Why is it always Muslims?

Joe Blow, you need to stop vomiting Islamist propaganda, you are once again proving you are nothing but a Muslim shill.

The only reason certain people "submitted" to Islam was because Muslim animals had slaughtered, raped, and looted many other lands before them! That is how Islam spread. In fact, if you take ISIS back about a thousand years, they are doing exactly what Muslims did back then.

Um, no, not really.

I would ask you to compare what the Crusders did when they took Jerusalem in 1099 compared to what Saladin did when he took it back in 1187.

The Crusaders slaughtered every man, woman and child in the city, Christians and Jews as well as Muslims.

Saladin not only didn't slaughter the Franks in Jerusalem, he allowed most of them leave without even paying the customary ransom.
Reading problems again? Muslims had invaded Christian lands, and were slowly creeping all over Europe. They had to be stopped. Here let me put it in larger print for you, dumbass:

why, it doesn't make your argument that pig-ignorant illiterate peasants were upset about something that happened 400 years earlier...
It wasn't a single invasion, that's not how things went down back then, Muslims kept invading, and getting greedier, until it became alarming. You of course choose to ignore the words of the Pope which I posted about cleansing the land from Islam.
Joe Blow, you need to stop vomiting Islamist propaganda, you are once again proving you are nothing but a Muslim shill.

The only reason certain people "submitted" to Islam was because Muslim animals had slaughtered, raped, and looted many other lands before them! That is how Islam spread. In fact, if you take ISIS back about a thousand years, they are doing exactly what Muslims did back then.

Um, no, not really.

I would ask you to compare what the Crusders did when they took Jerusalem in 1099 compared to what Saladin did when he took it back in 1187.

The Crusaders slaughtered every man, woman and child in the city, Christians and Jews as well as Muslims.

Saladin not only didn't slaughter the Franks in Jerusalem, he allowed most of them leave without even paying the customary ransom.
Islamic history didn't begin and end with Saladin, you are ignorant, and TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF.

Whereas Islam began with killing of unbelievers right from the start.

For the first century of its existence, Islam was absolutely soaked in blood. The killing only slowed down as the Islamic empire finally ran into boundaries in the 8th century, after about a century of expansionist, imperialist, unprovoked Islamic aggression.

Even after the initial expansion slowed, the killings did not end. Slaughter (jihad) and oppression (sharia) are part of the core doctrines of Islam. Killing for Islam is not a modern idea, and it will never end until some sort of reformation takes place within the religion. Medieval Christianity was equally violent, but Christianity has since reformed.

For many years now, Islam has been the most violent religion in the world.

Tears of Jihad
by Bill Warner

These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad.

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died. Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.
120 million Africans

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:
60 million Christians

Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst,Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.”
80 million Hindus

Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam) everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.] 10 million Buddhists

Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was 100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not millions. After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis (servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have geographic political power.

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.
It wasn't a single invasion, that's not how things went down back then, Muslims kept invading, and getting greedier, until it became alarming. You of course choose to ignore the words of the Pope which I posted about cleansing the land from Islam.

I make a habit of ignoring shit that is said by Popes.

The point being by 1190, the Caliphate had broken down into several competing groups, and they really weren't encroaching on Europe at that point. Urban II simply wanted to enhance his street cred against an 'anti-Pope' by calling a crusade that all the Kings of that time ignored.

Islamic history didn't begin and end with Saladin, you are ignorant, and TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF.

Whereas Islam began with killing of unbelievers right from the start.

For the first century of its existence, Islam was absolutely soaked in blood. The killing only slowed down as the Islamic empire finally ran into boundaries in the 8th century, after about a century of expansionist, imperialist, unprovoked Islamic aggression.

First, don't post shit by Uncle Tom Sowell. That guy has no credibility with me when he's shining the Koch Brothers shoes.

Second, Christians had an even bloodier history of killing "unbelievers" and "infidels". (Yes, "Infidel" is a western term, not an islamic one.) That's why you'll never meet an Albigensian today. Or an Arian. Or a worshipper of Odin of Zeus or Quezacoatl. The Christians totally wiped those fuckers out.

Meanwhile, the Islamic world did allow Mandeans, Zoroasterians, Samaritans, Jews, Coptic and Assyrian Christians, Yazidis and other non-Islamic types to live in their countries for centuries.

So the last thing I want to hear from you guys is "My Sky Pixie makes me less of a dick than their sky pixie."

Becuase at the end of the day, you all worship the same Sky Pixie.... who doesn't exist.
It wasn't a single invasion, that's not how things went down back then, Muslims kept invading, and getting greedier, until it became alarming. You of course choose to ignore the words of the Pope which I posted about cleansing the land from Islam.

