Why is my ‘recall Newsom’ ballot printed in spanish and english?

I had a client, an elderly woman. Her son brought her in. Born and raised in Los Angeles. She did not speak one word of English. She graduated high school. Over the years having no reason to ever speak English, over the years, she just forgot. TV, movies, radio all in Spanish. Her neighborhood, friends, she never had a reason to speak English.
I‘m certain she is/was a very productive member of society.
They have a lot of Chinese Americans in his counties.
It was a joke about him being compromised and his election interferance by the Chinese Gov't.
Everything he accused Trump of, Swalwell was actually doing=getting help from a foreign country.
English is spoken around the world because of the British Empire and its colonialism. Also because the US is currently the most powerful economy in the world. It is true that English is a popular language around the world because of business and tourism. However, it IS NOT TRUE that English is not taught here in this country, and especially not true it is taught with less vigor or competancy than it is in other countries. That's just a silly myth. I know. I was an international teacher for many years as well as having taught in the US for many years. The problem with US education is not the curriculum or the teachers. The problem is a public that, like you, excoriate our teachers, schools and education system at every turn. The problem is parents who teach students to have little or no respect for teachers or for their schools. That don't take any interest in their children's education. At every single parent teacher event that I experienced when I taught in the US, only a tiny minority of parents attended to talk to the teacher and understand their child's progress, and those parents were mostly parents of students who were doing well.

It is the culture, the attitude toward education and teachers in this country that is the problem. I taught overseas side by side with teachers from all over the world, including American teachers, and there was no difference whatsoever in their level of competancy. None. It isn't the teachers and it isn't the curriculum.

And by the way, it isn't 'American English' that is being taught around the world. International teachers generally teach British English because most of those teaching English outside this country are either British or were taught themselves by British teachers.
I really think you need to learn to read. If you were a teacher as you claim you should know reading is fundamental.
I stated that other countries teach the English language plus others.
the problem with our Education system is we do little teaching if at all of teaching foreign languages. Plus we are quick to allow students that do not demonstrate a fundamental understanding of subjects to continue on.
it should not fall on the teachers but unfortunately most school boards, parents tend to push not only learning but behavior onto them. Though do not get me wrong not all teachers are exempt from the idea that they do fail to properly teach their students.
I really think you need to learn to read. If you were a teacher as you claim you should know reading is fundamental.
I stated that other countries teach the English language plus others.
the problem with our Education system is we do little teaching if at all of teaching foreign languages. Plus we are quick to allow students that do not demonstrate a fundamental understanding of subjects to continue on.
it should not fall on the teachers but unfortunately most school boards, parents tend to push not only learning but behavior onto them. Though do not get me wrong not all teachers are exempt from the idea that they do fail to properly teach their students.
You need to learn to learn to read as well as express yourself with clarity. I never said in any way that other countries don't teach English nor that they don't teach other languages as well. Never even suggested such a thing.

Your problem is that you are trying to say that the American Education system fails at teaching American students effective English language skills. What you choose to totally ignore is that the reason American students don't do well on standardized tests for English and don't appear to have good language skills is that the culture prevents it. It is the AMERICAN CULTURE that is the problem, parents' attitudes to our teachers and schools (an attitude which you are manifesting here) and students' attitudes, which have been implanted by their parents; in other words, widespread negative attitudes as well as excessive social problems are the reason why our kids do not turn out as well, educationally, as those in other countries. It is not the teachers, who are as well trained and skilled as those in other countries. It is not the schools or the administrations. It is our culture.
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You need to learn to learn to read as well as express yourself with clarity. I never said in any way that other countries don't teach English nor that they don't teach other languages as well. Never even suggested such a thing.

Your problem is that you are trying to say that the American Education system fails at teaching American students effective English language skills. What you choose to totally ignore is that the reason American students don't do well on standardized tests for English and don't appear to have good language skills is that the culture prevents it. It is the AMERICAN CULTURE that is the problem, parents' attitudes to our teachers and schools (an attitude which you are manifesting here) and students' attitudes, which have been implanted by their parents; in other words, widespread negative attitudes as well as excessive social problems are the reason why our kids do not turn out as well, educationally, as those in other countries. It is not the teachers, who are as well trained and skilled as those in other countries. It is not the schools or the administrations. It is our culture.
I love it you profess to be a teacher and try and expound on English yet your first sentence is terrible English. After that you just go down hill. Face it less people learn a foreign language in our school systems each year then in one medium sized town in Europe. while you show your inability to use the English language properly you blame the culture. Right
I love it you profess to be a teacher and try and expound on English yet your first sentence is terrible English. After that you just go down hill. Face it less people learn a foreign language in our school systems each year then in one medium sized town in Europe. while you show your inability to use the English language properly you blame the culture. Right
There is nothing grammatically incorrect with my use of English. There appears to be something lacking in your ability to read.
There is nothing grammatically incorrect with my use of English. There appears to be something lacking in your ability to read.
There is nothing incorrect. Roflol. Really? “You need to learn to learn” is grammatically correct? In what school Moron?
Can’t all legit american citizens read, write and articulate the English language?
It is generally known that the overwhelming majority of people in the United States speak English. But would it surprise you to know that English is not the country’s official language? Actually, the US is one of just a handful of countries that do not have an official language.

This is actually one of the reasons there is a war in Ukraine right now.

About 30% of the population speaks Russian, but the Nationalists and Nazis passed a law after the coup, mandating that only Ukrainian was the official language, and could be used for state and commercial business.

Now? Try to imagine if the nationalists in the US passed a similar law mandating that English was to be spoken, and no other language could be used for official business. . .
It is generally known that the overwhelming majority of people in the United States speak English. But would it surprise you to know that English is not the country’s official language? Actually, the US is one of just a handful of countries that do not have an official language.

This is actually one of the reasons there is a war in Ukraine right now.

About 30% of the population speaks Russian, but the Nationalists and Nazis passed a law after the coup, mandating that only Ukrainian was the official language, and could be used for state and commercial business.

Now? Try to imagine if the nationalists in the US passed a similar law mandating that English was to be spoken, and no other language could be used for official business. . .
A common language promotes common values. What is wrong with that?
It is generally known that the overwhelming majority of people in the United States speak English. But would it surprise you to know that English is not the country’s official language? Actually, the US is one of just a handful of countries that do not have an official language.

This is actually one of the reasons there is a war in Ukraine right now.

About 30% of the population speaks Russian, but the Nationalists and Nazis passed a law after the coup, mandating that only Ukrainian was the official language, and could be used for state and commercial business.

Now? Try to imagine if the nationalists in the US passed a similar law mandating that English was to be spoken, and no other language could be used for official business. . .
It would be great if English was the official language.
A common language promotes common values. What is wrong with that?
How would you feel, if they decided that the common language where you live is going to be Spanish or French then?


Should Canada just decide that the Common language for all of Canada should be English, and fuck everyone that lives in Quebec?


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