Why is it always Muslims?

Please don't paraphrase me. Religion is fine. 9/11, not so much. What religion sanctions mass murder?

Islam. Judaism. Christianity. I'm not sure about Hinduism because I don't know enough about it, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did, too.

I can post a shitload of bible quotes where God either commits, commands or advocates mass murder.

Islam has just become an excuse. For whatever. Sorry I don't buy that logic. Islam isn't a religion to me anymore, it's hiding under the robes of religion, but it's something else, a deadlier and nihilistic ideology. I not only don't understand It, I don't want IT here. Allah is a sort of the cosmic Santa Claus. Really.

I agree, Islam isn't the problem. The problem is that since 1980, we have invaded, occuppied or bombed no less than 15 Islamic Nations, and we prop up the Zionist Entity. In short, or Middle East policy is essentially one of sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and griping about getting stung.

That's when we aren't breeding our own bigger, meaner hornets. Both Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were people the CIA said we could work with and we provided with weapons and technical expertise- until they turned on us.
Really? My mother lived through the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. She told me that 9/11 was WORSE. An existential threat my sweet bippy, do you even know what that means? I think of Islam like it was a glorified hate group. And we in the west, we need to rethink what the hell this pile of well intentioned ideological crap REALLY is.

Yes. Islam is not an "Existential Threat". There is simply nothing Al Qaeda, ISIL, etc can do that will make the US Cease to Be.

True, we do a lot of damage to ourselves because of them. We allowed George W. Stupid to fuck up the country because he was fighting the "evil-doers".
You need to reread history..................Japan's main army was still intact at the end of the War but isolated in Indochina.................the Russians only had one major battle there.............

The russians didn't have ANY major battles in "Indochina". They did, however, roll up the Kwantung Army in Manchuria in about a week.

And in history taught at universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class, most historians agree that the Japanese saw their position was hopeless when the Russians opened up a whole new front on them, and were in a better position to invade the home Islands than the Americans were.

83,000 Japanese casualties, with over 600,000 captured...........as 2.8 Million faced off
You need to reread history..................Japan's main army was still intact at the end of the War but isolated in Indochina.................the Russians only had one major battle there.............

The russians didn't have ANY major battles in "Indochina". They did, however, roll up the Kwantung Army in Manchuria in about a week.

And in history taught at universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class, most historians agree that the Japanese saw their position was hopeless when the Russians opened up a whole new front on them, and were in a better position to invade the home Islands than the Americans were.

83,000 Japanese casualties, with over 600,000 captured...........as 2.8 Million faced off

You do get that "Manchuria" is nowhere near "Indochina", right. (What they used to call Vietnam before they threw the French out.)

Nice map. Now, for those who don't read military symbols, a box with four X's on top is an ARMY. One with FIVE X on top of it is an Army GROUP

So three Army Groups consisting of 13 Armies just bitch slapped Manchuria, the prize of the Japanese Empire and overran it in a week.
You need to reread history..................Japan's main army was still intact at the end of the War but isolated in Indochina.................the Russians only had one major battle there.............

The russians didn't have ANY major battles in "Indochina". They did, however, roll up the Kwantung Army in Manchuria in about a week.

And in history taught at universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class, most historians agree that the Japanese saw their position was hopeless when the Russians opened up a whole new front on them, and were in a better position to invade the home Islands than the Americans were.

83,000 Japanese casualties, with over 600,000 captured...........as 2.8 Million faced off

You do get that "Manchuria" is nowhere near "Indochina", right. (What they used to call Vietnam before they threw the French out.)
So sue me............over a simple one word misquote, but it was the major battle at the end of the War, but didn't end it as you say..............

The A bomb ended it, along with the carpet bombing of Japan and their losses on their home turf islands...........they were prepared to fight to the death and the bomb ended that.

