Why is it always Muslims?

Would that be the same degree that taught you that a "Jihadist" is not a terrorist? Or the degree that says Muslim invasions had nothing to do with the crusades?

I doubt you even graduated from middle school.

Well, you see, I went to one of those schools where they laugh at you if you say "Terrorist", because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Would that be the same degree that taught you that a "Jihadist" is not a terrorist? Or the degree that says Muslim invasions had nothing to do with the crusades?

I doubt you even graduated from middle school.

Well, you see, I went to one of those schools where they laugh at you if you say "Terrorist", because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?
Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?

I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure
Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?

Reagan did not call Bin Laden a freedom fighter. He called the secular shah Massoud a freedom fighter, who was later killed by Al Queda and the Taliban.

When you get down to it, you're just a fulla shit lair and terrorist ass licker.
Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?

I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure

Oh but you see he studied Islamic history at the University of Shariah Stupidity. He may in fact be an honor student if I'm not mistaken. Ha ha ha.
Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?

I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure

Oh but you see he studied Islamic history at the University of Shariah Stupidity. He may in fact be an honor student if I'm not mistaken. Ha ha ha.

Have some compassion for poor Joe------his post made me
wonder. How could anyone be THAT ignorant?
Reagan did not call Bin Laden a freedom fighter. He called the secular shah Massoud a freedom fighter, who was later killed by Al Queda and the Taliban.

When you get down to it, you're just a fulla shit lair and terrorist ass licker.
And now Israel calls al Qaeda and Sunni's................ally's.
The drone strikes and bombs came after, not before, Muslim jihadists declared war in the West and all non Muslims. Anus mouth never gets it right.
Who made the declaration? When was it made? Where's the link?

acts of war -------. The japs did not DECLARE war on the USA----they bombed pearl harbor. The meccaist pigs ---
a million at a time farted out "DEATH TO AMERICA"---
whilst walking around their rock "god" ------and in between
they murdered americans to make the rock happy
The drone strikes and bombs came after, not before, Muslim jihadists declared war in the West and all non Muslims. Anus mouth never gets it right.
Who made the declaration? When was it made? Where's the link?

Declaration? Who bombed the WTC in 1993, the USS Cole, the marine barracks in Lebanon, etc.? Wake up and smell the jihad.
Reagan did not call Bin Laden a freedom fighter. He called the secular shah Massoud a freedom fighter, who was later killed by Al Queda and the Taliban.

When you get down to it, you're just a fulla shit lair and terrorist ass licker.
And now Israel calls al Qaeda and Sunni's................ally's.

Ha ha ha. You need to change your meds. What a mental case.
Evidently because Dildo_Really believes nothing is ever their fault. A far more knowledgeable and honest voice says the hate and violence being taught and preached to impressionable young Muslims is the source of the terrorist mayhem we see today and has made Islam "the world's enemy":

"On Jan. 1, the president of Egypt made a stunning speech.

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi spoke at Al Azhar, the greatest university in the Arab world, a place of Islamic scholarship dating back more than a millennium.

Al-Sisi didn’t just speak to scholars though. He also addressed the Awqaf Ministry, the government’s religious department that funds mosques and Muslim imams across Egypt.

Al-Sisi is Egypt’s president and he’s also its top general. And his speech was an order. A plea, but a command as well: Islam needed to reform itself.

The problem was Islam’s violence. Islam, said al-Sisi, has become the world’s enemy. “It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!”

It wasn’t Islam, the religion, he said. It was Islam, the radical political force. “That thinking—I am not saying 'religion' but 'thinking'—that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It's antagonizing the entire world! Is it possible that 1.6 billion Muslims should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live? Impossible!”

It was the closest thing Islam has seen to Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg. Al-Sisi was calling for nothing less than a Reformation of Islam. And he was doing so in the heart of Al Azhar. He continued:

“I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move… because this ummah is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

In need of a religious revolution Levant Columnists Opinion Toronto Su
...That doesn't teach them to hate us? They're fine with that. They're used to that. They don't mind that. It's their religion that makes them hate and be violent for NO APPARENT REASON!

And to think, you actually prefaced that garbage with "honest and knowledgeable".

"Honest and knowledgeable" referred to Egyptian President el-Sisi's comments (January 1, 2015) at Al Azhar, the greatest university in the Arab world when he addressed the Awqaf Ministry, the government’s religious department that funds mosques and Muslim imams across Egypt. His opinions in this matter are far more "honest and knowledgeable" than anything you have ever posted here and he courageously said (and you deny) that what the imams teach and preach to those impressionable young Muslims has caused "the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world."

In need of a religious revolution Levant Columnists Opinion Toronto Su
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It was two Jihadists who showed up with guns in Paris. Not 1,600,000,000 Muslims.
Try to keep things in perspective.

It was 3 or more and the problem isn't just the attacks but rather - according to Egypt's president - the Arab/Muslim culture which teaches and preaches violent hatred:

Oh, excuuuuuuuuse me. There were 3 or 4. Looks like the Arab/Muslim teachings of violence is a miserable failure, doesn't it?
I mean, you can do the math, right?

You assiduously avoided Egyptian President el-Sisi's conclusions about the damage done not only to the victims of Islamic terrorism but to his religion by imams who teach and preach hate and violence. BTW, I thank you in advance for not altering my posts when you quote me ... it's a TOS violation.

