Why is MSM discussing the 25th Amendment and removing Trump via mutiny?

So quick question, what would it take to convince you Trump isn't playing with a full deck. That he's a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

He'd have to actually have some failures, like Obama, instead of winning all the time. The Dow is up over 200 points at close today, now, and Trump is stopping aid to Pakistan AND to the Palestinians, or at least threatening to. I was saying to my husband that Trump understood the Dark Souls videogame-type lesson way before I got it: if you are doing something and it isn't working, don't do it over and over harder and harder hoping you'll get better at it -------------------- TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Trump is trying something different in place of longterm failures, and that is so working.

And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.
Over half the value of the current Dow Jones occurred under The Great Obama
You all claimed that just electing trump would crash the market and tank the economy.

Really? Can you quote me?
So quick question, what would it take to convince you Trump isn't playing with a full deck. That he's a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

He'd have to actually have some failures, like Obama, instead of winning all the time. The Dow is up over 200 points at close today, now, and Trump is stopping aid to Pakistan AND to the Palestinians, or at least threatening to. I was saying to my husband that Trump understood the Dark Souls videogame-type lesson way before I got it: if you are doing something and it isn't working, don't do it over and over harder and harder hoping you'll get better at it -------------------- TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Trump is trying something different in place of longterm failures, and that is so working.

And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.
Over half the value of the current Dow Jones occurred under The Great Obama
You all claimed that just electing trump would crash the market and tank the economy.

Really? Can you quote me?
You all encompasses most if not all the lefties on the board. If you did not say you know your buddies did.
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."
It’s not the media talking about it. It’s the people around your orange sociopath.

And it’s because he’s nuts
And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.

That you think a deranged game show host is going good by "not fucking up the situation he inherited" is kind of telling.

Now, if he inherited a shitty economy and turned it around, that would be something. This is what Obama and Clinton and heck, just to be fair, even Reagan did.

It takes a special kind of fail to inherit a good economy like Either of the Bush's did and then screw that up. Although I give both of them credit for doing things that kept those things from being a lot worse than they were.

I'm just not seeing Trump having the capacity to not fail epicly the first time he has a crisis.
So quick question, what would it take to convince you Trump isn't playing with a full deck. That he's a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

He'd have to actually have some failures, like Obama, instead of winning all the time. The Dow is up over 200 points at close today, now, and Trump is stopping aid to Pakistan AND to the Palestinians, or at least threatening to. I was saying to my husband that Trump understood the Dark Souls videogame-type lesson way before I got it: if you are doing something and it isn't working, don't do it over and over harder and harder hoping you'll get better at it -------------------- TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Trump is trying something different in place of longterm failures, and that is so working.

And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.

Failures? Is Mexico suddenly paying for the wall? Did health care reform get done? Infrastructure?

Only an idiot cuts taxes and increases spending. It lead to a stock market crash and a recession under Reagan/Bush and the Great Recession under W. Third time is NOT the charm.
Thinks not going well for Plan A Collusion or Plan B Obstruction so it's all in right now for Plan C He's Crazy. So when is the big unveiling for Plan D when A, B, and C fail?
Thinks not going well for Plan A Collusion or Plan B Obstruction so it's all in right now for Plan C He's Crazy. So when is the big unveiling for Plan D when A, B, and C fail?
Plan D is going to be judicial nullification.

Plan E state nullification by blue states.

Plan F will be secession.

So quick question, what would it take to convince you Trump isn't playing with a full deck. That he's a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

He'd have to actually have some failures, like Obama, instead of winning all the time. The Dow is up over 200 points at close today, now, and Trump is stopping aid to Pakistan AND to the Palestinians, or at least threatening to. I was saying to my husband that Trump understood the Dark Souls videogame-type lesson way before I got it: if you are doing something and it isn't working, don't do it over and over harder and harder hoping you'll get better at it -------------------- TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Trump is trying something different in place of longterm failures, and that is so working.