Nice map. Now, for those who don't read military symbols, a box with four X's on top is an ARMY. One with FIVE X on top of it is an Army GROUP

So three Army Groups consisting of 13 Armies just bitch slapped Manchuria, the prize of the Japanese Empire and overran it in a week.
So........you were the one who said no major battle occurred and I was just showing you different.......the only thing you have proved is that it is not classified as Indochina.................

You said that Russia ended the War in Japan and not the bombs............and I think you are full of it.
So sue me............over a simple one word misquote, but it was the major battle at the end of the War, but didn't end it as you say..............

The A bomb ended it, along with the carpet bombing of Japan and their losses on their home turf islands...........they were prepared to fight to the death and the bomb ended that.

Well, no, it's a basic misunderstanding of what happened.

Japan was defeated by 1945, it was just a matter of what terms they got to surrender on. They had hopes that Russia, which was neutral up to that point in the Pacific War, could broker a favorable peace that would let Japan keep some of its gains during the war in China.

Once Russia declared war and unleashed 13 armies that had spent the last four years fighting Germans, the Japanese knew the game was up.
So........you were the one who said no major battle occurred and I was just showing you different.......the only thing you have proved is that it is not classified as Indochina.................

You said that Russia ended the War in Japan and not the bombs............and I think you are full of it.

Again, guy, when you understand, you know, geography, you can move on to history.

I wouldn't try to tackle theology if I were you, though. Too complicated.
So........you were the one who said no major battle occurred and I was just showing you different.......the only thing you have proved is that it is not classified as Indochina.................

You said that Russia ended the War in Japan and not the bombs............and I think you are full of it.

Again, guy, when you understand, you know, geography, you can move on to history.

I wouldn't try to tackle theology if I were you, though. Too complicated.
Your version of history is BS........and part of your anti american campaign.
Our country beat the Japanese and not the Russians.......

Your just trying to rewrite history because we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them which ended the war.
Your version of history is BS........and part of your anti american campaign.
Our country beat the Japanese and not the Russians.......

Your just trying to rewrite history because we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them which ended the war.

No, we dropped too atomic bombs on them because we had them. Then we realized the implications of atomic bombs- that with enough of them you can extinquish the whole human species, so let's build 20 times that number - and we had to rationalize why we were the only ones to actually use them on people.

Fact was, there was this conference in Potsdam after Germany surrendered, and the Western allies BEGGED Stalin to get into the Pacific War.

Truman even wrote in his diary on July 17, 1945
"He'll [Stalin and Russia] be in the Jap War on August 15th. Fini Japs when that comes about."

In short, they knew THAT was the game changer, not the atomic bombs.
Your version of history is BS........and part of your anti american campaign.
Our country beat the Japanese and not the Russians.......

Your just trying to rewrite history because we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them which ended the war.

No, we dropped too atomic bombs on them because we had them. Then we realized the implications of atomic bombs- that with enough of them you can extinquish the whole human species, so let's build 20 times that number - and we had to rationalize why we were the only ones to actually use them on people.

Fact was, there was this conference in Potsdam after Germany surrendered, and the Western allies BEGGED Stalin to get into the Pacific War.

Truman even wrote in his diary on July 17, 1945
"He'll [Stalin and Russia] be in the Jap War on August 15th. Fini Japs when that comes about."

In short, they knew THAT was the game changer, not the atomic bombs.
Russia didn't get into it until the very end of the War and the Japanese were already beaten.

Spare me your rubbish.
Please don't paraphrase me. Religion is fine. 9/11, not so much. What religion sanctions mass murder? HMMM. Who cares. It's all the same . You really don't believe that, do you? Islam has just become an excuse. For whatever. Sorry I don't buy that logic. Islam isn't a religion to me anymore, it's hiding under the robes of religion, but it's something else, a deadlier and nihilistic ideology. I not only don't understand It, I don't want IT here. Allah is a sort of the cosmic Santa Claus. Really.