I make a habit of ignoring shit that is said by Popes.

The point being by 1190, the Caliphate had broken down into several competing groups, and they really weren't encroaching on Europe at that point. Urban II simply wanted to enhance his street cred against an 'anti-Pope' by calling a crusade that all the Kings of that time ignored.

Islamic history didn't begin and end with Saladin, you are ignorant, and TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF.

Whereas Islam began with killing of unbelievers right from the start.

For the first century of its existence, Islam was absolutely soaked in blood. The killing only slowed down as the Islamic empire finally ran into boundaries in the 8th century, after about a century of expansionist, imperialist, unprovoked Islamic aggression.

First, don't post shit by Uncle Tom Sowell. That guy has no credibility with me when he's shining the Koch Brothers shoes.

Second, Christians had an even bloodier history of killing "unbelievers" and "infidels". (Yes, "Infidel" is a western term, not an islamic one.) That's why you'll never meet an Albigensian today. Or an Arian. Or a worshipper of Odin of Zeus or Quezacoatl. The Christians totally wiped those fuckers out.

Meanwhile, the Islamic world did allow Mandeans, Zoroasterians, Samaritans, Jews, Coptic and Assyrian Christians, Yazidis and other non-Islamic types to live in their countries for centuries.

So the last thing I want to hear from you guys is "My Sky Pixie makes me less of a dick than their sky pixie."

Becuase at the end of the day, you all worship the same Sky Pixie.... who doesn't exist.

Muslims "allowed" Zoroastrians, Christians, Mandeans etc to live as an underclass enslaved and tributory to muslims.
Southern Christians in the USA "allowed" blacks to live
as slaves too. In fact even European Christians allowed
gypsies and jews to live. Both Christians and muslims have
a history of genocide. Christians gave it up
Muslims "allowed" Zoroastrians, Christians, Mandeans etc to live as an underclass enslaved and tributory to muslims.
Southern Christians in the USA "allowed" blacks to live
as slaves too. In fact even European Christians allowed
gypsies and jews to live. Both Christians and muslims have
a history of genocide. Christians gave it up

Christians just went on a bender in 1940 and gave it up for a while.

Sorry, if you stack up the death toll by Christians and compare them to the death toll of Muslims, Christians really come out looking a lot worse. Which is what happens when you think your imaginary Sky Fairy tells you to do something.
Muslims "allowed" Zoroastrians, Christians, Mandeans etc to live as an underclass enslaved and tributory to muslims.
Southern Christians in the USA "allowed" blacks to live
as slaves too. In fact even European Christians allowed
gypsies and jews to live. Both Christians and muslims have
a history of genocide. Christians gave it up

Christians just went on a bender in 1940 and gave it up for a while.

Sorry, if you stack up the death toll by Christians and compare them to the death toll of Muslims, Christians really come out looking a lot worse. Which is what happens when you think your imaginary Sky Fairy tells you to do something.

actually you are wrong about the stats. Your comments about the imaginary sky fairy are useless too. Try to stick to that which you know
actually you are wrong about the stats. Your comments about the imaginary sky fairy are useless too. Try to stick to that which you know

Um, no, my stats are pretty accurate.

Christians you have-
The Crusades
The Inquistion
The Thirty Years War
The colonization of the Americas with the genocide of Amerind peoples.
The trans-Atlantic slave trade
The colonization of Australia with the genocide of the Aborignes.
World War I
World War II (European theatre)

Easily hundreds of millions.

The Muslims/ Well, you make some whacky claims about the Hindu-Kush genocide being 20 million, but that's sort of laughable. But even if I toss you that bone they still don't get even close.
actually you are wrong about the stats. Your comments about the imaginary sky fairy are useless too. Try to stick to that which you know

Um, no, my stats are pretty accurate.

Christians you have-
The Crusades
The Inquistion
The Thirty Years War
The colonization of the Americas with the genocide of Amerind peoples.
The trans-Atlantic slave trade
The colonization of Australia with the genocide of the Aborignes.
World War I
World War II (European theatre)

Easily hundreds of millions.

The Muslims/ Well, you make some whacky claims about the Hindu-Kush genocide being 20 million, but that's sort of laughable. But even if I toss you that bone they still don't get even close.