And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.
Over half the value of the current Dow Jones occurred under The Great Obama
You all claimed that just electing trump would crash the market and tank the economy.
Of course we didn't

We knew The Great Obama left him a booming economy
It is just that Fat Donnie has not messed it up..........Yet
So quick question, what would it take to convince you Trump isn't playing with a full deck. That he's a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

He'd have to actually have some failures, like Obama, instead of winning all the time. The Dow is up over 200 points at close today, now, and Trump is stopping aid to Pakistan AND to the Palestinians, or at least threatening to. I was saying to my husband that Trump understood the Dark Souls videogame-type lesson way before I got it: if you are doing something and it isn't working, don't do it over and over harder and harder hoping you'll get better at it -------------------- TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Trump is trying something different in place of longterm failures, and that is so working.

And he keeps you people talking about him 100% of your time. This is working so well for him. Contrast: after Obama got elected, I just gave up and stopped paying attention to him as he failed and failed and failed on pretty much everything. Didn't even bother to vote on those two presidential elections. But then somebody good came along and we all came roaring back.

Failures? Is Mexico suddenly paying for the wall? Did health care reform get done? Infrastructure?

Only an idiot cuts taxes and increases spending. It lead to a stock market crash and a recession under Reagan/Bush and the Great Recession under W. Third time is NOT the charm.
With Trump....It is mission accomplished

Tax cuts for billionaires........starting with guess who?
Thinks not going well for Plan A Collusion or Plan B Obstruction so it's all in right now for Plan C He's Crazy. So when is the big unveiling for Plan D when A, B, and C fail?
Plan D is going to be judicial nullification.

Plan E state nullification by blue states.

Plan F will be secession.


You laugh, but I think that's about it, all right. The Dems will do WHATEVER they can to get Trump out of the White House as soon as they can: he is succeeded way, way too well. Makes them look so bad, that the longer it goes on, the less likely Dems are to get back in for decades. That can and has happened, after all: long periods of one-party rule. I think that's what they are afraid of. They don't want the country to succeed --- that would keep them out of power. They want only failure for everyone so they can get back into political offices.

Remember it's not just Trump. They lost governorships and state legislations and the Senate and the House and are rapidly losing the courts --- not fast enough to suit me, though. Trump needs at least two more opportunities to appoint justices to the Supreme Court. He's already done one, fortunately. Catastrophe for America is the only thing that can help the Dems after their well-understood failures of the early 21st Century. So they are trying to manipulate catastrophe for us. Nice guys, huh?
Trump's not going to go batshit, ya'll lefties are the ones that lost it here.

Eternally grateful to Mr Trump for this alone. He just plows ahead and leaves liberals frothing and helplessly screaming at the sky behind him. The man is a machine. Liberals go in one side just mentally ill and come out the other side completely unhinged.
Trump's not going to go batshit, ya'll lefties are the ones that lost it here.

Eternally grateful to Mr Trump for this alone. He just plows ahead and leaves liberals frothing and helplessly screaming at the sky behind him. The man is a machine. Liberals go in one side just mentally ill and come out the other side completely unhinged.

Aside from the fact that this simply isn’t true, having Trump as President doesn’t make liberals crazy, is the idea that you didn’t vote for the candidate you thought would do the best job, you voted for the candidate to piss off the other side. How stupid is that?

You voted against your own best interests in order to piss off liberals. What an idiot! That’s like driving your car into your neighbour’s tree because you hate your neighbour. The tree is still standing but your car is wrecked.
I voted for Trump because he's a capitalist, and because I've listened to, and agreed with, the majority of his political ideas/thoughts/and commentary for almost 30 years now. ~shrug~
I voted for Trump because he's a capitalist, and because I've listened to, and agreed with, the majority of his political ideas/thoughts/and commentary for almost 30 years now. ~shrug~

Except that, as a capitalist, he’s gone bankrupt 7 times, leaving a trail of business failures in his wake. He had one great success - Trump Tower, and everything since then has been a litany of failures up to his TV show.

It was only after Putin’s election when Russian oligarchs started laundering money buying pricey New York and Florida real estate that Trump started making money. In 1999 he was dead broke and no one in the US would lend to him.