9/11 is not a religion. Try to keep up.
I like freedom of speech, of religion. I am like that a sucker for the underdog. But , Islam, after what the hell they have done, talk about biting the hand that feeds you...Enough is enough, treat islam like a run of the mill hate group like the the KKK or whatever brand hate group, put and end to this stupidity.

In other words you don't like freedom of religion.
Freedom of Religion is fine as long as they respect our laws, our culture, and country................NOT what they are doing in Europe, and protesting saying DEATH TO AMERICA from the country that gave them a new home.

American Muslims respect our laws, our culture and country as much as American Christians, Jews, Athiests etc.

That is Sedition and a VIOLATION OF THEIR OATH of CITIZENSHIP......................Call it their new home and say death to the country they now live in.

Where are Americans chanting "Death to America"?
Your version of history is BS........and part of your anti american campaign.
Our country beat the Japanese and not the Russians.......

Your just trying to rewrite history because we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them which ended the war.

No, we dropped too atomic bombs on them because we had them. Then we realized the implications of atomic bombs- that with enough of them you can extinquish the whole human species, so let's build 20 times that number - and we had to rationalize why we were the only ones to actually use them on people.

Fact was, there was this conference in Potsdam after Germany surrendered, and the Western allies BEGGED Stalin to get into the Pacific War.

Truman even wrote in his diary on July 17, 1945
"He'll [Stalin and Russia] be in the Jap War on August 15th. Fini Japs when that comes about."

In short, they knew THAT was the game changer, not the atomic bombs.
We dropped atomic bombs on Japan because we knew that the cost of invading Japan would be far higher than we wanted to pay.
Russia didn't get into it until the very end of the War and the Japanese were already beaten.

Spare me your rubbish.

Russia getting into it is what ended it. Once the Russians were in, the Japanese knew they had no chance of holding their possessions on the mainland of Asia, and were in serious risk of being invaded and partitioned like Germany was.

Meanwhile, America suddenly forgot Hirohito was a war criminal we wanted to hang.
We dropped atomic bombs on Japan because we knew that the cost of invading Japan would be far higher than we wanted to pay.

No, we dropped the atomic bombs because we had them. we knew that the Russians getting into the war was going to end it.
We dropped atomic bombs on Japan because we knew that the cost of invading Japan would be far higher than we wanted to pay.

No, we dropped the atomic bombs because we had them. we knew that the Russians getting into the war was going to end it.
How so?

Were we going to have Russian invade Japan, with us sitting back and letting them do all the heavy lifting, so that we could spare ourselves such horrendous casualties?

I don't think so.

Impressing the (by then, increasingly untrustworthy and dangerous) Russians with the atomic bomb was certainly one reason why we dropped them.

But it was by no means the PRIMARY reason why we dropped them - merely a secondary consideration - an extra-added bonus.

The PRIMARY reason was to spare ourselves hundreds of thousands of casualties.
How so?

Were we going to have Russian invade Japan, with us sitting back and letting them do all the heavy lifting, so that we could spare ourselves such horrendous casualties?

I don't think so.

Actually, I don't think we'd have had much of a choice. the Russians were much better positioned to invade Japan than we were. They merely had to cross the Sea of Japan from jumping off points in Salahkin, Korea or Vladivostok.

We were still slogging through the philippines, gathering forces from jumping off points, still trying to relocate unite from Europe and get them halfway around the world.

Impressing the (by then, increasingly untrustworthy and dangerous) Russians with the atomic bomb was certainly one reason why we dropped them.

But it was by no means the PRIMARY reason why we dropped them - merely a secondary consideration - an extra-added bonus.

The PRIMARY reason was to spare ourselves hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Except hundreds of thousands of casualties was a bullshit number. the worst case scenarios for Olympic and Coronet was 46,000 American fatalities, and that assumed the Japanese would fight to the bitter end.

The "Hundreds of Thousands" numbers were things people said in the 1950's, when the horrific nature of what we had done was starting to dawn on people.


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