Why is my ‘recall Newsom’ ballot printed in spanish and english?

There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
Yes, folks that come here to give birth, can be deported.

With that said, if you acknowledge that folks are coming here to give birth, as a strategy to eventually become citizens, then you are being disingenuous, and equivocating with those who are concerned with foreigners manipulating immigration policy.

"However, once they reach 21 years of age, American-born children, as birthright citizens, are able to sponsor their foreign families' U.S. citizenship and residency."

It is a slimy dog shit thing to do by saying, "there are no anchor babies," when you know what is the intention by those who are concerned with the birth right citizenship policy.

Generally? I think of you as having more integrity in the discussions on this site, then to do this sort of thing.

There are posters like CNM and meaner gene that debate like this, it is garbage.

One of my best friends from high school, married a Chinese national he met in med school. After they were married, and when she finally became a citizen, she was able to sponsor one of her parents.

And then, once that parent gained citizenship after four or five years, she sponsored her husband. . . And after HE became a citizen, last I heard, they were sponsering, or trying to, one of my friends brother-in-laws. . . apparently at that point, the Chinese government was, um, starting to push back. I saw some photos of a trip they made to China a year before the pandemic to resolve that issue.

I don't know WHY you are being this way. . . I honestly don't.

It is like the leftists, they don't like the WORD, "illegal alien," so they say, "there is no such thing as an 'illegal person," but we all know damn well what that reality is, and what we are talking about.

SO, go on and keep parroting your narrative, it doesn't change reality, or the laws.
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Sidebar: Soros gave Newsome $1 million dollars to fight the recall effort.

Just thought muppets might wanna know.
Fuck your retard semantics….
Founding documents written is english….CHECK
Foreigners REQUIRED to read and write english….CHECK
Taxpayer funded academia required to teach English….CHECK
Legit REAL presidents remove spanish from White House website….CHECK

It’s pretty damn official globalists….English is the language of the land….hahahahaha
At least one flaw in your statement. Native born citizens are not required to read or write in English.
At least one flaw in your statement. Native born citizens are not required to read or write in English.
Hahaha…you whackos….how many native born citizens can’t speak English?
180 posts in and everyone but you and MisterBeale knew I was referring to naturalized citizens.
Hahaha…you’re trying way too hard bud.
Yes, folks that come here to give birth, can be deported.

With that said, if you acknowledge that folks are coming here to give birth, as a strategy to eventually become citizens, ...
Birth tourism and the false notion of "anchor babies" are not the same thing.
If the Germans won WWII, do you think they'd let the dregs of society live there?
If Americans knew what the future was going to be and the British knew that English girls would be subservient to Pakistani rape gangs, Hitler would not only have won, but been a hero of the west.
In the case of birth tourism from China, most parents come here to give birth then go home with their newborn. It is not some ludicrous scheme to wait 25 years for the mother to become a citizen. The newborn is a US citizen so that the parents can send him or her to America to study upon reaching school age (usually middle school or higher).
The demonstrably false notion of the "anchor baby" is the idea that if a woman has a baby in the US she is thereby granted permission to remain in the US even if her immigration status is illegal. This is NOT the case. Anyone born in the US is a US citizen, but that does NOT change the immigration status of his or her parents. There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
The demonstrably false notion of the "anchor baby" is the idea that if a woman has a baby in the US she is thereby granted permission to remain in the US even if her immigration status is illegal. This is NOT the case. Anyone born in the US is a US citizen, but that does NOT change the immigration status of his or her parents. There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
In the spirit of full disclosure…tell the people that you arrive at such an OPINION because you are a globalist teacher employed Eva use of illegal immigration.
Every time you lie - TROLL - you prove that you have nothing but LIES to fall back on when your weak, stupid bullshit is called out - TROLL.

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