Why is my ‘recall Newsom’ ballot printed in spanish and english?

people who share a last name with our soldiers that died in world wars

Like Martinez, Liebowitz, Fellini, Watanabe, Kowalski, Washington, and Lee?

Hazel Ying Lee ... died November 25 1944 when the P-63 fighter she was flying to Great Falls crashed due to an Army control tower misdirection.

Caveat: I didn't wade through all 163 posts on this silly thread.
The OP seems to be naïve bout how voting works in America.
America with it's diverse population and numerous languages.

Just one example, in San Francisco and the Bay area some elections have bi-lingual ballots: English and some other language.

Seems pretty doggone fair to me. Though, I suppose there is a cost when you have more than several languages being used by the constituent population. (Ballots with English and Chinese or Spanish or Filipino)
Like Martinez, Liebowitz, Fellini, Watanabe, Kowalski, Washington, and Lee?

Hazel Ying Lee ... died November 25 1944 when the P-63 fighter she was flying to Great Falls crashed due to an Army control tower misdirection.

View attachment 655619
Yep…all 73 of them.
Around here we don’t really think it’s necessary to discuss the two percentile.
This kind of childish shit is what dimwitted extremists of any kind always fall back on.
Well. .. it's not that, it's just. . .

. . . I have the courtesy to pay attention to brokeloser, and what he posts. I have gotten to know him over the years, I know he is a reactionary, a white nationalist, and full of fear and loathing. .. and would probably lynch his own shadow if it got uppity . . .

I would think, he would at least read some of the stuff I have posted over the years. :rolleyes:

Call me a nutter, a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist that is afraid of lizard people taking over the world, but at least have the common courtesy to pay the hell attention to what is going on around here.

. . . an "internationalist?"

Yep…all 73 of them.
Around here we don’t really think it’s necessary to discuss the two percentile.

The 16 million men and women in the services included 1 million African Americans, along with 33,000+ Japanese-Americans, 20,000+ Chinese Americans, 24,674 American Indians, and some 16,000 Filipino-Americans. According to House concurrent resolution 253, 400,000 to 500,000 Hispanic Americans served.

African-Americans who, in many cases, couldn't sit next to a white soldier on an Army Base. Japanese-Americans with family members still in internment camps. Etc, etc...
Barely legals vote for free shit and social justice.
I remember when I was in my early twenties. . that type of porn was attractive then. Not very interesting now. IMO? Most of the time? I don't think they even vote. But don't worry, I am sure most of them speak English.

Only about 20% of the electorate know what they’re voting for. Barely legals vote for free shit and social justice.
What you should want is people voting who have their heart and soul intertwined with our founding documents, people who share a last name with our soldiers that died in world wars, people who shed a tear anytime the national anthem is played…you know, core American shit.
Barely legals DEFINITELY will not help vote us out of the shitter…look at Mexifornia…they’ll continue voting us into thirdworld status….BANK ON IT.

There is no such thing as "barely legal." One either is a citizen or one is not. You don't deserve to be one, but that's another discussion.

AND, being an American has NOTHING to do with what one's last name is.
The 16 million men and women in the services included 1 million African Americans, along with 33,000+ Japanese-Americans, 20,000+ Chinese Americans, 24,674 American Indians, and some 16,000 Filipino-Americans. According to House concurrent resolution 253, 400,000 to 500,000 Hispanic Americans served.

African-Americans who, in many cases, couldn't sit next to a white soldier on an Army Base. Japanese-Americans with family members still in internment camps. Etc, etc...
There is no such thing.
Are you going to tell us there is no such thing as Birth Tourism next? :dunno:

". . . The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees U.S. citizenship to those born in the United States, provided the person is "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. Congress has further extended birthright citizenship to all inhabited U.S. territories except American Samoa. (A person born in American Samoa becomes a non-citizen US national). The parent(s) and child are still subject to de jure and de facto deportation, respectively.[2] However, once they reach 21 years of age, American-born children, as birthright citizens, are able to sponsor their foreign families' U.S. citizenship and residency.[3]. . "


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