Why is no one cheering the falling deficit?


There goes that "big spending" argument..


Just wait until the interest rates rise from the federal reserve, Sal.
And wait until Wall Street gets a wiff of that...:eusa_whistle:

Indeed. This is what should happen to Obama voters:

The only real effective way to start getting the national debt to start reversing trend and coming down, is for the government to eliminate the deficit entirely, and actually start having surpluses (like the 307 billion surplus we had in 2000).

Divide that 307 billion by the 17 trillion and climbing debt and how many years to pay this off? Holy shit. We need like 2 trillion in surpluses to pay this off.
Paul Ryan's recent budget would aim to balance the budget in 10 years. Would be nice if the democrats would at least give it consideration.

WASHINGTON – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan renewed a fight with Democrats over spending cuts and deficit reduction, unveiling an updated Republican budget plan Tuesday that aims to cut spending by more than $5 trillion over a decade and balance the budget in that time.

As in the past, Ryan has steered clear of cuts to Social Security and promises steady increases for veterans.


You figure is wrong, the Debt is

These figures are astounding. In the two hours that elapsed between the two snapshots, we've added roughly 150 million dollars to the national debt.
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

Has anyone noticed that the U.S. budget deficit has plunged by nearly $1 trillion since its peak in 2009? Probably not.

It has become a politically inconvenient truth that budget deficits will only grow and never decline, and yet, an astounding $1 trillion dollars has been hacked from the annual shortfall.

Read More › CBO estimates lower deficits as health subsidies fall

The winding down of two decade-long wars, fiscal restraint, stronger than forecast economic growth, hence higher tax receipts, and higher tax rates, have all contributed to a very significant decline in government red ink.

And it certainly has defied conventional wisdom in Washington that wrongly suggested that such a turnabout was even remotely possible.

Recall the prevailing wisdom on budget deficits just five short years ago. This report from the Washington Post, July 24th, 2010, suggests that trillion-dollar deficits would become the norm after "The Great Recession," not the exception:

"The latest forecast from the White House budget office shows the deficit rising to $1.47 trillion this year, forcing the government to borrow 41 cents of every dollar it spends. Contrary to official projections, the budget gap will not begin to narrow much in 2011, because of an unexpectedly big drop in tax receipts … The White House predicted Friday it will not dip below 8 percent until the end of 2012."
The Congressional Budget Office is cutting its estimates of the U.S. deficit to $492 billion due to lower-than-expected Obamacare premiums, reports CNBC's Eamon Javers.

Oops! The deficit peaked in 2009 and has been on a rapid downward trajectory ever since.
Why is no one cheering the falling deficit??economy?Commentary!

There goes that "big spending" argument..


Hardly.......it took a $600,000,000,000.00 tax increase and a sequester to even get to the point the deficit is shrinking, but we're still spending $600 billion more than we have.
You figure is wrong, the Debt is

These figures are astounding. In the two hours that elapsed between the two snapshots, we've added roughly 150 million dollars to the national debt.
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

You're all wrong.

We currently stand at $17,581,965,980,656.00 and climbing...http://www.usdebtclock.org/
These figures are astounding. In the two hours that elapsed between the two snapshots, we've added roughly 150 million dollars to the national debt.
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

You're all wrong.

We currently stand at $17,581,965,980,656.00 and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You look to be a few billion off.
Because most of us are smart enough to know that reducing the deficit still adds to the debt.

We've been trying to teach the rest of you this simple mathematical concept but apparently to no avail.
Cut the defense budget in half, that'll reduce the debt, I guarantee it.
These figures are astounding. In the two hours that elapsed between the two snapshots, we've added roughly 150 million dollars to the national debt.
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

You're all wrong.

We currently stand at $17,581,965,980,656.00 and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The two sites have a discrepancy of 200 billion! That's 1/3 of the yearly defict!! Looks like the sites are about 4 months apart.
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

You're all wrong.

We currently stand at $17,581,965,980,656.00 and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You look to be a few billion off.
About 200 billion!
Because most of us are smart enough to know that reducing the deficit still adds to the debt.

