Why is it always Muslims?

I don't do wikki------bin laden was in Afghanistan in order to
develop AL QAEDA -----which is an organization motivated to force the filth of islam down the throats of the entire world.
bin laden was Yemeni on his mother's side-----a land similar to Afghanistan in terrain and "culture" -----easy place to hide and to convince the local idiots to be nuts. His objective in joining up with the mujahadeen was "get rid of Russians" and make a SHARIAH SHITHOLE STATE---not freedom----it is and was the Taliban and al qaeda idiots who stop education for girls.
As to the blatant error in thinking of the white house in the 80s----no one asked me -----if they had I would have said ----
never put guns in the hand of a muslim for any reason. Oliver North tried to let them know. Osama saw Afghanistan
as his BASE for this ----BIG JIHAD ----world wide filth

Um, yeah your ignorance is pretty obvious.

the point was, the reason the Muhajadin and the Taliban and Al Qaeda were fighting the Russians was not because of their love of "Freedom". They just hated outsiders and the Russians were outsiders. And dumb-fuck Reagan armed them and called them "Freedom Fighters".

Oh, Ollie North was a too-bit crook. He was part of that whole brilliant scheme to swap weapons for hostages while we were also Arming Saddam.

Again, we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
I don't do wikki------bin laden was in Afghanistan in order to
develop AL QAEDA -----which is an organization motivated to force the filth of islam down the throats of the entire world.
bin laden was Yemeni on his mother's side-----a land similar to Afghanistan in terrain and "culture" -----easy place to hide and to convince the local idiots to be nuts. His objective in joining up with the mujahadeen was "get rid of Russians" and make a SHARIAH SHITHOLE STATE---not freedom----it is and was the Taliban and al qaeda idiots who stop education for girls.
As to the blatant error in thinking of the white house in the 80s----no one asked me -----if they had I would have said ----
never put guns in the hand of a muslim for any reason. Oliver North tried to let them know. Osama saw Afghanistan
as his BASE for this ----BIG JIHAD ----world wide filth

Um, yeah your ignorance is pretty obvious.

the point was, the reason the Muhajadin and the Taliban and Al Qaeda were fighting the Russians was not because of their love of "Freedom". They just hated outsiders and the Russians were outsiders. And dumb-fuck Reagan armed them and called them "Freedom Fighters".

Oh, Ollie North was a too-bit crook. He was part of that whole brilliant scheme to swap weapons for hostages while we were also Arming Saddam.

Again, we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Wrong again I am fully aware of what was going on and how idiotic was Washington in putting armaments in the hands of muslims -----just to get them to kill each other
and a few Russians in the bargain. Very bad judgement and unfortunate misunderstanding as to the danger of
PS----the "mujahadeen" were not much of an issue-----
it was the Taliban and Al quaeda that were IT-----their objective was SHARIAH SHIT unimpeded and ---Afghanistan as a base
for the BIG JIHAD ON THE WORLD------something like
today's ISIS-------bin laden wanted to invade Saudi Arabia too
Wrong again I am fully aware of what was going on and how idiotic was Washington in putting armaments in the hands of muslims -----just to get them to kill each other
and a few Russians in the bargain. Very bad judgement and unfortunate misunderstanding as to the danger of

No, it's the stupidity of trying to get involved in fights that have nothing to do with us.

There was no "Misunderstanding". We knew who these people were, and we did business with them anyway. Just like we did business with a lot of bad characters like Marcos in the Philippines, Somoza in Nicaragua, Noriega in Panama, Mobutu in Zaire.

I would also throw the Zionists on that list. they routinely abuse the Palestinians and then wonder why they've had a terrorist problem for 70 years.
PS----the "mujahadeen" were not much of an issue-----
it was the Taliban and Al quaeda that were IT-----their objective was SHARIAH SHIT unimpeded and ---Afghanistan as a base
for the BIG JIHAD ON THE WORLD------something like
today's ISIS-------bin laden wanted to invade Saudi Arabia too

Yeah, there's a big bad muslim hiding under your bed, right now.
PS----the "mujahadeen" were not much of an issue-----
it was the Taliban and Al quaeda that were IT-----their objective was SHARIAH SHIT unimpeded and ---Afghanistan as a base
for the BIG JIHAD ON THE WORLD------something like
today's ISIS-------bin laden wanted to invade Saudi Arabia too

Yeah, there's a big bad muslim hiding under your bed, right now.

People in my city have died as a result of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD ----the costs of homeland security are astronomical---because of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD
People from my city have been murdered by jihadist pigs
Wrong again I am fully aware of what was going on and how idiotic was Washington in putting armaments in the hands of muslims -----just to get them to kill each other
and a few Russians in the bargain. Very bad judgement and unfortunate misunderstanding as to the danger of

No, it's the stupidity of trying to get involved in fights that have nothing to do with us.

There was no "Misunderstanding". We knew who these people were, and we did business with them anyway. Just like we did business with a lot of bad characters like Marcos in the Philippines, Somoza in Nicaragua, Noriega in Panama, Mobutu in Zaire.

I would also throw the Zionists on that list. they routinely abuse the Palestinians and then wonder why they've had a terrorist problem for 70 years.

jews have had a terrorist problem with muslims since the
inception of islam. -----
People in my city have died as a result of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD ----the costs of homeland security are astronomical---because of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD
People from my city have been murdered by jihadist pigs

Move somewhere else, then.
Tuck your tail between your legs and run. Yep a liberal poster.............
People in my city have died as a result of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD ----the costs of homeland security are astronomical---because of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD
People from my city have been murdered by jihadist pigs

Move somewhere else, then.
Tuck your tail between your legs and run. Yep a liberal poster.............