Interesting that you agree with him politically, since his politics have been all over the map.
Aside from the fact that this simply isn’t true, having Trump as President doesn’t make liberals crazy, is the idea

Denying Trump Derangement Syndrome puts you in the same league as the Flat Earth Society. It wins you no points to deny the obvious.
I voted for Trump because he's a capitalist, and because I've listened to, and agreed with, the majority of his political ideas/thoughts/and commentary for almost 30 years now. ~shrug~

Except that, as a capitalist, he’s gone bankrupt 7 times, leaving a trail of business failures in his wake. He had one great success - Trump Tower, and everything since then has been a litany of failures up to his TV show.

It was only after Putin’s election when Russian oligarchs started laundering money buying pricey New York and Florida real estate that Trump started making money. In 1999 he was dead broke and no one in the US would lend to him.

Interesting that you agree with him politically, since his politics have been all over the map.

You realize that almost half of all businesses fail right? Out of over 500 only 6 of Trump's have gone bankrupt - and really it's only 2 because the other 4 "bankruptcies" were actually chap 11 restructures (which means the businesses don't shut down, their debts and assets are reshuffled to maintain solvency. The filer also repay's their debt, it may be "less" than actually owned, but that's between the businesses and the debtors [the banks] who are owed the money to decide how much, or little, they're willing to wash.) His track record is actually pretty amazing.

No, in the first couple years of 1990 two of his casinos went bankrupt, like almost all the Atlanta casino owners; Trump happened to have two there so he got hit harder. He was /personally/ $900 million in the hole, not even including the debts of his businesses, (because he'd [foolishly] personally guaranteed that much in loans for his casino's - he never made that mistake again.) The banks didn't want him to go bankrupt (because then they'd get nothing) so they, and Trump, worked out an asset deal with some of his other properties (the Grand Hyatt, Trump Tower, and half of Trump Castle.) By 1994/1995 Trump, and his casinos (as well as the Atlanta economy) had stabilized, and Trump recovered fully. - See also, Fact-checking claims about Donald Trump's four bankruptcies

It's easily verifiable that in 1999 Trump's father passed away, and Donald received $35 Million from the estate. He was worth an estimated $5B in 1999... (Trump proposes massive one-time tax on the rich - November 9, 1999 - proposing a Reform party idea of a one-time 14.25% net worth tax on the rich to wipe out the debt... They started taking 26% of income and /still/ couldn't/can't balance their budget ~sigh~ Government is such a mess with spending.) In any event, your "facts" about Trump being "broke" are simply not true.

You're also mistaken about his political views, he's be remarkably consistent on almost everything but perhaps SSM (he was against it, then 'okay' with it.)



There's more as well, in 1999 he almost ran on the Reform Party ticket (basically Independent) but the party fell apart, but I figure you probably won't even watch the two so whatever.
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And this...

is the idea that you didn’t vote for the candidate you thought would do the best job, you voted for the candidate to piss off the other side. How stupid is that?

You voted against your own best interests in order to piss off liberals. What an idiot! That’s like driving your car into your neighbour’s tree because you hate your neighbour. The tree is still standing but your car is wrecked.

I voted for the candidate to destroy the other side. That it pissed them off is just an expected, enjoyable side effect. A gift.
But my comment was directed at Trumps ability and willingness to plow ahead despite the butthurt. He plays to and serves the American voters who elected him and isnt stopped or slowed by the media attacks, hollywood celebrity whining, billionaires and their impeachment funding or the big corporations passing resolutions against him.
Time and again we elected Republicans who caved under pressure. We gave them the House and the Senate and the Presidency several times since 1994 and nothing changes. The deep state and the ruling elite shut them down every time.
But not Trump. You cant stop Trump doing what he was elected to do. He does it every day...casually. And you cant figure out why an election has overruled celebrity liberals and media elites.
And by the way Hatia is a shithole. We appreciate a President who tells the truth.
You voted against your own best interests in order to piss off liberals. What an idiot! That’s like driving your car into your neighbour’s tree because you hate your neighbour. The tree is still standing but your car is wrecked.

And finally...never again will liberals tell us what our best interests are. My best interests are not transmitted to me by CNN because I dont have CNN. My best interests are in stopping Marxists. In cutting taxes. In America first. In a secure border. In a Western Culture and an Anglo Saxon law system. In self government, self reliance and self responsibility.

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