Historians agree that in the first 100 years of Moghul occupation of India-----muslims murdered 100 million
hindus. keep laughing
There are actual reason why Iranians still despise arabs.
I have important news------Saudi Arabia is ON THE SILK ROAD------and was once a very culturally diverse place----
today the citizenry of that "country" is 100% muslim.
the country does have an enslaved underclass of non muslim workers --------a century ago ----no non muslims other than
LAWRENCE ---why? comprehensive genocide-----muhummad was better at it than adolf

(PS----Iranians really do despise arabs----it is an
interesting phenomenon---left over from massive
genocide------there are ethnic arabs living in iran---
even they are DESPISED)
Don't need guns to compensate for something that doesn't need compensated. I own guns because I have a RIGHT to do so. Don't won't one, don't buy one. Don't want me to have one, come get it son.

You own guns because you are a scared little man...
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.
Historians agree that in the first 100 years of Moghul occupation of India-----muslims murdered 100 million
hindus. keep laughing

Actually, historians don't agree with that at all.

You actually have to do some pretty serious handstand to get to that number, counting 1300 years of wars, where the Hindus gave as good as they got.

Okay, I'm going to break this to you gently. Muslims are not The Borg. They are not a hive mind.


"You will be assimilated in the name of Allah!"
The PC-protected religion certainly does have the usual suspects spinning and deflecting for it, doesn't it?

again, Mac, if you want a crusade, no one is stopping you from walking down to the Recruiter's office and signing up.

Funny how Joe Blow so desperately defends everything and anything Islam.
And at the same time, is always there to take a swipe at Christians and Christianity.
It's typical of American liberals. Instead of being biased towards their own country's dominate culture and religion, they are just the opposite. This is why I truly believe they have never viewed America as the shining beacon on top of the hill.
Instead, they only wish to ridicule America, and only wish to discuss the country's faults.
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.

Actually, I used to not care about guns that much, until I had discussions with people like Conservative65 talking about all the people he can't wait to shoot.
And at the same time, is always there to take a swipe at Christians and Christianity.
It's typical of American liberals. Instead of being biased towards their own country's dominate culture and religion, they are just the opposite. This is why I truly believe they have never viewed America as the shining beacon on top of the hill.
Instead, they only wish to ridicule America, and only wish to discuss the country's faults.

Actually, the only way you fix your country's problems is by acknowledging them. I'm sure that Reagan made you all feel better about yourself with his happy talk, but we've been in decline since that asshole got working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

Muslims aren't the ones who let big multinational corporations dismantle the American Middle Class. We can thank "Christians" for that one.
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.

Actually, I used to not care about guns that much, until I had discussions with people like Conservative65 talking about all the people he can't wait to shoot.
Did you make his list ?
And at the same time, is always there to take a swipe at Christians and Christianity.
It's typical of American liberals. Instead of being biased towards their own country's dominate culture and religion, they are just the opposite. This is why I truly believe they have never viewed America as the shining beacon on top of the hill.
Instead, they only wish to ridicule America, and only wish to discuss the country's faults.

Actually, the only way you fix your country's problems is by acknowledging them. I'm sure that Reagan made you all feel better about yourself with his happy talk, but we've been in decline since that asshole got working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

Muslims aren't the ones who let big multinational corporations dismantle the American Middle Class. We can thank "Christians" for that one.
And boy oh boy, do you guys on the left ever "acknowledge" them !! In fact, that's fucking all you guys ever do !
Ever thought about moving to Canada ? It really does fit your taste much better.
Historians agree that in the first 100 years of Moghul occupation of India-----muslims murdered 100 million
hindus. keep laughing

Actually, historians don't agree with that at all.

You actually have to do some pretty serious handstand to get to that number, counting 1300 years of wars, where the Hindus gave as good as they got.

Okay, I'm going to break this to you gently. Muslims are not The Borg. They are not a hive mind.


"You will be assimilated in the name of Allah!"

either you have never actually known muslims or you like to parrot islamo Nazi propaganda-----in fact considering the fact
that you quote islamo Nazi propaganda----you could, yourself--be a muslim. I have interacted very closely with
muslims over the past 45 years. I learned about islam----
and about muslims FROM MUSLIMS -----later on I learned
about being a non muslim in shariah cesspits from people
who were non muslims in shariah cesspits In fact my
husband was born in a shariah cesspit I learned about
hindu and muslim history from hindus and muslims from
south east Asia You know nothing or you are a Liar
This is why people like you have no business being part of the discussion of firearms. Your above response which is typical of you, and continual comments regarding a gun owners "appendage", only tells others that you have no real knowledge regarding guns and their owners.

Actually, I used to not care about guns that much, until I had discussions with people like Conservative65 talking about all the people he can't wait to shoot.
Did you make his list ?

Oh, yes, he can't have a conversation with me wihtout expressing that fantasy.

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