Why is it always Muslims?

Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.
The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

Actually, the Founding Slave Rapists really didn't do all that much. the problem wasn't solved until the EuroTrash decided to take those places over, which is a large part of why we STILL have a problem today.

Now, if we could do the novel thing of just leaving them the fuck alone, that might be progress.

But idiots like you want to keep sticking your dick into a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

So tell us all again about how it is always only Muslims?
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

So tell us all again about how it is always only Muslims?

I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....
The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

Actually, the Founding Slave Rapists really didn't do all that much. the problem wasn't solved until the EuroTrash decided to take those places over, which is a large part of why we STILL have a problem today.

Now, if we could do the novel thing of just leaving them the fuck alone, that might be progress.

But idiots like you want to keep sticking your dick into a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.

Barbary wars and the fact that Muslims were the ones that invaded and colonized Europe first, prove you wrong. Islam is an imperialistic expansionist ideology.
I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....

Okay, how many incidents have their been of Muslims slaughtering people over cartoons? One? Two?

How many mass shootings do we have in the US every year because some gun nut heard voices in his head but was able to buy a gun, anyway?
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

So tell us all again about how it is always only Muslims?

I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....
The answer is, that it isn't. I even gave you a specifically French Christian example. The answer to your question, is that you were / are wrong.
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

1.) The entire premise behind this thread (as reflected by its title) is the idea that it is only ever Muslims. So showing that it isn't always Muslims isn't a logical fallacy, it is quite simply showing that you were wrong in your assumptions at best; and terribly ignorant of world history at worst.

2.) I'm not a Muslim. Nice try though.

1- The premise of this thread is the idea that it's always Muslims. "IT IS" means present day, not it is only "ever", as you tried to cleverly imply. Your claim that others have killed those who defamed their religion in the past is hardly groundbreaking, nitwit.

2- Being a Muslim isn't a requirement for spreading Islamist propaganda, lies, and justifications for Muslim barbarism and terrorism.
Barbary wars and the fact that Muslims were the ones that invaded and colonized Europe first, prove you wrong. Islam is an imperialistic expansionist ideology.

So is Christianity. and Christianity is more genocidal. Just ask my Cherokee ancestors.

Um stay focused, mental case. Your assertion was that Muslims wouldn't be so barbaric if only others wouldn't be sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest.

Islamic history clearly refutes that. Muslims were the first to invade Christian Europe, and Muslims were attacking and terrorist Americans with no provocation, over 200 years ago. Since Muslims are clearly the ones sticking their dicks in other peoples homes and lands, perhaps they should stop whining when they receive the consequences of their actions.
I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....

Okay, how many incidents have their been of Muslims slaughtering people over cartoons? One? Two?

How many mass shootings do we have in the US every year because some gun nut heard voices in his head but was able to buy a gun, anyway?

Your attempt to minimize Islamic barbarism are futile. The entire European continent is now on high alert due to this very reason.

Last time Pope Benedict merely mentioned something about Islam and how it spread, Muslims nearly burned down half of Europe.
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

So tell us all again about how it is always only Muslims?

I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....
The answer is, that it isn't. I even gave you a specifically French Christian example. The answer to your question, is that you were / are wrong.

Yet you can't show me a similar case or pattern of behavior in people of other faiths, can you? Just hot air and empty claims.
The United Kingdom attacked American vessels and took hostages. That's what the War of 1812 was about.

at the same time that these bad old Barbary Pirates were taking hostages (most of whom were released when ransoms were paid), European Christians in North America were killing Native Americans and paying for their scalps to be brought in as proof they were doing it.

And the ironic thing. Most people equate scalping with the Native Americans today.

Scalping - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The ironic thing is you bring up scalping, when you should be discussing the lessons the Founding Fathers learned on how to deal with Islamic piracy and terrorism, which is, that ISIS and Al Queda need to be crushed, and negotiating and "degrading" will not work.

So tell us all again about how it is always only Muslims?

I'm the one asking. Why is it Muslims always that are slaughtering people in the West exercising their free and democratic rights to draw cartoons, or portray religions negatively? Come on now, you know the answer.....
The answer is, that it isn't. I even gave you a specifically French Christian example. The answer to your question, is that you were / are wrong.

Yet you can't show me a similar case or pattern of behavior in people of other faiths, can you? Just hot air and empty claims.