If i lived in a place where my neighbors hated me being there so much they were strapping bombs onto their kids to try get me to leave/kill me, then fucking right I'd move.

But I wouldn't listen to an imaginary sky fairy telling me to move there to start with.
People in my city have died as a result of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD ----the costs of homeland security are astronomical---because of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD
People from my city have been murdered by jihadist pigs

Move somewhere else, then.
Tuck your tail between your legs and run. Yep a liberal poster.............

If i lived in a place where my neighbors hated me being there so much they were strapping bombs onto their kids to try get me to leave/kill me, then fucking right I'd move.

But I wouldn't listen to an imaginary sky fairy telling me to move there to start with.

Sky Fairy...a new name for the MohamMAD! LOVE IT, Thanks JoeBlowhard!
People in my city have died as a result of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD ----the costs of homeland security are astronomical---because of the stink and filth of Islamic JIHAD
People from my city have been murdered by jihadist pigs

Move somewhere else, then.
Tuck your tail between your legs and run. Yep a liberal poster.............

If i lived in a place where my neighbors hated me being there so much they were strapping bombs onto their kids to try get me to leave/kill me, then fucking right I'd move.

But I wouldn't listen to an imaginary sky fairy telling me to move there to start with.
Of course you would............Jews have been in the middle east pretty much forever............but people like you believe they don't belong or don't deserve a place, a home, and or a country of their own..............Most of the land was desert that was called Israel..............I guess it was just another version of Holy Sand.................

Irregardless, they are a country and your stance is that they should just pack up and leave.............To WHERE................................Abandon their country.............that's your logical solution............

Of course you would............Jews have been in the middle east pretty much forever............but people like you believe they don't belong or don't deserve a place, a home, and or a country of their own..............Most of the land was desert that was called Israel..............I guess it was just another version of Holy Sand.................

Except it hasn't been called Israel in 3000 years before the Zionist State appeared. It was called Judea, Palestine, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, etc.

NO, I don't think religious apartheid is any more acceptable than racial apartheid, though.

Irregardless, they are a country and your stance is that they should just pack up and leave.............To WHERE................................Abandon their country.............that's your logical solution............

I'd have no objections to the United States taking them in. They could also go back to Europe, they seem to be over that Nazi thing.
Of course you would............Jews have been in the middle east pretty much forever............but people like you believe they don't belong or don't deserve a place, a home, and or a country of their own..............Most of the land was desert that was called Israel..............I guess it was just another version of Holy Sand.................

Except it hasn't been called Israel in 3000 years before the Zionist State appeared. It was called Judea, Palestine, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, etc.

NO, I don't think religious apartheid is any more acceptable than racial apartheid, though.

Irregardless, they are a country and your stance is that they should just pack up and leave.............To WHERE................................Abandon their country.............that's your logical solution............

I'd have no objections to the United States taking them in. They could also go back to Europe, they seem to be over that Nazi thing.

I'm sure your subversive women will approve...

Of course you would............Jews have been in the middle east pretty much forever............but people like you believe they don't belong or don't deserve a place, a home, and or a country of their own..............Most of the land was desert that was called Israel..............I guess it was just another version of Holy Sand.................

Except it hasn't been called Israel in 3000 years before the Zionist State appeared. It was called Judea, Palestine, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, etc.

NO, I don't think religious apartheid is any more acceptable than racial apartheid, though.

Irregardless, they are a country and your stance is that they should just pack up and leave.............To WHERE................................Abandon their country.............that's your logical solution............

I'd have no objections to the United States taking them in. They could also go back to Europe, they seem to be over that Nazi thing.
It wasn't until after WWI that any of the countries even existed.............It was called the Ottoman Empire.................Iraq, Jordan, Syria............etc.........didn't exist................

The Ottomans LOST..............Britain and France took it by force and divided it up as they saw fit.............Jews were already there.................

Your logic solution..................ALL JEWS LEAVE THE WHOLE AREA...........Leave your homes........pack your bags and give it to the Muzzies.................

Were you dropped on your head at birth..............
I'm sure your subversive women will approve...

You know what, guy. here's the thing. We aren't going to change them. they need to do that on their own.
We can certainly POINT IT OUT and anyone with a functioning brain, will realize what we do with those little cartoons is TRUE! Need me to post some pictures of muslim women being stoned for being with a boy from another muslim cult, or perhaps, she CHEATED on her husband, and now is stoned to death, BUT while she is being raped, it takes 4 male witnesses for her to PROVE that she was?
I think we should make a list of the Muslim countries which allow women to drive cars.

Ok, alphabetically we have....

um ... ah ...

"Honest and knowledgeable" referred to Egyptian President el-Sisi's comments (January 1, 2015) at Al Azhar, the greatest university in the Arab world when he addressed the Awqaf Ministry, the government’s religious department that funds mosques and Muslim imams across Egypt. His opinions in this matter are far more "honest and knowledgeable" than anything you have ever posted here and he courageously said (and you deny) that what the imams teach and preach to those impressionable young Muslims has caused "the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world."

In need of a religious revolution Levant Columnists Opinion Toronto Su
I'm not saying they don't teach that, I'm saying the reason they teach that has more to do with the bombs we drop, than it does some old book.

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