WHY Is It So Important For The Biden Administration To Hide The Identity Of The police Officer Who Shot/Killed Ashli Bobbitt?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Why can't the Biden Administration Be Transparent And Officially Release The name Of The Capitol Police Officer Who Shot & Killed Ashli Babbitt on 6 January Inside the US Capitol?

I have read several articles from several different Internet sites and several different Media Sources, but there is no definitive evidence or unified agreement 'THIS is The Officer Who Killed Babbitt'.

Was / Is it US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey, a Brazilian immigrant and Black Lives Matter militant who 'REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS'?

Or was it Capitol Police Officer Michael Leroy Byrd, an officer who was reportedly investigated in 2019 for leaving his weapon in the Capitol Visitor Center's bathroom?

One thing is for sure - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, head of the Capitol police, Joe Biden, and the Biden administration know. So why have they refused to be transparent, to relase the information, and have refused to allow the Capitol Video footage to be released?


Because Republicans will kill him
Ya, like how the Republicans killed David Dorn too

F61......stop lying, projecting, and spewing propaganda. Dorn was murdered by domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM is one of their 'Mostly Peaceful Protests'.
Because the TrumpyCult is full of crazy fucks?
Gee the looney left keeps getting scaling the stratosphere.

Why can't the Biden Administration Be Transparent And Officially Release The name Of The Capitol Police Officer Who Shot & Killed Ashli Babbitt on 6 January Inside the US Capitol?

I have read several articles from several different Internet sites and several different Media Sources, but there is no definitive evidence or unified agreement 'THIS is The Officer Who Killed Babbitt'.

Was / Is it US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey, a Brazilian immigrant and Black Lives Matter militant who 'REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS'?

Or was it Capitol Police Officer Michael Leroy Byrd, an officer who was reportedly investigated in 2019 for leaving his weapon in the Capitol Visitor Center's bathroom?

One thing is for sure - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, head of the Capitol police, Joe Biden, and the Biden administration know. So why have they refused to be transparent, to relase the information, and have refused to allow the Capitol Video footage to be released?

He was probably getting even for all the white bitches who scorned him his whole life

This was a planned deliberate created by the FBI and House who controls the police.

Planned no one to be there. Just because of TDS.......Then have an impeachment ready he next day

They hate us so much

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