Why is it so hard to have a civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum?

A terrorist entity targeting Israeli children can not claim defence against occupation, those are war crimes and the Palestinians should be charged one and all for allowing it to happen
They are war crimes, but resisting an occupation, is perfectly legal.

"resisting" - stop trying to fluff it up...........

the way they resist/protest = as barbaric, sick & twisted as man can get. it's evil, inhumane, and a murderous act.

how can you sit there and give a thumbs up TO THAT ? OR, am i missing what YOUR 'RESISTING' means ?

...are we on the same page about your definition of "RESISTANCE" here -- "resisting an occupation, is perfectly legal."

if so, what ? say that again ?
I'm not a patient person, so I know how to recognized pissed people.

However, that statemnt was quite revealing .

(you cannot always blame the alcohol, as they say)
I don't know? I got blamed by my girlfriends parents for ruining their damn Seder, because I drank too much of their ceremonial wine. She was the only Jewish girlfriend I ever had. And she was a total psycho in be...............um, nevermind.
Billy, I thought you said one time that the girls parents didn't get mad that you drank up all the wine but that you pissed in the kitchen sink. Remember? Well, I suppose you don't.
No. A van down by the river.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, I think you should know.......

.......it's a Dodge van!

So by "down by the river" can I assume you live in a van under the bridge; i.e. Artesia Blvd over the L.A. River? Lol.

And when you say it's a "Dodge" van, that is why some of us see you as dodging, deflecting, detracting in some of the threads here?

Just keeping it civil with a touch of humor here Bill.
After all, we are trying to be civil here, right Bill? You must admit, you and I haven't called each other out, nor called each other names here. Hehe. Regardless of the others'
Israel defends themselves against rocket attacks launched by Palestinian terrorists who hide behind civilians including women and children.
That's like an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense, because the victim put up more of a struggle than anticipated, after breaking into his house to carry out the contract.

An occupational force cannot claim self defense. The rockets are in response to the occupation. The occupation started a full 37 years before the first rocket flew.

"...The rockets are in response to the occupation..."

besides this other terroristic recreational activity they enjoy, what about their other resistance hobbies ? you're a blatant terrorist supporter as it is with pat-on-the-back to ....world-known vicious terrorists who.... blatantly shoot their rockets into another country.

it's pretty warped of you........ [...and them].
Anti-Semitism - noun
: hatred of Jewish people
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
So how do you get that out of criticism of Israeli foreign policy?

Somehow I knew the irony of your comrades whining about the definition of "anti-Semitism" on this thread would escape one such as you. Can you say "blind deaf and dumb?"
No. A van down by the river.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, I think you should know.......

.......it's a Dodge van!

So by "down by the river" can I assume you live in a van under the bridge; i.e. Artesia Blvd over the L.A. River? Lol.

And when you say it's a "Dodge" van, that is why some of us see you as dodging, deflecting, detracting in some of the threads here?

Just keeping it civil with a touch of humor here Bill.

Guys let's keep in mind, we are trying to have intelligent conversation with someone who lives in a beat up shit-can van, by the river in White Trash California.
No. A van down by the river.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, I think you should know.......

.......it's a Dodge van!

So by "down by the river" can I assume you live in a van under the bridge; i.e. Artesia Blvd over the L.A. River? Lol.

And when you say it's a "Dodge" van, that is why some of us see you as dodging, deflecting, detracting in some of the threads here?

Just keeping it civil with a touch of humor here Bill.

Guys let's keep in mind, we are trying to have intelligent conversation with someone who lives in a beat up shit-can van, by the river in White Trash California.

Soooo ... I'm supposed to cut the a-hole some slack?
Israel defends themselves against rocket attacks launched by Palestinian terrorists who hide behind civilians including women and children.
That's like an assassin telling authorities he had to kill his target in self defense, because the victim put up more of a struggle than anticipated, after breaking into his house to carry out the contract.

An occupational force cannot claim self defense. The rockets are in response to the occupation. The occupation started a full 37 years before the first rocket flew.
There is no defense for terrorist activities. The Palestinians could seek resolution through other more civilized means, but they choose to kill civilians and in many cases their own women and children in botched attacks on Israel. What you have just said is a major reason why their can be no real civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum. Your blatant attempt to justify killing innocent people is beyond reason.
There is no defense for terrorist activities.
Resistance is not terrorism. Everyone has the right to defend themselves from a foreign force. And as long as Israel maintains the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade, the Palestinian's have a right to resist and use all necessary means available. Unfortunately, one of those "means", happens to be a war crime.

The Palestinians could seek resolution through other more civilized means, but they choose to kill civilians and in many cases their own women and children in botched attacks on Israel.
The Pals have tried civilized resolutions to the conflict many times, only to have the Israeli's reject them militarily.

They tried with their unity government - Israel responded by making up bullshit reasons to attack Gaza, then launched their own terrorist invasion of that area, killing innocent civilians, bombing hospitals and destroying entire neighborhoods.

They tried in 2008 with a ceasefire that lasted 4 months with virtually no rocket fire - Israel responded by breaking the ceasefire with a commando raid killing Hamas officials.

They tried in 2006 electing Hamas in a fair and democratic election - Israel responded with an illegal and immoral blockade (which BTW, is a crime against humanity), because they didn't like the results of the election.​

Let me ask you this question, if Israel really wanted peace, how come they are the ones breaking all the ceasefires?

What you have just said is a major reason why their can be no real civil discussion in the Israel/Palestine forum. Your blatant attempt to justify killing innocent people is beyond reason.
Causation is not justification.

Just because I identify the causes of Palestinian resistance, doesn't mean I am justifying them. The fact that you are deliberately trying to make it seem that were so, compromises any civil discourse.
Resistance is not terrorism. Everyone has the right to defend themselves from a foreign force. And as long as Israel maintains the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade, the Palestinian's have a right to resist and use all necessary means available. Unfortunately, one of those "means", happens to be a war crime.
Are we talking the palistanian occupation©?
You ban yourself or I'll spread rumours that you listen to Bryan Adams ;)
Oh no you will not!

I don't listen to Bryan Adams. The trouble is, you think everything I do (I do it for you). But let me tell you something, I don't run to you. And you might think what you say cuts like a knife, but I don't.

Bryan Adams, my ass!
You ban yourself or I'll spread rumours that you listen to Bryan Adams ;)
Oh no you will not!

I don't listen to Bryan Adams. The trouble is, you think everything I do (I do it for you). But let me tell you something, I don't run to you. And you might think what you say cuts like a knife, but I don't.

Bryan Adams, my ass!

You sure you don't like Bryan Adams?

Resistance is not terrorism. Everyone has the right to defend themselves from a foreign force. And as long as Israel maintains the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade, the Palestinian's have a right to resist and use all necessary means available. Unfortunately, one of those "means", happens to be a war crime.


You support murdering people based upon their ethnicity and you have the absolute gall to ask why there can be no civil discussion?
No. A van down by the river.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, I think you should know.......

.......it's a Dodge van!

So by "down by the river" can I assume you live in a van under the bridge; i.e. Artesia Blvd over the L.A. River? Lol.

And when you say it's a "Dodge" van, that is why some of us see you as dodging, deflecting, detracting in some of the threads here?

Just keeping it civil with a touch of humor here Bill.

Guys let's keep in mind, we are trying to have intelligent conversation with someone who lives in a beat up shit-can van, by the river in White Trash California.

Soooo ... I'm supposed to cut the a-hole some slack?

It's obvious he's a few French fries short of a Happy Meal, if you know what I'm saying.

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