The problem was Islam’s violence. Islam, said al-Sisi, has become the world’s enemy. “It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world...
I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move… because this ummah is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

In need of a religious revolution Levant Columnists Opinion Toronto Su
Yeah? So Al Queda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and Hamas are freedom fighters to you Islamic Madrassa graduates? Ha ha ha ha. Give it a break, knuckle head.

Not to me...

but to some people, they are.

Just like Mechnacem Began was a terrorist to the British, and a Freedom fighter to Zionists. The same could be said of Mandella - the Afrikaners saw him as a terrorist, the Xhosa and Zulus saw him as a Freedom Fighter

The Contras were Freedom Fighters to Reagan, but Terrorists to Ortega.

Now, when you get down to it, when Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronny Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he started killing Americans in New York, he became a "Terrorists".

So maybe we need to get over the silly labels and ask ourselves a sensible question.

Do we have a vested interest in fighting these people?

If they want to kill Zionists, why is that MY problem?

I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure

Oh but you see he studied Islamic history at the University of Shariah Stupidity. He may in fact be an honor student if I'm not mistaken. Ha ha ha.

Have some compassion for poor Joe------his post made me
wonder. How could anyone be THAT ignorant?

He got his PHD from the Taliban University of Islamic Stupidity
I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure

I can't be responsible for your profound ignorance. A quick trip to Wiki will discuss how Bin Laden was got his start fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. And Reagan called those assholes "Freedom fighters".

Those dirty stinking commies might teach girls how to read or something.
Reagan did not call Bin Laden a freedom fighter. He called the secular shah Massoud a freedom fighter, who was later killed by Al Queda and the Taliban.

When you get down to it, you're just a fulla shit lair and terrorist ass licker.

Reagan called the fighters in Afghanistan 'Freedom fighters".

Besides, I thought according to you, there were no "secular" Muslims.
Have some compassion for poor Joe------his post made me
wonder. How could anyone be THAT ignorant?

You claim you didn't know Bin Laden fought the Russians in Afghanistan.

That's being ignorant.

After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Azzam[7][8] to fight the Soviet Invasion[9] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[citation needed] According to Rahimullah Yousufzai, "Azzam prevailed on him to come and use his money" for training recruits.[10] In the early 1980s, bin Laden lived at several addresses in and around Arbab Road, a narrow street in the University Town neighborhood in western Peshawar, Yusufzai said. Nearby in Gulshan Iqbal Road is the Arab mosque that Abdullah Azzam used as the jihad center, according to a Reuters inquiry in the neighborhood.[citation needed]

By 1984, with Azzam, bin Laden established a Saudi Arabian funded organization named Maktab al-Khadamat (MAK, Office of Order in English), which funneled money, arms and Muslim fighters from around the Arabic world into the Afghan war. Through al-Khadamat, bin Laden's inherited family fortune[11] paid for air tickets and accommodation, dealt with paperwork with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihad fighters. In running al-Khadamat, bin Laden set up a network of couriers traveling between Afghanistan and Peshawar, which remained active after 2001, according to Rahimullah Yusufzai. It was during this time that Bin Laden met his future al-Qaeda collaborator, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, a member and later head of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Declaration? Who bombed the WTC in 1993, the USS Cole, the marine barracks in Lebanon, etc.? Wake up and smell the jihad.

Okay. The WTC bombing in 1983 was not related to the Marine Barracks in Lebanon. In fact, when that happened, Bin Laden was still on OUR SIDE. No, really.

Well, I guess all them muslims all look the same to you.

Here's the problem. We keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Here's a novel idea. Don't stick your dick in a hornet's nest. Don't put troops over there, don't play games in their politics, don't prop up the Zionist Entity. Take all those hundreds of billions we are pissing away every year doing that and instead invest it in renewables and energy independence.
I do not recall bin laden killing Russians in Afghanistan-----he was not over there to kill Russians----he was there to establish Afghanistan as a SHARIAH SHIT HOLE-----nor do I recall Reagan calling bin laden a "FREEDOM FIGHTER"----
you are confused. The white house DID make the mistake of calling the TALIBAN freedom fighters. Bin laden was not running the TALIBAN pigs Russians in Afghanistan were soldiers--------you and yours like to murder infants for Allah's pleasure

I can't be responsible for your profound ignorance. A quick trip to Wiki will discuss how Bin Laden was got his start fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. And Reagan called those assholes "Freedom fighters".

Those dirty stinking commies might teach girls how to read or something.

I don't do wikki------bin laden was in Afghanistan in order to
develop AL QAEDA -----which is an organization motivated to force the filth of islam down the throats of the entire world.
bin laden was Yemeni on his mother's side-----a land similar to Afghanistan in terrain and "culture" -----easy place to hide and to convince the local idiots to be nuts. His objective in joining up with the mujahadeen was "get rid of Russians" and make a SHARIAH SHITHOLE STATE---not freedom----it is and was the Taliban and al qaeda idiots who stop education for girls.
As to the blatant error in thinking of the white house in the 80s----no one asked me -----if they had I would have said ----
never put guns in the hand of a muslim for any reason. Oliver North tried to let them know. Osama saw Afghanistan
as his BASE for this ----BIG JIHAD ----world wide filth

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