The O.A.S. was a Christian organization. They hated Muslims (most of their leaders did at least save for one idealist) and sought to encourage the creation of an apartheid state in Algeria in which Muslims would be systematically discriminated against. Also, just as an FYI, the 1960's weren't all that long ago.
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

1.) The entire premise behind this thread (as reflected by its title) is the idea that it is only ever Muslims. So showing that it isn't always Muslims isn't a logical fallacy, it is quite simply showing that you were wrong in your assumptions at best; and terribly ignorant of world history at worst.

2.) I'm not a Muslim. Nice try though.

1- The premise of this thread is the idea that it's always Muslims. "IT IS" means present day, not it is only "ever", as you tried to cleverly imply. Your claim that others have killed those who defamed their religion in the past is hardly groundbreaking, nitwit.

2- Being a Muslim isn't a requirement for spreading Islamist propaganda, lies, and justifications for Muslim barbarism and terrorism.

The 1960s easily fall into the academic category of modern history. Furthermore the Charlie Hebdo incident surrounds an Algerian minority population in a majority French population. Since your contention is that there is something unique in modern times about these attacks and that no one else does them, it is worth observing how a minority Christian French population acted in a majority Algerian population. The simple fact is that we saw acts of violence perpetrated by groups like the O.A.S. that are on par with any attack engaged in by a Muslim anywhere in modern Europe that you will be able to point to. I already gave you a specific example of the O.A.S. specifically targeting someone for drawing an editorial cartoon. But I can easily cite more examples. I literally know of hundreds of them.
Um stay focused, mental case. Your assertion was that Muslims wouldn't be so barbaric if only others wouldn't be sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest.

Islamic history clearly refutes that. Muslims were the first to invade Christian Europe, and Muslims were attacking and terrorist Americans with no provocation, over 200 years ago. Since Muslims are clearly the ones sticking their dicks in other peoples homes and lands, perhaps they should stop whining when they receive the consequences of their actions.

Make up your mind, guy. Either you take ALL OF HISTORY or you don't.

You can't say "All of History" to include Ottoman Imperialism while exempting British Imperialism (which was much, much, much worse).

If you want to just include the modern day, then, yes, it's because we keep sticking our dicks into their hornets nest.

Oh, why is it only the Muslims when it isn't the Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists and Shintoists!
Um stay focused, mental case. Your assertion was that Muslims wouldn't be so barbaric if only others wouldn't be sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest.

Islamic history clearly refutes that. Muslims were the first to invade Christian Europe, and Muslims were attacking and terrorist Americans with no provocation, over 200 years ago. Since Muslims are clearly the ones sticking their dicks in other peoples homes and lands, perhaps they should stop whining when they receive the consequences of their actions.

Make up your mind, guy. Either you take ALL OF HISTORY or you don't.

You can't say "All of History" to include Ottoman Imperialism while exempting British Imperialism (which was much, much, much worse).

If you want to just include the modern day, then, yes, it's because we keep sticking our dicks into their hornets nest.

Oh, why is it only the Muslims when it isn't the Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists and Shintoists!
I'll take current history for a 1000 Alec...........................

Not having to go back to the 7th Century for the argument.
We evolved...............they DEVOLVED BACK IN TIME.
I'll take current history for a 1000 Alec...........................

Not having to go back to the 7th Century for the argument.
We evolved...............they DEVOLVED BACK IN TIME.

I don't think we are all that "evolved", to be honest. How many hate crimes against not only Muslims but Hindus and Sikhs have happened since 9/11?

If the Muslims are "Savage", it because they live in a world where they are routinely bombed.

Fuck, given how many wingnuts on this website I've seen fantasize about all the people they can't wait to shoot, I'd imagine what we'd become if our civilization fell apart under the pressures of war and poverty.
I'll take current history for a 1000 Alec...........................

Not having to go back to the 7th Century for the argument.
We evolved...............they DEVOLVED BACK IN TIME.

I don't think we are all that "evolved", to be honest. How many hate crimes against not only Muslims but Hindus and Sikhs have happened since 9/11?

If the Muslims are "Savage", it because they live in a world where they are routinely bombed.

Fuck, given how many wingnuts on this website I've seen fantasize about all the people they can't wait to shoot, I'd imagine what we'd become if our civilization fell apart under the pressures of war and poverty.
How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.
How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.

Once again. The French did this in Algeria in the 60s too. One need not go back too far in time to witness brutality from "civilized" nations. We also see non-Islamic groups currently engaged in such atrocities as well. I think that people tend to forget that most of Sub-Saharan Africa is Christian.

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