Why is it always Muslims?

How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.

Once again. The French did this in Algeria in the 60s too. One need not go back too far in time to witness brutality from "civilized" nations. We also see non-Islamic groups currently engaged in such atrocities as well. I think that people tend to forget that most of Sub-Saharan Africa is Christian.
and once again ISIS has displaced over half a country...............and the Muzzies in africa are going door to door in their killing sprees...................
Muslim modus operandi: when confronted with truths about Islam or Muslims, change subject to Europeans and Christians ASAP. Fact is the Islamic pirates attacked American vessels, took hostages and beheaded them, and they SAID they were doing it in the name of Islam, and so did their victims. And all of this has been recorded and documented.

But but but but Europeans had pirates toooooo! Ha ha ha.

1.) The entire premise behind this thread (as reflected by its title) is the idea that it is only ever Muslims. So showing that it isn't always Muslims isn't a logical fallacy, it is quite simply showing that you were wrong in your assumptions at best; and terribly ignorant of world history at worst.

2.) I'm not a Muslim. Nice try though.

1- The premise of this thread is the idea that it's always Muslims. "IT IS" means present day, not it is only "ever", as you tried to cleverly imply. Your claim that others have killed those who defamed their religion in the past is hardly groundbreaking, nitwit.

2- Being a Muslim isn't a requirement for spreading Islamist propaganda, lies, and justifications for Muslim barbarism and terrorism.

The 1960s easily fall into the academic category of modern history. Furthermore the Charlie Hebdo incident surrounds an Algerian minority population in a majority French population. Since your contention is that there is something unique in modern times about these attacks and that no one else does them, it is worth observing how a minority Christian French population acted in a majority Algerian population. The simple fact is that we saw acts of violence perpetrated by groups like the O.A.S. that are on par with any attack engaged in by a Muslim anywhere in modern Europe that you will be able to point to. I already gave you a specific example of the O.A.S. specifically targeting someone for drawing an editorial cartoon. But I can easily cite more examples. I literally know of hundreds of them.

So....now you're bringing the Algerian independence movement from French colonists as justification and equivalent Muslims slaughtering cartoonists? Just how lame are you? That isn't even CLOSE.

Unfortunately for you, your entire premise collapses from the getgo because Chalie Hebdo wasn't an isolated incident, it was the hair that broke the camel's back. There were so many similar incidents of Muslims having a sudden jihad moment and murdering writers, journalists, film producers, artists, Van Gogh's son, etc. all over Western Europe, that Europeans got sick and tired and had to do somethung about their Western freedoms and ideals being held hostage by Muslim savages. That's why so many millions marched in France, and why so many world world leaders showed up. They had enough.

So yes, there is something unique about Islam and what it does to Muslims.
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Um stay focused, mental case. Your assertion was that Muslims wouldn't be so barbaric if only others wouldn't be sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest.

Islamic history clearly refutes that. Muslims were the first to invade Christian Europe, and Muslims were attacking and terrorist Americans with no provocation, over 200 years ago. Since Muslims are clearly the ones sticking their dicks in other peoples homes and lands, perhaps they should stop whining when they receive the consequences of their actions.

Make up your mind, guy. Either you take ALL OF HISTORY or you don't.

You can't say "All of History" to include Ottoman Imperialism while exempting British Imperialism (which was much, much, much worse).

If you want to just include the modern day, then, yes, it's because we keep sticking our dicks into their hornets nest.

Oh, why is it only the Muslims when it isn't the Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists and Shintoists!

Try to focus, braindead. Muslims are the only ones slaughtering those who speak negatively about their prophet or religion.
How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.

Okay, guy, here's the problem. They aren't cutting off the heads of little kids. They are cutting off the heads of western hostages who should have shown a lick of sense to not be their to start with.

You can huff and puff all day, but the fact is, I don't see you running down to a recruiter's office to sign up.

Let me know when you do.
Okay, best way to understand Roudy the Zionist.

Roudy "Hey, I'm going to climb into this Tiger's Cage because God told me it was mine!"

Me- "That's kind of a dumb idea."

Roudy: "Oh my God, the Tiger is mauling me!"

Me- "Um, yeah, that's why they had a fence around it."

Roudy- "Don't you know Tigers are evil and have a history of eating people'.

Me- Yeah, stupid people who put themselves in that territory. Why don't you just climb out of his cage. Roudy? Roudy? Where did you go?

