Why is it always Muslims?

Sorry bout that,

1. Its always going to be islam until they either, 1 gain the world, and you will be dead, or 2 we take these mother fuckers out of the world sending them to God.

The ironic thing is, the guy has always claimed he's an "Eisenhower Republican", but as it's slowly but surely turned out, he's actually one of the absolute farthest to the left of all members here. He has zero in common with Ike.

Actually, Ike never would have gotten us involved in stupid wars, because he understood war.

Ike was the guy who got us out of Korea. He refused to side with the Zionists and British in the 1956 war and even put pressure to put an end to that war.

Oh, yeah, and Ike had a 93% top marginal rate on the rich and used the money to fund public works projects.

And Ike would have never worked to take gun rights away from Americans like you would.He was also a member of the NRA.
I like how you go from saying religion validated their behavior to saying religion had nothing to do with their decision to kill innocent people. You can't even keep your story straight from post to post.

LOL at saying Islam had no bearing in an terrorist attack where the "men" said, "allah akbar" and "we have avenged the prophet", while they attacked.

Religion doesn't validate anything.. Except in the minds of religious fanatics.

So shooting racist cartoonists for Mohammed or blowing up a gay bar for Jesus, religious stupidity is religious stupidity.

Saying one is worse than the other is kind of silly, though.

How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.

Once again. The French did this in Algeria in the 60s too. One need not go back too far in time to witness brutality from "civilized" nations. We also see non-Islamic groups currently engaged in such atrocities as well. I think that people tend to forget that most of Sub-Saharan Africa is Christian.
and once again ISIS has displaced over half a country...............and the Muzzies in africa are going door to door in their killing sprees...................

And a guy claiming to channel the Holy Spirit and fight for a state based on the ten commandments has had over 11,000 people killed and has abducted over 60,000 others and continues to remain at large. The simple fact is that it isn't only "Muslims" and that looking simply at religion as the sole causal variable affords one a very shallow understanding of current conflict.
So....now you're bringing the Algerian independence movement from French colonists as justification and equivalent Muslims slaughtering cartoonists? Just how lame are you? That isn't even CLOSE.

March 15th 1962, a group of French Christians abduct writer Mouloud Feraoun (close former friend of French writer Albert Camus), they shoot him 12 times in the chest for the "liberalism" of his writings. His offending line: "The War in Algeria is ending. Peace to those who are dead. Peace to those who are going to survive. Let the terror cease. Vive la liberte!"
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How many on this board are cutting little kids heads off in the middle east right now..............


and they are killing their fellow Muslims in doing so.........................

Everything is everybody else's fault in your tiny mind..............blaming us for the barbarism in the middle east right now...............

WE GOT BOMBED............quick.................cut off that little girls head..............that'll stop it..............

Do you realize how stupid you really sound all the time with your standard bs posts.................

Probably not, but I do.

Once again. The French did this in Algeria in the 60s too. One need not go back too far in time to witness brutality from "civilized" nations. We also see non-Islamic groups currently engaged in such atrocities as well. I think that people tend to forget that most of Sub-Saharan Africa is Christian.
and once again ISIS has displaced over half a country...............and the Muzzies in africa are going door to door in their killing sprees...................

And a guy claiming to channel the Holy Spirit and fight for a state based on the ten commandments has had over 11,000 people killed and has abducted over 60,000 others and continues to remain at large. The simple fact is that it isn't only "Muslims" and that looking simply at religion as the sole causal variable affords one a very shallow understanding of current conflict.

The history of the world has seen many outbreaks of religious based violence, and certainly Christianity has more than it's share of murder and pillage.
BUT, around the world TODAY, the religion that is the home of the majority of terrorism, murder, and mayhem, is Islam.
And when liberals go out of their way to look past that fact, especially when their defense is always to point to past events such as the Crusades, they lose credibility.
The history of the world has seen many outbreaks of religious based violence, and certainly Christianity has more than it's share of murder and pillage.
BUT, around the world TODAY, the religion that is the home of the majority of terrorism, murder, and mayhem, is Islam.
And when liberals go out of their way to look past that fact, especially when their defense is always to point to past events such as the Crusades, they lose credibility.

The Lord's Resistance Army is still in operation today. But also, as I said, relying on religion as your fundamental explanatory variable for conflict often affords one a very poor understanding of the root causes of modern conflict. Mathematically Islam isn't a significant contributing factor, religion in general isn't in fact, and has been studied intensely by economists such as Paul Collier. Identity plurality within a contained population set (usually based around state lines), does show some statistical significance in explaining conflict and such identities can exist surrounding religious identity, but it is just as potent of a factors as say ethnic plurality, or rigid party identity, nor does it matter what religions make up said pluralistic identity.
The history of the world has seen many outbreaks of religious based violence, and certainly Christianity has more than it's share of murder and pillage.
BUT, around the world TODAY, the religion that is the home of the majority of terrorism, murder, and mayhem, is Islam.
And when liberals go out of their way to look past that fact, especially when their defense is always to point to past events such as the Crusades, they lose credibility.

The Lord's Resistance Army is still in operation today. But also, as I said, relying on religion as your fundamental explanatory variable for conflict often affords one a very poor understanding of the root causes of modern conflict. Mathematically Islam isn't a significant contributing factor, religion in general isn't in fact, and has been studied intensely by economists such as Paul Collier. Identity plurality within a contained population set (usually based around state lines), does show some statistical significance in explaining conflict and such identities can exist surrounding religious identity, but it is just as potent of a factors as say ethnic plurality, or rigid party identity, nor does it matter what religions make up said pluralistic identity.

