Why is it always Muslims?

I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

In other words you don't like freedom of religion.
Freedom of Religion is fine as long as they respect our laws, our culture, and country................NOT what they are doing in Europe, and protesting saying DEATH TO AMERICA from the country that gave them a new home.

American Muslims respect our laws, our culture and country as much as American Christians, Jews, Athiests etc.

That is Sedition and a VIOLATION OF THEIR OATH of CITIZENSHIP......................Call it their new home and say death to the country they now live in.

Where are Americans chanting "Death to America"?
How so?

Were we going to have Russian invade Japan, with us sitting back and letting them do all the heavy lifting, so that we could spare ourselves such horrendous casualties?

I don't think so.

Actually, I don't think we'd have had much of a choice. the Russians were much better positioned to invade Japan than we were. They merely had to cross the Sea of Japan from jumping off points in Salahkin, Korea or Vladivostok.

We were still slogging through the philippines, gathering forces from jumping off points, still trying to relocate unite from Europe and get them halfway around the world.

Impressing the (by then, increasingly untrustworthy and dangerous) Russians with the atomic bomb was certainly one reason why we dropped them.

But it was by no means the PRIMARY reason why we dropped them - merely a secondary consideration - an extra-added bonus.

The PRIMARY reason was to spare ourselves hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Except hundreds of thousands of casualties was a bullshit number. the worst case scenarios for Olympic and Coronet was 46,000 American fatalities, and that assumed the Japanese would fight to the bitter end.

The "Hundreds of Thousands" numbers were things people said in the 1950's, when the horrific nature of what we had done was starting to dawn on people.

I don't believe it.

No reflection on you, but...

I don't believe it.
I can't be responsible for your lack of knowledge of history, guy.

The point was, no one really expected the war with Japan to last much longer, they knew Japan was exhausted.
I can't be responsible for your lack of knowledge of history, guy...
Your conclusions are faulty... nothing to do with my knowledge of history.

...The point was, no one really expected the war with Japan to last much longer, they knew Japan was exhausted.
Perhaps you need to review first-hand accounts of the fanaticism with which the Japanese fought for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, as well as the civilian defense forces and militias organized to engage the Japanese civilian population against Allied invaders.

I will trust the Common Wisdom here rather than Revisionist and America-Bashing interpretations of those events.
Perhaps you need to review first-hand accounts of the fanaticism with which the Japanese fought for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, as well as the civilian defense forces and militias organized to engage the Japanese civilian population against Allied invaders.

I will trust the Common Wisdom here rather than Revisionist and America-Bashing interpretations of those events.

You mean Cold War Propaganda?

They fought so hard for those Islands because they were the base points for the bombings.

By August, the Japanese knew they were beat, and they were putting out feelers to Stalin to negotiate a peace for them.

When they saw Stalin sending 13 Armies in their general direciton, they surrendered. Bombings not needed.

Anyway, we are getting off track here. Toastman put forth a definition of terrorism- an attack on civilians to acheive a political end.

Hiroshima met his definition.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.


Roudy = Hebrew for he who sucks Bibi's Dick

What Does Charlie Hebdo has to do with free speech?


France and much of the western world erupted in high moral outrage over the Paris massacre. Defending the sacred right of free speech was declared a holy war. Politicians fell over themselves to join the crusade of the righteous. Even Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu, who had just killed over 2,000 Palestinians, including some 15 journalists.

Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of all the ado about free speech is beginning to sink in. We learn that “Charlie Hebdo” fired one of its cartoonists for mocking the son of Sarkozy’s marriage to a wealthy Jewish heiress. A French-African not very funny comic faced charges of anti-Semitism.

Pro-Palestinian marches in Paris were banned by the free speech government. In France, questioning details of the Holocaust is a crime
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

It wasn't Muslims. It was the Mossad. One could say using your own terminology, it was the Israeli animals doing what they do.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.


Roudy = Hebrew for he who sucks Bibi's Dick

What Does Charlie Hebdo has to do with free speech?


France and much of the western world erupted in high moral outrage over the Paris massacre. Defending the sacred right of free speech was declared a holy war. Politicians fell over themselves to join the crusade of the righteous. Even Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu, who had just killed over 2,000 Palestinians, including some 15 journalists.

Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of all the ado about free speech is beginning to sink in. We learn that “Charlie Hebdo” fired one of its cartoonists for mocking the son of Sarkozy’s marriage to a wealthy Jewish heiress. A French-African not very funny comic faced charges of anti-Semitism.

Pro-Palestinian marches in Paris were banned by the free speech government. In France, questioning details of the Holocaust is a crime
Yes, an out of context picture is completely convincing.

what is an ""out of context picture"'??? it is labeled as taking place in
in a city in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? are you suggesting
that the picture is fraudulent? -----or part of weird comedy?
Perhaps you need to review first-hand accounts of the fanaticism with which the Japanese fought for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, as well as the civilian defense forces and militias organized to engage the Japanese civilian population against Allied invaders.

I will trust the Common Wisdom here rather than Revisionist and America-Bashing interpretations of those events.

You mean Cold War Propaganda?

They fought so hard for those Islands because they were the base points for the bombings.

By August, the Japanese knew they were beat, and they were putting out feelers to Stalin to negotiate a peace for them.

When they saw Stalin sending 13 Armies in their general direciton, they surrendered. Bombings not needed.

Anyway, we are getting off track here. Toastman put forth a definition of terrorism- an attack on civilians to acheive a political end.

Hiroshima met his definition.

I can't believe anyone is still trying to sell that silly anti-American POV. The Japanese were still working on the bomb and building jet fighters the day Hiroshima was hit. The fact is just like the battle of Midway, we got to them before they could get to us.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

It wasn't Muslims. It was the Mossad. One could say using your own terminology, it was the Israeli animals doing what they do.
Right, every time Muslim animals commit an act of savagery....the Joooos did it.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

It wasn't Muslims. It was the Mossad. One could say using your own terminology, it was the Israeli animals doing what they do.
Right, every time Muslim animals commit an act of savagery....the Joooos did it.

Look up mista 'aravim.

Mista'aravim are Israelis who dress up like Arabs when they commit terrorism. Jewish terrorists have been getting away with that trick since they blew up the King David hotel (while dressed as Arabs) in Cairo back in 1946, killing 91 innocent people.


Because the jewish owned media is the ACCOMPLICE of the jewish terrorists.

While you're at it, look up Irgun/Stern Gang/Hagnah and how those terrorists evolved into today's Mossad in Israel.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

It wasn't Muslims. It was the Mossad. One could say using your own terminology, it was the Israeli animals doing what they do.
Right, every time Muslim animals commit an act of savagery....the Joooos did it.

Look up mista 'aravim.

Mista'aravim are Israelis who dress up like Arabs when they commit terrorism. Jewish terrorists have been getting away with that trick since they blew up the King David hotel (while dressed as Arabs) in Cairo back in 1946, killing 91 innocent people.


Because the jewish owned media is the ACCOMPLICE of the jewish terrorists.

While you're at it, look up Irgun/Stern Gang/Hagnah and how those terrorists evolved into today's Mossad in Israel.

False accusations and bullshit, all based in Islamic antisemtism.

Look up the Nazi Palestinian Mufti. He was the first IslamoNazi animal who merged Nazism with Islamism and Arab nationalism. The stern gang and Haganah were Jewish militias formed to defend against the genocidal Arab Muslim Nazis. Not much has changed since then.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

It wasn't Muslims. It was the Mossad. One could say using your own terminology, it was the Israeli animals doing what they do.
Right, every time Muslim animals commit an act of savagery....the Joooos did it.

Look up mista 'aravim.

Mista'aravim are Israelis who dress up like Arabs when they commit terrorism. Jewish terrorists have been getting away with that trick since they blew up the King David hotel (while dressed as Arabs) in Cairo back in 1946, killing 91 innocent people.


Because the jewish owned media is the ACCOMPLICE of the jewish terrorists.

While you're at it, look up Irgun/Stern Gang/Hagnah and how those terrorists evolved into today's Mossad in Israel.

False accusations and bullshit, all based in Islamic antisemtism.

Look up the Nazi Palestinian Mufti. He was the first IslamoNazi animal who merged Nazism with Islamism and Arab nationalism. The stern gang and Haganah were Jewish militias formed to defend against the genocidal Arab Muslim Nazis. Not much has changed since then.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

A Jew, Moses Hess invented National Socialism in 1862; aka Nazism.

Your point being?

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