary days from its calendar, the name of this month was Nātiq and, due to the intercalary days added, always occurred in the warm season.


Ramadan has Pagan Roots in India and the Middle East

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the rigid observance of thirty days of fasting during the daylight hours, has pagan roots developed in India and the Middle East. The observance of fasting to honor the moon, and ending the fast when themoon’s crescent appears, was practiced with the rituals of the Eastern worshippersof the moon. Both Ibn al-Nadim and the Shahrastani tell us about al-Jandrikinieh, an Indian sect which began to fast when the moon disappeared and ended the fast with a great feast when the crescent reappeared

The Sabians, who were pagans in the Middle East, were identified with twogroups, the Mandaeans and the Harranians. The Mandaeans lived in Iraq during the2nd century A.D. As they continue to do today, they worshipped multiple gods,or “light personalities.” Their gods were classified under four categories: “first life,” “second life,”“third life”and “fourth life.” Old gods belongto the “first life” category. They summoned deities who, in turn, created “second life”deities, and so forth.

****So basically we have a pagan holiday as one of the "five pillars of Islam". Hilarious, just hilarious!
oh----ok you are an isolationist idiot------now I got it.
Indifferent to the world and utterly ignorant. Now I know---
reading your posts is something like listening to the learned
conversation that takes place in the allyways of saloons on the
edge of town. -------or in the methadone clinic waiting rooms

Sorry, I just point out the obvious, we are our own worst enemy in that region of the world.

Take Bin Laden. Do you think the CIA didn't know he and his homeys were religious nuts? Of course they did. But they were religious nuts willing to kill Russians. And instead of thinking, "Hey, maybe we shouldn't be enabling crazy jihadists", reagan and his boys thought, "Now we can get back at those Commie bastards for screwing us in Vietnam."
The Pope was in charge and his words meant everything. We aren't arguing "violence committed by Christians". The crusades were initiated as a response to Muslim invasions of Chritian lands. That is indesputable, and so far all your blabbering hasn't contradicted it.

Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope, the "Anti-Pope" that Henry IV put up was. Which is why the Kings of England and France stayed home when he called a crusade.
You're not going to see America lose the "Jesusland" moniker as you put it. If anything, it will only increase as Hispanics who are the future are even more likely to be Christians, and more likely to be practicing the faith.

Yeah, but they aren't going to be the Kind of Christians who think Jesus was about wars and tax cuts for rich people... so it works out.
He's the typical Liberal. Joe can support something and if another person opposes it, that other person is simply not supposed to do it. For example, the arugment for same sex marriage includes if you don't want to take part in one don't but don't keep others from doing it. However, if people like Joe opposes something, he feels it's his place to support a ban on it.

Same Sex marriages don't kill 33,000 Americans every year.

Guns do.
Sure I do, one example: how many Hindus did Muslim animals slaughter in the Islamic conquest of India? About 70 to 80 million.

Intellectually honest. From someone who defends Islamism? Ha ha ha.

Probably nowhere near that, as we seem to still have plenty of Hindus picking up customer service lines and running 7-11's.

On the other hand, Aztecs, Incas, Apaches, AUstralian Aborignes and a lot of other people who happened to be on land Jesus wanted for his peeps aren't around anymore.
The Pope was in charge and his words meant everything. We aren't arguing "violence committed by Christians". The crusades were initiated as a response to Muslim invasions of Chritian lands. That is indesputable, and so far all your blabbering hasn't contradicted it.

Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope, the "Anti-Pope" that Henry IV put up was. Which is why the Kings of England and France stayed home when he called a crusade.

Mohammad Joe Blow: "Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope" :cuckoo:

I seriously think you need to see a doctor for your FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE, you are a moron of epic proportions. Very typical though:

First Crusade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The First Crusade (1096–1099) started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expedition by Roman CatholicEurope to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099. It was launched on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II with the primary goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine EmperorAlexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia. An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of theEastern Christians from Muslim rule.

Mohammad Joe Blow: "Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope" :cuckoo:

I seriously think you need to see a doctor for your FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE, you are a moron of epic proportions. Very typical though:

Point was. The Holy Roman Emperor had a rival Pope that most of the Catholic World recognized. Urban was trying to pump up his street cred by calling for a crusade.

200 year of mind-fucking stupidity and Christian carnage followed.

The nice thing about the Crusades. It's a nice preview of what's going to happen to you Zionists... Heh, heh, heh...
Better start stocking up on water wings, baby!
Mohammad Joe Blow: "Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope" :cuckoo:

I seriously think you need to see a doctor for your FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE, you are a moron of epic proportions. Very typical though:

Point was. The Holy Roman Emperor had a rival Pope that most of the Catholic World recognized. Urban was trying to pump up his street cred by calling for a crusade.

200 year of mind-fucking stupidity and Christian carnage followed.

The nice thing about the Crusades. It's a nice preview of what's going to happen to you Zionists... Heh, heh, heh...
Better start stocking up on water wings, baby!

Point is I humiliated you again. The first crusade was to repel Muslim invaders from Christian lands, and Pope Urban II ordered it.

The political crusade against Islam has already started. Islam is now designated as Europe's number one enemy. Been keeping up with the anti Islam rallies in France and Germany lately?
Mohammad Joe Blow: "Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope" :cuckoo:

I seriously think you need to see a doctor for your FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE, you are a moron of epic proportions. Very typical though:

Point was. The Holy Roman Emperor had a rival Pope that most of the Catholic World recognized. Urban was trying to pump up his street cred by calling for a crusade.

