Why is my ‘recall Newsom’ ballot printed in spanish and english?

There’s at least 10 million wetbacks in Mexifornia….”names”? What do you normally call people who break into your nation without consent? I think I’m being nice by calling them wetbacks…no?
i thought you were referring to CA residents, mexican ones
NOBODY legit gives two fucks….It all began on July 4, 1776….sucks huh?

It could be said that the United States, as an entity, began on Sept 5, 1774 ... the day we first convened a national Congress
or on June 14, 1775 ... the day we established a national (continental Army).
or on October 19th, 1781 ... the day of The British Surrender at Yorktown.
or on Sept 17, 1787 ... the day our Constitution was ratified and we formally established ourselves as one nation.

There wasn't a single event that defines the creation of America.
Our founding documents were written in english, government documents are printed in english, our public schools teach the english language….Semantics aside, English kinda is the ‘official’ language of this nation isn’t it…but saying so would make the globalist pussies piss themselves…right?


The Naturalization Interview and Test


Two things:

First, I'm kinda' with you on the whole "you should speak English if you're going to be here" thing.

Second, did you look at the requirements for the English test? Now, this is from your own link; the USCIS website:

English Test

Your ability to speak and understand English will be determined by a USCIS officer during your eligibility interview on Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

Since it's being determined by an individual, that's going to be a subjective assessment. Some USCIS officers might be a bit more strict in their standards than others...

You must read aloud one out of three sentences correctly to demonstrate an ability to read in English. The Reading Test Vocabulary List will help you study for the English reading portion of the naturalization test. The content focuses on civics and history topics.

You must write one out of three sentences correctly to demonstrate an ability to write in English. The Writing Test Vocabulary List will help you study for the English writing portion of the naturalization test. The content focuses on civics and history topics.

People will, ostensibly, be spending the rest of their lives in the United States, yet their ability to communicate through the written English word will be assessed on, apparently, only two sentences: one they read and one they write. Those two sentences are going to be the sole determining factors in deciding whether or someone can read and write in English.

And, to be honest, the reading and writing requirements are, shall we say, not exactly strict or in depth. The officer reads a single sentence, and the individual has to write down what he heard. In both reading and writing, the individual can actually be incorrect 66.6% of the time and still pass the test. He's given three chances at each. He needs to get it correct only once.

Oh, and sample sentences include challenging sentences like these:
  • The President lives in the White House.
  • The United States has fifty states.
  • Congress meets in Washington, DC.
  • People vote for the President in November.
  • Alaska is the largest state.

Also, there's the fact that permanent residents age 55 or older, with at least 15 years permanent residence, can get U.S. citizenship without showing the ability to read, write and speak English. This exemption is also extended to individuals who are at least 50 years of age and have at least 20 years as a permanent resident. You cannot keep them from voting because they don't speak or read English...
What’s “here”?
The British smashed dark jibber-jabber speaking subhumans and conquered this territory, THANK GOD….they really didn’t give two fucks about who was here before or what language was spoken here before we exterminated the filth And founded America. Our founding documents were written in one language…sucks huh?
The United States does not have an official language and never will. Does that hurt, racist?
There is no excuse for ballots to be printed in any foreign language.

1. To vote, you must be a citizen.

2. To become a citizen, you must take a written test in English and pass an oral test speaking English.

3. Therefore, if a new citizen cannot vote by using an English-language ballot, s/he has no business voting.

4. But they started printing the ballot in different languages a while back when it became politically advantageous to show how much the government cared about the new citizens.
You are NOT required to speak any particular language to BE a US citizen.
The United States does not have an official language and never will. Does that hurt, racist?
Hahaha…not at all, but the fact that the English language IS in fact this nations official language as clearly evidenced by its useage will always hurt the feelings of you globalist weirdos…hahaha.
Look, if I had some half breed mutt children or an imported wife or some dumb bullshit like that I’d probably be a globalist like you ignorant fools…but I know/knew better. Sorry fellas


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