Why is it always Muslims?

A war with Muslims, funny. How do win a war against an idea?

its been done many times in the past------in fact, muslims did it.
They warred with Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and---
pre Islamic "paganism"--------that's why there are only muslims
in Arabia. Pol Pot warred against captialism
Muslims have been raping, enslaving, and murdering for 1400 years.
Very early on they took North Africa and began piracy in the Mediterranean, looting ships, capturing Europeans for ransom and slavery. They did this all the way up until the early 19th century. It really wasn't until America stood up against the muslim pirates in the first Barbary War. The US put them in their place and got a treaty to stop the practice of "tribute". Unfortunately shorty after the US had to deal with the Brits again in 1812, so the Muslim horde went right back to pirating the Mediterranean again. Then in 1815 they US Navy went back in force and obliterated the Muslims again. Afterward Europeans stopped fighting each other which lead to European powers dominating the Mediterranean making it peaceful and safe. This finally put an end to Islamic dominance in the Mediterranean.

Now we have liberal immigration policy that has been allowing these Muslims right back into the countries they fought for centuries to get into.
Islam has always been and still is an ideology of enslavement and murder. Yet here the progressives still defend it.
Muslims idealize their past----EXTRVAGANTLY---their past as noted was based on ----attack, conquest, oppression and most
delightful of all for muslims TRIBUTE
Guy, you need to read up on the Fourth crusade some time.

That was the hilarious hijinks where the Crusaders never got to the Holy Land, because they were too busy looting Constantinople and weakening the Byzantine Empire. By the time they were done, the Byzantines were shattered and it was no problem for the Ottomans to mop them up and invade the Balkans, where they were until well into the 19th century.

Guy, you need to read up on who attacked and invaded who first. It was the MUSLIMS. And the the Christians responded to remove them via the Crusades.

Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.
A war with Muslims, funny. How do win a war against an idea?

its been done many times in the past------in fact, muslims did it.
They warred with Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and---
pre Islamic "paganism"--------that's why there are only muslims
in Arabia. Pol Pot warred against captialism

Got any examples from any time in the past thousand years or so?
Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

No, the first crusade was started because Urban II wanted to do something really cool so people would recognize he was Pope instead of the other guy.

it mostly attracted the second sons of nobles with no prospects, none of the kings of Europe got involved. It was actually kind of a clusterfuck that only worked because the Muslim world was equally in disarray at that point.
Guy, you need to read up on the Fourth crusade some time.

That was the hilarious hijinks where the Crusaders never got to the Holy Land, because they were too busy looting Constantinople and weakening the Byzantine Empire. By the time they were done, the Byzantines were shattered and it was no problem for the Ottomans to mop them up and invade the Balkans, where they were until well into the 19th century.

Guy, you need to read up on who attacked and invaded who first. It was the MUSLIMS. And the the Christians responded to remove them via the Crusades.

Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.
Were Muslims behind the Norway attacks? Nope fundamentalist right-wing Christian was.

OKC bombing? Nope.

Atlanta Olympic bombings? Nope.

Milwaukee Sikh temple terrorist attack? Nope.

So again how is it "Always Muslims?"

You're right...

It's not always Muslims...

Just Muslims, 99 times out of 100...

There, all fixed...
Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

No, the first crusade was started because Urban II wanted to do something really cool so people would recognize he was Pope instead of the other guy.

it mostly attracted the second sons of nobles with no prospects, none of the kings of Europe got involved. It was actually kind of a clusterfuck that only worked because the Muslim world was equally in disarray at that point.

Yeah, that's what it was, the Pope wanted to do something "cool". :cuckoo:

Ha ha ha
Guy, you need to read up on the Fourth crusade some time.

That was the hilarious hijinks where the Crusaders never got to the Holy Land, because they were too busy looting Constantinople and weakening the Byzantine Empire. By the time they were done, the Byzantines were shattered and it was no problem for the Ottomans to mop them up and invade the Balkans, where they were until well into the 19th century.

Guy, you need to read up on who attacked and invaded who first. It was the MUSLIMS. And the the Christians responded to remove them via the Crusades.

Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.

Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.
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Guy, you need to read up on the Fourth crusade some time.

That was the hilarious hijinks where the Crusaders never got to the Holy Land, because they were too busy looting Constantinople and weakening the Byzantine Empire. By the time they were done, the Byzantines were shattered and it was no problem for the Ottomans to mop them up and invade the Balkans, where they were until well into the 19th century.

Guy, you need to read up on who attacked and invaded who first. It was the MUSLIMS. And the the Christians responded to remove them via the Crusades.

Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.

Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Some people are sold on the advertisement I guess. They can satisfy themselves with cartoon versions of history.
Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

well, y eah, except that all happened 300 years before the crusades. It's like saying i did somethign because I was really upset about the Salem Witch Trials.

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

I know you want to avoid the fact that Christians can be just as bloodthirsty as Muslims, as can Atheists. And the only reason Jews haven't racked up a death toll is there's never been enough of you to rack up one.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Yeah, they need to do what European Christians have done for the last few centuries. Go around killing brown people for something worthwhile, like stealing their resources!!!! I mean, if you are going to murder someone, it should be over something important, right?

Of course, we could try the novel approach of minding our own business and not unnecessarily antagonizing people....
Guy, you need to read up on who attacked and invaded who first. It was the MUSLIMS. And the the Christians responded to remove them via the Crusades.

Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.

Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Some people are sold on the advertisement I guess. They can satisfy themselves with cartoon versions of history.

Then again some people know jack shit about history, and hide from reality.
Guy, given what dicks the Byzantines were, the Muslims were welcomed with open arms when they got to Palestine.

Ya right, I already posted that the first crusade were started to free Christian lands from the Muslim invaders. remove your head from Uranus and face the music, Achmed.

Sounds familiar, sort of like when we were told invading Iraq was about spreading democracy.

Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Some people are sold on the advertisement I guess. They can satisfy themselves with cartoon versions of history.

Then again some people know jack shit about history, and hide from reality.

I'm sure history in one dimension is easier for some people to understand.
Are you telling us minimal-brain, that historians got it all wrong? That Muslims didn't invade and occupy Christian Europe and the Holyland first, causing Christians to take up arms to purge them from their lands?

well, y eah, except that all happened 300 years before the crusades. It's like saying i did somethign because I was really upset about the Salem Witch Trials.

Look, like I told the other idiot Achmed Joe Blow, if you guys want divert the conversation to talk about the Crusades, just open another thread and I'll post my evidence, and we'll stack it up against yours and take it from there.

I know you want to avoid the fact that Christians can be just as bloodthirsty as Muslims, as can Atheists. And the only reason Jews haven't racked up a death toll is there's never been enough of you to rack up one.

But how all of that is relevant as to why Muslims are the only ones that go around murdering people who draw cartoons about their prophet, or say anything negative about Islam...I see that as a lame, pathetic, attempt by you terrorist asskissers.

Yeah, they need to do what European Christians have done for the last few centuries. Go around killing brown people for something worthwhile, like stealing their resources!!!! I mean, if you are going to murder someone, it should be over something important, right?

Of course, we could try the novel approach of minding our own business and not unnecessarily antagonizing people....

And the reason you can't back up your claim that the crusades weren't in response to Muslim invasions is because you're full of shit. Do you really think by constantly squealing like an Islamic shill "it wasn't because if Muslims!" It actually makes it so?

"Christians have been as violent and bloody as Muslims". That wasn't the argument either asswipe.

So to conclude, history proves that Jews have been one of the most peaceful non violent people.

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