Why is it so hard for a Progressive, not to see how they are being lied to about Man Made Global Climate Change?

Liars like you always state that, without realizing that there are many other institutions tracking the global temperatures. And many nations now with their own satellites and data from those satellites. And their charts all agree that there is a steep rise in temperature. You deniers are pathetic in your ignorance and lack of logic.
Scientists come to opposite conclusions about the causes of recent climate change depending on which datasets they consider. For instance, the panels on the left lead to the conclusion that global temperature changes since the mid-19th century have been mostly due to human-caused emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), i.e., the conclusion reached by the UN IPCC reports. In contrast, the panels on the right lead to the exact opposite conclusion, i.e., that the global temperature changes since the mid-19th century have been mostly due to natural cycles, chiefly long-term changes in the energy emitted by the Sun.


Both sets of panels are based on published scientific data, but each uses different datasets and assumptions. On the left, it is assumed that the available temperature records are unaffected by the urban heat island problem, and so all stations are used, whether urban or rural. On the right, only rural stations are used. Meanwhile, on the left, solar output is modeled using the low variability dataset that has been chosen for the IPCC’s upcoming (in 2021/2022) 6th Assessment Reports. This implies zero contribution from natural factors to the long-term warming. On the right, solar output is modeled using a high variability dataset used by the team in charge of NASA’s ACRIM sun-monitoring satellites. This implies that most, if not all, of the long-term temperature changes are due to natural factors.

Here is the link to the full paper.
ShieldSquare Captcha

Increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty are artifacts of a bipolar glaciated world where the threshold for extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is lower than the threshold for extensive southern hemisphere continental glaciation and our the present temperature is close to the northern hemisphere threshold.

"Mainstream" science has wrongly correlated the recent warming trend with CO2. They have mistaken the increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty of a bipolar glaciated world for man made warming.

The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. A configuration which has never existed before in the history of the planet. We are precariously poised for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation. A condition which has led to increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty over the last 2.7 million years. It is that volatility that will be the undoing of "mainstream" science's faulty analysis and conclusion.

Within 30 years everything you believe will be proven wrong.
Over the last 130 years, North Dakota's annual average temperature has increased 0.26°F per decade,
So about 1 degree over every 40 years and you imbecilic chicken-littles are constantly shitting your pants over it? Man-up, you spineless vagina. You're going to be okay.
LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Against that we have crackpots and fruit loops making nonsense claims unsupported by any science. So what ol' Westwall is claiming is that he knows more than the whole scientific establishment. LOL

Here is another climate gook illiterate drooling fido who is pushing the stupid consensus crap which only science illiterates would orgasm over and commonly used in political circles.

The climate gook turd runs away in sheer terror over this simple article well backed by reputable sources showing NO climate Emergency exist.

Watts Up With That?

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

Despite my asking over and over in a host of forums, including in my previous post, to date, nobody has been able to tell me just what this supposed “CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!” actually is and where I might find evidence that it exists. Here are some facts for the folks that think that the climate is a real danger to humanity.

Let me begin with the fact that the IPCC itself doesn’t think that there is a “climate crisis” or a “climate emergency”. In the IPCC AR6 WG1, the single mention of a “climate emergency” is a far-too-gentle chiding of the media for using the term, viz:

Some media outlets have recently adopted and promoted terms and phrases stronger than the more neutral ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’, including ‘climate crisis’, ‘global heating’, and ‘climate emergency’.
And it’s no surprise that the IPCC doesn’t think there’s an emergency. To start with, deaths from climate-related phenomena are at an all-time low. If you think deaths from climate-related catastrophes are an emergency, please point in the graph below to the start of the “emergency”.




The Content (which will be ignored) of this blog post causes climate gooks to curl into a fetal ball and scream fallacies against it or runs away in silence into the large sand box in the Twilight Zone it is always one or the other never address the content of the post itself because that is too dangerous for brainwashed gooks to handle and they fear the loss of the glorious sandbox security when reality manage to sneak in....

I know they will ignore the CONTENT of the post it is how they behave when organized well supported rational thinking is displayed to support a position they foam at the mouth and go into the delirium tremens that is how climate gook Zipperheads reacts.

This is the ultimate flypaper article the one where dozens of foaming warmist climate gooks over several forums I have posted this in has NEVER once addressed the content of the article they bang their triangle heads against the wall in sheer terror over it instead.

Just a couple days ago, a Progressive was harping how the temperature of the Earth was "Supposedly" going to rise 3 degrees C, yet as proof again, if the planet temperature is rising year after year, how can 20 degree temperatures be reached in other places of the Earth? Oh yeah, they are Joe Biden Voters..

View attachment 567107<-------------------------Man Made Global Warming Zealots.

I'm going to disagree my friend....

It's not an intelligence thing with these people...it's a thought processing fuck up. There is a difference. This is my field.( always thought science was ghey)

Virtually all progressives are simply unable to think on the margins like most people. It's is a brain pathology....related to serotonin uptake. Psychiatrists I've worked with describe it like "tunnel thinking"....unable to view the larger picture. It's a brain fuck up....directly tied to a depression gene. All ocd-type thinking falls under the umbrella of depression. It is fact....don't take my word for it.....check the DSM 5R.

Thus, this is why, for example, their argument routinely collapses when have to answer....

1) As compared to what?

2) At what cost?

The physiology does not allow them to explore critical thought.... explains the oft cited "disconnect from reality" attributed to most progressives.

The irony?

Treatable with pharmacological aid...intervenes in the perseverative thinking. Not a total cure but expands the thinking boundaries in these people. Most have a significant OCD condition....why debating these people largely an exercise in futility. No facts will matter...ever.

So, for example, this is why you still see people wearing masks. Most are progressives in their thinking....a thinking fuck up ( thought processing)...not an intelligence thing.

Einstein, for example, was of course, brilliant ( intelligence). But his thought processing abilities were a disaster. Well documented. We have a handful of Einstein's in this forum.
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Want to know? Watch Drop Out, story of Elizabeth Holmes. Or inventing Anna. Con artists who deceived the highest elites. Shit, George Schultz turned on his own grandson, believing the con. Even family is less important than belief of the con.
Just know, agw is a con!!

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