200 year of mind-fucking stupidity and Christian carnage followed.

The nice thing about the Crusades. It's a nice preview of what's going to happen to you Zionists... Heh, heh, heh...
Better start stocking up on water wings, baby!

Point is I humiliated you again. The first crusade was to repel Muslim invaders from Christian lands, and Pope Urban II ordered it.

The political crusade against Islam has already started. Islam is now designated as Europe's number one enemy. Been keeping up with the anti Islam rallies in France and Germany lately?

Long long ago---when I had candid discussions with muslims
from muslim lands------objecting to some of the policies of
muslim lands------a happy Pakistani seemed to answer each objection with the logic of "nothing you can do about it" ----with a kind of PRIDE as in "we muslims can screw the world"

My response was----something like----"but anyone can do that" <<< the implication being "we can do it to you guys"
He just maintained his joyful confidence and shook his head and laughed----"no you can't"

My prediction is that there will come a time when -----we will
follow some of the Islamic precedents. Some countries will
begin to exclude muslims from citizenship or disallow
mosques --------ie marginalize muslims in ways similar to the ways muslim countries marginalize non muslims
Mohammad Joe Blow: "Urban II wasn't even considered the valid pope" :cuckoo:

I seriously think you need to see a doctor for your FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE, you are a moron of epic proportions. Very typical though:

Point was. The Holy Roman Emperor had a rival Pope that most of the Catholic World recognized. Urban was trying to pump up his street cred by calling for a crusade.

200 year of mind-fucking stupidity and Christian carnage followed.

The nice thing about the Crusades. It's a nice preview of what's going to happen to you Zionists... Heh, heh, heh...
Better start stocking up on water wings, baby!

Point is I humiliated you again. The first crusade was to repel Muslim invaders from Christian lands, and Pope Urban II ordered it.

The political crusade against Islam has already started. Islam is now designated as Europe's number one enemy. Been keeping up with the anti Islam rallies in France and Germany lately?

Long long ago---when I had candid discussions with muslims
from muslim lands------objecting to some of the policies of
muslim lands------a happy Pakistani seemed to answer each objection with the logic of "nothing you can do about it" ----with a kind of PRIDE as in "we muslims can screw the world"

My response was----something like----"but anyone can do that" <<< the implication being "we can do it to you guys"
He just maintained his joyful confidence and shook his head and laughed----"no you can't"

My prediction is that there will come a time when -----we will
follow some of the Islamic precedents. Some countries will
begin to exclude muslims from citizenship or disallow
mosques --------ie marginalize muslims in ways similar to the ways muslim countries marginalize non muslims

That has also begun. European countries aren't granting any more visas to Muslims. Why commit national suicide? They already have enough problems with what they let in.

It was good to see the millions in France come out and march in defense of Western values and against IslamoFacism.
Point is I humiliated you again. The first crusade was to repel Muslim invaders from Christian lands, and Pope Urban II ordered it.

First crusade was because Urban II was an incredible douche.
Oh ok, Mr. Historian D Bag. Now tell us why it's always Muslims that go postal when somebody draws a cartoon of Mohammad. I mean Jesus is basically son of God to Christians.
It's always Muslims b/c they don't know how to live any different. They've been killing each other over some stupid argument since the seventh century. When they aren't killing each other they are looking for any excuse to kill the 'Infidel'. If there weren't any more 'infidels' left they be waging a Holy War on fucking sand flies.
Violence is part of their gene code....

Violence is, and always has been, a conspicuous aspect of human nature.
It's always Muslims b/c they don't know how to live any different. They've been killing each other over some stupid argument since the seventh century. When they aren't killing each other they are looking for any excuse to kill the 'Infidel'. If there weren't any more 'infidels' left they be waging a Holy War on fucking sand flies.
Violence is part of their gene code.
"It's always Muslims" is the little bullshit lie you keep telling people hoping it will somehow become true, but it's not. According to FBI records, more terrorist acts in the US between 1980-2005, were committed by Jewish terrorists (7%), than Muslim ones (6%). And in Europe, less than 1% of terrorist acts were committed by Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

(Loon Watch also notes that
less than 1% of terror attacks in Europe were carried out by Muslims.)
Have a nice day.
Muslims need to stop hurting innocent people. Charlie Hedo, 9/11. Christians don't do stuff like that, it's ALWAYS muslims, Isis hacking of westerners heads demanding ransom before hand...this is what "muslims" do. Why is it always muslims?
Muslims need to stop hurting innocent people. Charlie Hedo, 9/11. Christians don't do stuff like that, it's ALWAYS muslims, Isis hacking of westerners heads demanding ransom before hand...this is what "muslims" do. Why is it always muslims?
So called Christians started the Iraq war that killed over 1 million innocent civilians. So called Christians invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and over 35 African nations over made up bullshit in the name of corporatism. So called Christians tried to redefine Geneva Convention terms that would make torture, not appear to be torture. So called Christians are locking up people indefinitely with no charges.

The truth is, so called Christians, lost Christ a long time ago.

Muslims have their radicals, but American mullahs of the PNAC are far worse.

Why are you talking about Christ, anyway? You're spreading hate. Christ was not about hate.

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