Why is it always Muslims?

So, blowing up barracks and slaughtering 200 marines, bombing the USS Cole, or bombing the WTC in 1993 isn't a declaration of war because you, the Anus Mouth of the board says so? Even if the enemy specifically declares war, and acts on it? Ya okay. :cuckoo:
No it's not a declaration of war, because Muslims are not one entity, with one mindset and one common goal.

People who think that, have the mind of a child and lack sufficient grey matter required for complex thought.
Reagan was senile? If so, senility should be a prerequisite for the presidency. Hillary is almost there.

Yup. The Reagan years.

Homeless swarming our streets.
SHattered middle class
Coke being flown in by the Contras.
There were no "homeless" swarms before Reagan? I see a lot more homeless "swarms" under Obama. I see a lot more poverty under Obama than I did under Bush. I see a far more racially divided country today than I did with either on of them.
Of course you would............Jews have been in the middle east pretty much forever............but people like you believe they don't belong or don't deserve a place, a home, and or a country of their own..............Most of the land was desert that was called Israel..............I guess it was just another version of Holy Sand.................

Except it hasn't been called Israel in 3000 years before the Zionist State appeared. It was called Judea, Palestine, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, etc.

NO, I don't think religious apartheid is any more acceptable than racial apartheid, though...

And as even those just casually knowledgeable know, over 20% of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are not Jewish. Now compare that to any Islamic country before choosing the target of your hatred.
Sure they did. The land was owned by the Ottoman Turks for 700 years, who sided with the Germans in WWI and when they lost the war, the conquerors could do as they saw fit. Arabs had jack shit to say about land they had no control of.

You know what, guy. That's what every imperialist says right before he's evacuating the roof of an embassy.

You mean the Islamic Arab imperialists who are tying to establish terrorist Islamc states all over the region. It must bother you that Israel doesn't allow the animals to do that. :cool:
You mean the Islamic Arab imperialists who are tying to establish terrorist Islamc states all over the region. It must bother you that Israel doesn't allow the animals to do that.

NO, it bothers me that the Zionists are the ones keeping them in a perpetualy angry mood.

We didn't have any problems with the Islamic World before the Zionists started pissing them off.
And as even those just casually knowledgeable know, over 20% of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are not Jewish. Now compare that to any Islamic country before choosing the target of your hatred.

Actually, it's about HALF if you count the occupied territories, and they are treated as second class citizens in their own country.

Zionism was just as ugly under it's original title, Apartheid.
So, blowing up barracks and slaughtering 200 marines, bombing the USS Cole, or bombing the WTC in 1993 isn't a declaration of war because you, the Anus Mouth of the board says so? Even if the enemy specifically declares war, and acts on it? Ya okay. :cuckoo:
No it's not a declaration of war, because Muslims are not one entity, with one mindset and one common goal.

People who think that, have the mind of a child and lack sufficient grey matter required for complex thought.

ISLAMISTS have declared war on the US, Israel, and the West decades ago. They've followed up on their words by attacking and killing Americans, and many Muslim nation states are supporting such actions. We also have individual MUSLIMS in the West attacking the very freedoms the West was built on. What's there to figure out, Anus Mouth with sufficent brown matter inside your head?
ISLAMISTS have declared war on the US, Israel, and the West decades ago. They've followed up on their words by attacking and killing Americans, and many Muslim nation states are supporting such actions. We also have individual MUSLIMS in the West attacking the very freedoms the West was built on. What's there to figure out, Anus Mouth with sufficent brown matter inside your head?

Don't you love how the Zionist scum are happy to say "Let's you and him fight".
You mean the Islamic Arab imperialists who are tying to establish terrorist Islamc states all over the region. It must bother you that Israel doesn't allow the animals to do that.

NO, it bothers me that the Zionists are the ones keeping them in a perpetualy angry mood.

We didn't have any problems with the Islamic World before the Zionists started pissing them off.
So what's making those poor Alqueda and ISIS "perpetually angry"? Ha ha ha. The fact that Zionists won't let the savages commit genocide on them is making them perpetually angry.
ISLAMISTS have declared war on the US, Israel, and the West decades ago. They've followed up on their words by attacking and killing Americans, and many Muslim nation states are supporting such actions. We also have individual MUSLIMS in the West attacking the very freedoms the West was built on. What's there to figure out, Anus Mouth with sufficent brown matter inside your head?

Don't you love how the Zionist scum are happy to say "Let's you and him fight".

No I mean how subhuman Islamist scum keep killing non Muslims in the name of Mohammad the terrorist prophet.
NO, it bothers me that the Zionists are the ones keeping them in a perpetualy angry mood...

Again your hate is misguided (but at least you are consistent). It is and long has been their own failed leadership, the wider Arab World and UNRWA that has trapped these hapless Palestinian "refugees" in squalid camps in order to foment the desperation necessary to spawn generation after generation of human cannon fodder. It's a business for the enablers and a way of life for the Palestinians.
Jow Blow forgot that as far back as Thomas Jefferson and the Barabry Wars, Muslim animals were kidnapping and beheading Americans in the name of Mohammad. In fact their behavior was IDENTICAL to how ISIS and Al Queda are acting today.

Oh wait, what am I thinking. It was because of those evil Jooooooos that MUSLIMS got perpetually angry over 200 years ago and hpbehaeidng Americans and asking for ransom, or else! Allah Akbar! Ha ha ha.
NO, it bothers me that the Zionists are the ones keeping them in a perpetualy angry mood...

Again your hate is misguided (but at least you are consistent). It is and long has been their own failed leadership, the wider Arab World and UNRWA that has trapped these hapless Palestinian "refugees" in squalid camps in order to foment the desperation necessary to spawn generation after generation of human cannon fodder. It's a business for the enablers and a way of life for the Palestinians.
There is a solution, but the Arab world would hate it; which is UN administration of Gaza and parts of the West Bank, as well as disarmament of Hamas and Fatah.

They won't be satisfied in their revenge till all Jews in Israel are dead, and they have ' their land' back. Propaganda, religious fanaticism, and material and economic desperation is a toxic mix.
So what's making those poor Alqueda and ISIS "perpetually angry"? Ha ha ha. The fact that Zionists won't let the savages commit genocide on them is making them perpetually angry.

If you Zionists gave their land back and went back to Europe where you belonged, they wouldn't be all that angry.

But keep hoping America keeps bailing you out.
Jow Blow forgot that as far back as Thomas Jefferson and the Barabry Wars, Muslim animals were kidnapping and beheading Americans in the name of Mohammad. In fact their behavior was IDENTICAL to how ISIS and Al Queda are acting today.

They were attacking ships that were IN THEIR WATERS. Heeellllllooooooo. Not that this was vicious or really invovled "Beheadings". They usually just held these people until they got a payoff.

Of course, what followed was 100 years or European colonization that has caused most of the radicaliziation of the Islamic world, Zionism just being the last sad act of htat stupidity.

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