Why is it always Muslims?

If only Hitler had made National Socialism a "religion", and used illegal aliens instead of panzers, we would all be shouting zeig heil. Islam is like that. But at least the NAZIS respected life, their own at least. Muslims, not so much. Suicide cells, crashing planes into buildings, strap on bombs...Even the fascists didn't sink to such horrific levels of nihilism that Muslims are doing. Why is it we pretend to accept Islam as a respectable "religion"? Even the KKK hasn't sunk to this level of depravity.

Okay, so which Countries have Muslims "invaded" with "Panzers" again?
Jee wiz, ya got me. 9/11, and all that happy incidental stuff. Should I hit you on the head with a mallet too? Little reminder here. Islam isn't such a po witto victim of hate it makes itself to be. And as for illegal immigrants, damn. I can't say enough negative stuff, but that's better left to another board,

I'm not too sure I would call that terrorism.

Why not? It MEETS the definition you put forth. Let's look at your definition.

Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts (or threat of violent acts)...

Okay. the bombing of Hiroshima and the accompanying threats were violent.

intended to create fear (terror),

Okay, they were trying to scare the Japanese by threatening complete annihilation.

perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal,

Okay. There was a political goal, to secure Japan's surrender without conditions.

and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants

Most of the people killed at Hiroshima were in fact civilians.

So the Hiroshima bombing met ALL the conditions you set down in your definition.

Thanks for playing.

It was a total war, you blinding retard. Japan had targeted civilians indiscriminately.
Jee wiz, ya got me. 9/11, and all that happy incidental stuff. Should I hit you on the head with a mallet too? Little reminder here. Islam isn't such a po witto victim of hate it makes itself to be. And as for illegal immigrants, damn. I can't say enough negative stuff, but that's better left to another board,

Okay, terrorism is bad, and 9/11 was really bad because the Airlines were more interested in profit than their passenger's safety. (Had they hired professional guards and put steel doors on cockpits like Al Gore suggested in 1996, not a problem.

But it's not an "existential threat".
Jee wiz, ya got me. 9/11, and all that happy incidental stuff. Should I hit you on the head with a mallet too? Little reminder here. Islam isn't such a po witto victim of hate it makes itself to be. And as for illegal immigrants, damn. I can't say enough negative stuff, but that's better left to another board,

Okay, terrorism is bad, and 9/11 was really bad because the Airlines were more interested in profit than their passenger's safety. (Had they hired professional guards and put steel doors on cockpits like Al Gore suggested in 1996, not a problem.

But it's not an "existential threat".
Ordinary, I would just put you on ignore and get on with it. Do you understand any of that junk you just posted?
Jee wiz, ya got me. 9/11, and all that happy incidental stuff. Should I hit you on the head with a mallet too? Little reminder here. Islam isn't such a po witto victim of hate it makes itself to be. And as for illegal immigrants, damn. I can't say enough negative stuff, but that's better left to another board,

Okay, terrorism is bad, and 9/11 was really bad because the Airlines were more interested in profit than their passenger's safety. (Had they hired professional guards and put steel doors on cockpits like Al Gore suggested in 1996, not a problem.

But it's not an "existential threat".
Ordinary, I would just put you on ignore and get on with it. Do you understand any of that junk you just posted?

Perfectly. Did you? Because you actually come off as being more retarded than Sarah Palin's offspring.

Bombing Hiroshima was a "terrorist" act. In fact, it almost defines the notion of a terrorist act. The city had no strategic value, and it's bombing was accompanied by a message to the Japanese to "surrender or face annihilation".
Worked didn't it...................

Not really. The Japanese surrendered because the USSR entered the war, not because of nukes.
You need to reread history..................Japan's main army was still intact at the end of the War but isolated in Indochina.................the Russians only had one major battle there.............
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.

And what's your solution, for "we in the West"?
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.

And what's your solution, for "we in the West"?
Bomb the oxygen thieves into the stone age.....................Let God sort it out.
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.

And what's your solution, for "we in the West"?
Bomb the oxygen thieves into the stone age.....................Let God sort it out.

Bomb American Muslims?
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.

And what's your solution, for "we in the West"?
Bomb the oxygen thieves into the stone age.....................Let God sort it out.

Bomb American Muslims?
Misunderstood the comment.................thought we were talking about the Middle East................

Stop taking them in for starters.............NO VACANCY............We don't need them here to start the same thing going on in EUROPE...............

There's no law stating we have to keep accepting them now is there.
I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.
I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

In other words you don't like freedom of religion.
Please don't paraphrase me. Religion is fine. 9/11, not so much. What religion sanctions mass murder? HMMM. Who cares. It's all the same . You really don't believe that, do you? Islam has just become an excuse. For whatever. Sorry I don't buy that logic. Islam isn't a religion to me anymore, it's hiding under the robes of religion, but it's something else, a deadlier and nihilistic ideology. I not only don't understand It, I don't want IT here. Allah is a sort of the cosmic Santa Claus. Really.
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I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

In other words you don't like freedom of religion.
Freedom of Religion is fine as long as they respect our laws, our culture, and country................NOT what they are doing in Europe, and protesting saying DEATH TO AMERICA from the country that gave them a new home.

That is Sedition and a VIOLATION OF THEIR OATH of CITIZENSHIP......................Call it their new home and say death to the country they now live in.
I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

In other words you don't like freedom of religion.
Freedom of Religion is fine as long as they respect our laws, our culture, and country................NOT what they are doing in Europe, and protesting saying DEATH TO AMERICA from the country that gave them a new home.

That is Sedition and a VIOLATION OF THEIR OATH of CITIZENSHIP......................Call it their new home and say death to the country they now live in.
Now, if the Klu Klux Klan had rammed two plane loads of people into THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS, we would be shutting these weasels down big-time. Islam, not so much. They can do that. Their brand of hate is OK. ( Stealing line from George Carlin or Peggy Lee) Is that all there is to religion? It's a religion, let them off the hook?
You need to reread history..................Japan's main army was still intact at the end of the War but isolated in Indochina.................the Russians only had one major battle there.............

The russians didn't have ANY major battles in "Indochina". They did, however, roll up the Kwantung Army in Manchuria in about a week.

And in history taught at universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class, most historians agree that the Japanese saw their position was hopeless when the Russians opened up a whole new front on them, and were in a better position to invade the home Islands than the Americans were.
I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

Again, I think you are confusing "Muslims" for "The Borg". They aren't a hive mind. There isn't even one flavor of "Islam". Like Christianity, it has sects.

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