Why is my ‘recall Newsom’ ballot printed in spanish and english?

To have a national language isn't racist ... especially when you consider that the language in question is spoken (either primarily or as a second language) by nearly every race amd ethnicity on Earth ... get your shite together Sentinelese People.

It might be considered ethno-centric ... but some cultures are just more pervasive than others.

You can't blame racism for people wearing blue jeans and listening to American top-40s.
English is the dominant language in the US and always will be, but it is NOT the "official" language.
Who cares what language people speak?
You may have the premise of the thread misunderstood.
I’ll dumb it down for all….
If illegals can’t vote and American citizens are REQUIRED to read and write english then why would ballots need to be printed in Spanish?
This is third grade level shit.
Hahaha…not at all, but the fact that the English language IS in fact this nations official language as clearly evidenced by its useage will always hurt the feelings of you globalist weirdos…hahaha.
Look, if I had some half breed mutt children or an imported wife or some dumb bullshit like that I’d probably be a globalist like you ignorant fools…but I know/knew better. Sorry fellas

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You callin' me a globalist? :dunno:
If illegals can’t vote and American citizens are REQUIRED to read and write english

Not everyone who speaks Spanish (or Yiddish, or Gaelic, or German, or Japanese, or Putongwah is an illegal immigrant). My grandfather, a German immigrant, spoke very poor English and was not inclined to improve. Naturalized citizens must take an test in English but are in no way required to be fluent.

Personally, I want anyone who votes to be FULLY-AWARE of what they're doing ... so if that means printing ballots in Sentinelese...

English is the dominant language in the US and always will be, but it is NOT the "official" language.
Fuck your retard semantics….
Founding documents written is english….CHECK
Foreigners REQUIRED to read and write english….CHECK
Taxpayer funded academia required to teach English….CHECK
Legit REAL presidents remove spanish from White House website….CHECK

It’s pretty damn official globalists….English is the language of the land….hahahahaha
Personally, I want anyone who votes to be FULLY-AWARE of what they're doing ... so if that means printing ballots in Sentinelese...
Only about 20% of the electorate know what they’re voting for. Barely legals vote for free shit and social justice.
What you should want is people voting who have their heart and soul intertwined with our founding documents, people who share a last name with our soldiers that died in world wars, people who shed a tear anytime the national anthem is played…you know, core American shit.
Barely legals DEFINITELY will not help vote us out of the shitter…look at Mexifornia…they’ll continue voting us into thirdworld status….BANK ON IT.

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