I don't totally disagree with you, but in the case of Islam, in certain regions of the world this religion keeps much of the followers in a perpetual state of alienation from the modern world due to the refusal of a sizable number of the followers to let go of ancient fundamental beliefs and views.
Thus the growth of poverty and the growth of extremism and thus a more likely possibility that followers of this particular religion will turn to jihad to force their ways on others
The problem is that the incidents you posted had NOTHING to do with religion.

Whereas Muslim extremists kill BECAUSE of their religion.

That's fucking retarded.

God told Bush to go into Iraq. Seriously, he said so.

As for the continued genocide of the Palestinian people by Zionist scum, they only pick that place because "God" gave it to them. It's in the fucking bible.

Wow, two totally incorrect statements, non of which explains why it's always Muslims that attack freedom of expression in Western nations.
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And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?

they, are 100 times worse?


130,000 Iraqis- most of them women and children
2,000 Palestinains - most of them women and children
13 racist cartoonists- None of them children, and most of them not women, either.

These are all bullshit diversions. Muslim citizens of Western nations are attacking the rights of artists, journalists and artists to express themselves.
And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?

they, are 100 times worse?


130,000 Iraqis- most of them women and children
2,000 Palestinains - most of them women and children
13 racist cartoonists- None of them children, and most of them not women, either.
Yea, "racist" cartoonists, half of whom were jewish socialists, all of whom were avowed "anti-racists" calling for banning the "racist" Front National. They also had many anti-zionist cartoons.

But please, tell us more about how these backward algerian goat fuckers killing anti-theist, anti-war french leftists is a legitimate response to the American invasion of Iraq. But it isn't a big deal because most of the writers were men.

Joe Mohammad Blow: "But but but....the Crusades!" Ha ha ha.
I mean show us how Jews and Christians today are killing those who insult their religion, for example cartoonists.

I don't know, those 130,000 people who died in Iraq because Jesus told Bush to invade or those 2000 Palestinians who were killed in the Gaza because Bibi wanted to look tough are pretty good examples.

But I'm sure you'll claim those things are "justified".

And this has what exactly to do with Muslims running around killing cartoonists, journalists, writers, etc. who dare to criticize their religion or prophet?
Nothing. Joe is a closet Muslim who likes to blame everyone but them. One of the dumbest posters I've come across.

The ironic thing is, the guy has always claimed he's an "Eisenhower Republican", but as it's slowly but surely turned out, he's actually one of the absolute farthest to the left of all members here. He has zero in common with Ike.

He's got something Muslim up his butt somewhere. Just mention the word Islam or Muslims and he's all over you, like a Mohammad on 8 year old Aisha.
Islam is a race now? Were they racist when they attacked Christian and Jews? Oh wait, that's right, its ok to shit on those religions but if you criticize the religion started by an bloodthirsty pedophile you deserve to die.

Glad to know you think it is ok to kill innocent people if they publish a "racist" cartoon though you fucking faggot.

I'd like to see a reality where you go to prison.

I don't think it's "ok", but I also don't express surprise when it happens.

Just like when a guy walks into a biker bar and starts talking smack about how all the bikers are pussies, I'm not terribly surprised when he ends up in traction the next day.
I like your analogy of comparing Muslims to a violent biker gang. But yea, Islam is a religion of peace and the paris shooters were victims of the "racism" of some jewish left wing anti-fascists.

According to Joe Mohammad Blow, Muslims are these violent out of control animals that Westerners should know better not to mess with.
So....now you're bringing the Algerian independence movement from French colonists as justification and equivalent Muslims slaughtering cartoonists? Just how lame are you? That isn't even CLOSE.

March 15th 1962, a group of French Christians abduct writer Mouloud Feraoun (close former friend of French writer Albert Camus), they shoot him 12 times in the chest for the "liberalism" of his writings. His offending line: "The War in Algeria is ending. Peace to those who are dead. Peace to those who are going to survive. Let the terror cease. Vive la liberte!"

You are desperate and a fucking idiot aren't you? Algeria was a French colony 70 years ago, and there was an ongoing war to liberate it. What the fuck does that have to do with Muslims all over Western Europe attacking Western values, and freedom of artistic expression by slaughtering those who mock Islam?

Is Europe a Muslim colony, or perhaps occupied Muslim lands? :cuckoo:
I like how you go from saying religion validated their behavior to saying religion had nothing to do with their decision to kill innocent people. You can't even keep your story straight from post to post.

LOL at saying Islam had no bearing in an terrorist attack where the "men" said, "allah akbar" and "we have avenged the prophet", while they attacked.

Religion doesn't validate anything.. Except in the minds of religious fanatics.

So shooting racist cartoonists for Mohammed or blowing up a gay bar for Jesus, religious stupidity is religious stupidity.

Saying one is worse than the other is kind of silly, though.
Islamic texts don't validate anything, except when the actual texts inspire Islamic extremists to engage in terrorism, wow what an insightful post.
And Ike would have never worked to take gun rights away from Americans like you would.He was also a member of the NRA.

Back in Ike's day, the NRA wasn't a bunch of crazy people who said we needed guns to shoot "Jack booted" government employees.

In fact, back in those oldy days the NRA supported common sense gun control.

When 1966 Reagan passed a law against open carry in California, the NRA totally supported him.
These are all bullshit diversions. Muslim citizens of Western nations are attacking the rights of artists, journalists and artists to express themselves.

Yeah, well, if you intentionally offend people you know don't take well to being offended, you shouldn't act surprised.

Like I said, If I went into a biker bar and called them all a bunch of pussies, it would be a crime if they beat the hell out of me.

But doing it was a really stupid idea.

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