Why is it always Muslims?

The reason all these morons can't handle the simple fact that it's only Muslims that murder those who insult their religion or craw cartoons of their prophet is because it then goes to the fact that there is something inherently wrong about Islam.
Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.

Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Some people are sold on the advertisement I guess. They can satisfy themselves with cartoon versions of history.

Then again some people know jack shit about history, and hide from reality.

I'm sure history in one dimension is easier for some people to understand.

One dimensional? Sure sure. Muslims invaded Christian Europe first, at some point the Christians in Europe rose up to defend their land, culture, and heritage. What are the other dimensions? That there were other factors such as politics, corruption, etc.? Of course there were, that has always been the case. But the singular driving force behind the Crusades was to take back Christian lands.
And the reason you can't back up your claim that the crusades weren't in response to Muslim invasions is because you're full of shit. Do you really think by constantly squealing like an Islamic shill "it wasn't because if Muslims!" It actually makes it so?

"Christians have been as violent and bloody as Muslims". That wasn't the argument either asswipe.

So to conclude, history proves that Jews have been one of the most peaceful non violent people.

Naw, they just wear out their welcome like bad houseguests.

Fact is, the "Holy Land" had been Muslim for 400 years, and some pig-ignorant farmer in France didn't even know where it was before someone said, "God Wills It" and they were following some army on a crusade. The crusades were a Darwinian event. They got the stupid out of the gene pool.
Joe is such a great American.

Yup, he never misses an opportunity to bash America, Christianity, Jews, and Israel.

I wonder why?

Sorry, you see, I don't see Israel as being part of America, and we were founded by Diests who thought the bible were bullshit. (They were also slave-raping assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.)
And the reason you can't back up your claim that the crusades weren't in response to Muslim invasions is because you're full of shit. Do you really think by constantly squealing like an Islamic shill "it wasn't because if Muslims!" It actually makes it so?

"Christians have been as violent and bloody as Muslims". That wasn't the argument either asswipe.

So to conclude, history proves that Jews have been one of the most peaceful non violent people.

Naw, they just wear out their welcome like bad houseguests.

Fact is, the "Holy Land" had been Muslim for 400 years, and some pig-ignorant farmer in France didn't even know where it was before someone said, "God Wills It" and they were following some army on a crusade. The crusades were a Darwinian event. They got the stupid out of the gene pool.

Again, back up your claims otherwise it's going straight in the garbage bin of a Isamic propoganda, as usual.
Joe is such a great American.

Yup, he never misses an opportunity to bash America, Christianity, Jews, and Israel.

I wonder why?

Sorry, you see, I don't see Israel as being part of America, and we were founded by Diests who thought the bible were bullshit. (They were also slave-raping assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.)

What a coincidence, most people don't see an ideology that can coexist with American values.

Israel will be a strong ally of America whether or not you Islamo Nazi lovers like it. :clap2:
What a coincidence, most people don't see an ideology that can coexist with American values.

Israel will be a strong ally of America whether or not you Islamo Nazi lovers like it.

Israel will keep dragging us into wars until American mothers get tired of their sons coming home in boxes.

Oh, wait. That's already happened.
The PC-protected religion certainly does have the usual suspects spinning and deflecting for it, doesn't it?

again, Mac, if you want a crusade, no one is stopping you from walking down to the Recruiter's office and signing up.
Yet another great example of my point, your specialty, thanks.


You mean, "Joe you totally debunked and mocked my santimonious bullshit- again!"

Yes, yes, I know.

Our "Problem" with Muslims exist because WE created it. We armed Bin Laden. We armed Saddam. We keep provoking coups and dictators over there who turn on us or so antagonize their people they become enemies. And of course, we cap it all off by supporting Israel, which is like slapping a giant dick in their faces.

Then we act all surprised when they turn on us? Really? Really?
The PC-protected religion certainly does have the usual suspects spinning and deflecting for it, doesn't it?

again, Mac, if you want a crusade, no one is stopping you from walking down to the Recruiter's office and signing up.
Yet another great example of my point, your specialty, thanks.


You mean, "Joe you totally debunked and mocked my santimonious bullshit- again!"

Yes, yes, I know.

Our "Problem" with Muslims exist because WE created it. We armed Bin Laden. We armed Saddam. We keep provoking coups and dictators over there who turn on us or so antagonize their people they become enemies. And of course, we cap it all off by supporting Israel, which is like slapping a giant dick in their faces.

Then we act all surprised when they turn on us? Really? Really?

