Why is it so dangerous for Whites, Asians and Jews in our big cities?

I remember when there were so many black attacks on Jews that Meir Kahane had to form the Jewish Defense League.....though he himself was later shot down and killed.

Probably for the same reason it is so dangerous for Blacks, Latinos and Arabs too. Well parts of the big cities anyway.
Why is it so dangerous for Whites, Asians and Jews in our big cities?
Because tRumplings.
Why is it so dangerous for Whites, Asians and Jews in our big cities?


Crime is way down compared to the 90's in just about every dimention you can think of.

The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?

Why is it so dangerous for Whites, Asians and Jews in our big cities?
Wherever you find dark people and progressive policy you'll find poverty, violent crime and degenerate filth....This FACT isn't even debatable, look round the world.
Piss your pants yet fragile Libs?
The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?
I did...I lived in DC for about 10 years.
Did you hide behind the sofa for ten years?
The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?
I did...I lived in DC for about 10 years.
Did you hide behind the sofa for ten years?
Spare us the theatrics and point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
We'll be waiting patiently.
The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?
I did...I lived in DC for about 10 years.
Did you hide behind the sofa for ten years?
Spare us the theatrics and point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
We'll be waiting patiently.
Aw, is da widdle wasist scared? Poor widdle ting...
The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?
I did...I lived in DC for about 10 years.
Did you hide behind the sofa for ten years?
Spare us the theatrics and point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
We'll be waiting patiently.
Aw, is da widdle wasist scared? Poor widdle ting...

Don't be scared...no need for your display of fragile wokeology....set us straight...point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
Surely you can do that...right?
The reality is that most large cities, after 5pm...have been come the wild west....little actual businesses, most residents are living in poverty.....there is massive crime...just look at Chicago...it's one of the most segragted cities in the country....why? Liberal policies.

You don't live in a city, do you?
I did...I lived in DC for about 10 years.
Did you hide behind the sofa for ten years?
Spare us the theatrics and point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
We'll be waiting patiently.
Aw, is da widdle wasist scared? Poor widdle ting...

Don't be scared...no need for your display of fragile wokeology....set us straight...point us to a safe prosperous progressive community full of dark people.
Surely you can do that...right?
Aw, widdle wasist IS scared. Just keep hiding under your bed, widdle one...
Blacks are 12% of the population but commit ~50% of all murders and 33% of all violent crimes.

But we're not allowed to have this conversation in America. White privilege or some such thing.
Males commit the most crimes.
Nothing new here in America, the Mexicans don’t like the blacks, the blacks don’t like the Asians, Russians hate everyone, blacks don’t like anyone that has achieved success, especially white slave owners, Mexicans, and Jewish folks, communists don’t like capitalists, pubs don’t like Dimbo’s.............get the picture? With all the hate going around no wonder we’re such a mess. Happy Easter, he has Risen, his blood was shed for you so you could self destruct,!which as I see it is progressing rather well.
Blacks are 12% of the population but commit ~50% of all murders and 33% of all violent crimes.

But we're not allowed to have this conversation in America. White privilege or some such thing.
Males commit the most crimes.

Dark males?
All males. It’s a fact.

Lets be the intellectuals we're supposed to be.
Post the statistics related to skin color...we can't be all about skin color except for when in comes to criminality...can we?
Blacks are 12% of the population but commit ~50% of all murders and 33% of all violent crimes.

But we're not allowed to have this conversation in America. White privilege or some such thing.

Poor people are 12% of the population, but commit a much higher percentage of the murders and the violent crime, than black people, but you never frame your crime statistic by poverty levels, only by race.

Now that working people in the fly-over states are losing their jobs with none in sight, and opiod abuse is skyrocketing, these states have become just as violent and dangerous as inner cities. Republicans keep feeding your these lies about race, to keep YOU from voting for Democrats.
Blacks are 12% of the population but commit ~50% of all murders and 33% of all violent crimes.

But we're not allowed to have this conversation in America. White privilege or some such thing.
yes.....can't state facts, but leftists can lie and be BLATANTLY racist

They only started the narrative about asian abuse because they ignorantly thought it was white supremacists doing it....they go on and on about the victims....but never mention the fact that blacks are mostly the ones doing this stuff.

The guy who murdered all those Asian women at the spa, is a white man.

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