Tiger: BURRRRRRP!!!!!!
Try to focus, braindead. Muslims are the only ones slaughtering those who speak negatively about their prophet or religion.

Except when Christians and Jews have done the same thing.

Can you show us? No you can't.

you mean other than the Bible and history texts?

I mean show us how Jews and Christians today are killing those who insult their religion, for example cartoonists.
Okay, best way to understand Roudy the Zionist.

Roudy "Hey, I'm going to climb into this Tiger's Cage because God told me it was mine!"

Me- "That's kind of a dumb idea."

Roudy: "Oh my God, the Tiger is mauling me!"

Me- "Um, yeah, that's why they had a fence around it."

Roudy- "Don't you know Tigers are evil and have a history of eating people'.

Me- Yeah, stupid people who put themselves in that territory. Why don't you just climb out of his cage. Roudy? Roudy? Where did you go?

Tiger: BURRRRRRP!!!!!!

Now that was pretty lame. If you want to be funny just say the stupid things you normally do. You'll get laughs every time.
I mean show us how Jews and Christians today are killing those who insult their religion, for example cartoonists.

I don't know, those 130,000 people who died in Iraq because Jesus told Bush to invade or those 2000 Palestinians who were killed in the Gaza because Bibi wanted to look tough are pretty good examples.

But I'm sure you'll claim those things are "justified".
I mean show us how Jews and Christians today are killing those who insult their religion, for example cartoonists.

I don't know, those 130,000 people who died in Iraq because Jesus told Bush to invade or those 2000 Palestinians who were killed in the Gaza because Bibi wanted to look tough are pretty good examples.

But I'm sure you'll claim those things are "justified".

The problem is that the incidents you posted had NOTHING to do with religion.

Whereas Muslim extremists kill BECAUSE of their religion.
Okay, best way to understand Roudy the Zionist.

Roudy "Hey, I'm going to climb into this Tiger's Cage because God told me it was mine!"

Me- "That's kind of a dumb idea."

Roudy: "Oh my God, the Tiger is mauling me!"

Me- "Um, yeah, that's why they had a fence around it."

Roudy- "Don't you know Tigers are evil and have a history of eating people'.

Me- Yeah, stupid people who put themselves in that territory. Why don't you just climb out of his cage. Roudy? Roudy? Where did you go?

Tiger: BURRRRRRP!!!!!!
What an incredibly dumb and childish comparison. How many times does it have to be said to you that most Jewish Israelis are secular?

And when they arrived to the regions, it was not a Tiger's cage.

Reading your posts, it's almost as if you have no knowledge on the subject.
The Apologists like to portray the Crusades as some type of Catholic blood lust, but I think they just recognized the threat for what is was and still is.

Jews killed christians and christians killed anyone who wasn't christian. It was for territory power and control. Like gangs.
I mean show us how Jews and Christians today are killing those who insult their religion, for example cartoonists.

I don't know, those 130,000 people who died in Iraq because Jesus told Bush to invade or those 2000 Palestinians who were killed in the Gaza because Bibi wanted to look tough are pretty good examples.

But I'm sure you'll claim those things are "justified".

And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?
The problem is that the incidents you posted had NOTHING to do with religion.

Whereas Muslim extremists kill BECAUSE of their religion.

That's fucking retarded.

God told Bush to go into Iraq. Seriously, he said so.

As for the continued genocide of the Palestinian people by Zionist scum, they only pick that place because "God" gave it to them. It's in the fucking bible.
And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?

they, are 100 times worse?


130,000 Iraqis- most of them women and children
2,000 Palestinains - most of them women and children
13 racist cartoonists- None of them children, and most of them not women, either.
What an incredibly dumb and childish comparison. How many times does it have to be said to you that most Jewish Israelis are secular?

And when they arrived to the regions, it was not a Tiger's cage.

Reading your posts, it's almost as if you have no knowledge on the subject.

Reading your posts, it's amazing how much in denial you are.

You stole their shit. Now they want to kill you. It's pretty fucking simple, really.
And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?

they, are 100 times worse?


130,000 Iraqis- most of them women and children
2,000 Palestinains - most of them women and children
13 racist cartoonists- None of them children, and most of them not women, either.
So you're comparing people killed in war as collateral damage to 13 cartoonists just doing their job where there was no war. Fuck you're incredibly stupid.

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