He meant what he said Joe and made you look, once again, like the typical leftist.

As far as a dick in the face, I bet you sat at the TV screen last night hoping Obama would pull his out so you could figuratively suck it.
He meant what he said Joe and made you look, once again, like the typical leftist.

As far as a dick in the face, I bet you sat at the TV screen last night hoping Obama would pull his out so you could figuratively suck it.

I'm sure you obsess on Obama's dick.

You're the one that brought them up. I just recognized that you're the type that does that to him. At least wipe off your chin.
...Our "Problem" with Muslims exist because WE created it. We armed Bin Laden. We armed Saddam...

Our 'problem' is the Warrior Religion to which these 'notables' and their peoples subscribe, the lack of a central authority (historical or present-day) for the interpretation and reformation of such dogma, and the savage, violent, aggressive mindset which that dogma has so frequently spawned over the centuries.

Thugs like Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, and our on-again-off-again alliances with such vermin, are merely singular episodes in a much broader Islamic Re-Awakening and Re-Militarization and potential future conflict on a catastrophic scale.

...We keep provoking coups and dictators over there who turn on us or so antagonize their people they become enemies...
Playing-off one side against the other is the best way of keeping those barbarians outside the gates.

...And of course, we cap it all off by supporting Israel, which is like slapping a giant dick in their faces...
Phukk 'em... they will not be allowed to dictate to us, whom we may befriend, and whom we may consider allies, and whom we may not.

The best way to reinforce that position is to continue a strong support for Israel... no caving-in... no appeasement... no submission... zero.

...Then we act all surprised when they turn on us? Really? Really?

Only the most naive and gullible amongst us should be surprised when various elements of Islam turn upon us (The West, in general, and the US, in particular).

After centuries of degeneracy, and further centuries of submission to European Imperialism, most of the regions within the domains of Islam are just now - within Living Memory - coming out from under the EuroTrash heel. Islam is re-awakening, finding itself centuries behind The West, and it's pissed, and rapidly re-arming, and returning to its old, historically familiar aggressive ways, directed against those peoples and regions that do not believe and think the same way they do.

Those who understand history, and who can look at the macro-level picture, will not be surprised in the slightest, any nearly any outrage committed by these savages.
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He meant what he said Joe and made you look, once again, like the typical leftist.

As far as a dick in the face, I bet you sat at the TV screen last night hoping Obama would pull his out so you could figuratively suck it.

I'm sure you obsess on Obama's dick.

You're the one that brought them up. I just recognized that you're the type that does that to him. At least wipe off your chin.

Look, guy, I know you are worried about your "shortcomings", but you need to get over it.

(Pssst. The guns don't "Compensate" for them.)

Our 'problem' is the Warrior Religion to which these 'notables' and their peoples subscribe, the lack of a central authority (historical or present-day) for the interpretation and reformation of such dogma, and the savage, violent, aggressive mindset which that dogma has so frequently spawned over the centuries.

Well, now, you see, I remember when Reagan called Bin Laden and his ilk "Freedom Fighters" and Saddam was described as "A reasonable leader we could work with." Until they turned on us, of course. But, no, it has to do with their religion, not that they were violent men who were willing to do violence on our behalf.

You know, when you recruit ruthless killers to do your dirty work, you always run the risk they'll turn on you.

Playing-off one side against the other is the best way of keeping those barbarians outside the gates.

It's also a good way to piss them off and make them a bigger threat. The "War on Terror" is the first conflict in history where the American Consumer paid to arm both sides.

Phukk 'em... they will not be allowed to dictate to us, whom we may befriend, and whom we may consider allies, and whom we may not.

The Zionists aren't our "Allies". They are playing us for suckers and have been for 60 years.

Only the most naive and gullible amongst us should be surprised when various elements of Islam turn upon us (The West, in general, and the US, in particular).

After centuries of degeneracy, and further centuries of submission to European Imperialism, most of the regions within the domains of Islam are just now - within Living Memory - coming out from under the EuroTrash heel. Islam is re-awakening, finding itself centuries behind The West, and it's pissed, and rapidly re-arming, and returning to its old, historically familiar aggressive ways, directed against those peoples and regions that do not believe and think the same way they do.

Those who understand history, and who can look at the macro-level picture, will not be surprised in the slightest, any nearly any outrage committed by these savages.

You know what, guy. the worst atrocities in human history still belong to the Civilized West.

Maybe we can try the novel approach of leaving them alone.

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