We've been trying to teach the rest of you this simple mathematical concept but apparently to no avail.
Cut the defense budget in half, that'll reduce the debt, I guarantee it.
SEQUESTER. You idiots GOT what YOU wanted at the expense of National Defense. STOW IT.:eusa_hand:

Let us CUT IN HALF Welfare. Moochers. How you like them apples sport?
That's OK...Obama, and the Statists will make it up with more tax proposals to bilk the people in no time.... Obama's whopping 3.9 TRILLION budget...Or maybe NOT...

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides - Washington Times

Election Year don't you know...:eusa_whistle:

You're all wrong.

We currently stand at $17,581,965,980,656.00 and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You look to be a few billion off.

That's about how fast the debt is growing.
On the backs of infrastructure, science and r&d development. Free shit and the inefficacy haven't exactly been fixed.

The right in this country are dumber then dog shit.
The proper grammar is actually "than" not "then."

Nothing like a bubble headed libtard calling someone stupid, then displaying their own illiteracy.

Typical leftard.
There is nothing to cheer about until we spend less than what we take in. There is a thing called the debt which dwarfs the deficit - it is still ballooning. It is a juggernaut; a terrible burden - 24, 7! :eusa_whistle:
Because most of us are smart enough to know that reducing the deficit still adds to the debt.

We've been trying to teach the rest of you this simple mathematical concept but apparently to no avail.
Cut the defense budget in half, that'll reduce the debt, I guarantee it.

Cut all benefits to illegal aliens and no more obama phones would make more sense.
There is no compromise, Democrats and many Republicans need to be thrown out of office, they will spend, lie, and dictate.

Stop the power to tax at will.

Tax a dollar when you spend it, nothing more, no fees, no hidden fees, no collecting of money by the government. City, State, County, Regional, Federal, stop the government from taking money is the only way to stop the spending of it.

Privatize everything the Government does.

End the endless governments we are ruled by.
There is no compromise, Democrats and many Republicans need to be thrown out of office, they will spend, lie, and dictate.

Stop the power to tax at will.

Tax a dollar when you spend it, nothing more, no fees, no hidden fees, no collecting of money by the government. City, State, County, Regional, Federal, stop the government from taking money is the only way to stop the spending of it.

Privatize everything the Government does.

End the endless governments we are ruled by.

Abolish the 16th. Go back to what funded this nation before that travesty happened. FAIRTAX...Flat Tax...Tax consumption...we got along pretty well before the 16th.

The tax code is Progressive punitive manipulation of the people...that punishes people and their prosperity...and gives government more power than they were EVER meant to have.

When the deficit is as low as it was in FY2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration, we'll take note. When the government is actually spending less than it is taking in, then we'll cheer.

This is incorrect. We had a record deficit at the end of the 2008 budget year. This despite Bush's inheritance of Clinton's incredible budget surpluses. Cheney is even famously quoted as saying, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter" (meaning, to the electorate - since he saw no possible repercussions for working up a deficit, he could conceive of no other reason not to).

The deficit can be attributed in part to Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, from which we lost $200 trillion annually - roughly equivalent to those unfunded mandates. It doesn't make all the spending in unfunded mandates right, but the spending needs to be put in perspective. By the time Bush left office, the country was swerving hard into a depression (though the 2008 financial crisis can't be laid on any one person's shoulders).

Obama deflected most of that depression with his stimulus package, which economists now widely agree was necessary and a success. Yet it's extremely difficult to bring government spending down. No group gives their elected official a cookie for cutting their spending from the budget. The falling deficit is something to be applauded.
When the deficit is as low as it was in FY2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration, we'll take note. When the government is actually spending less than it is taking in, then we'll cheer.

This is incorrect. We had a record deficit at the end of the 2008 budget year. This despite Bush's inheritance of Clinton's incredible budget surpluses. Cheney is even famously quoted as saying, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter" (meaning, to the electorate - since he saw no possible repercussions for working up a deficit, he could conceive of no other reason not to).

The deficit can be attributed in part to Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, from which we lost $200 trillion annually - roughly equivalent to those unfunded mandates. It doesn't make all the spending in unfunded mandates right, but the spending needs to be put in perspective. By the time Bush left office, the country was swerving hard into a depression (though the 2008 financial crisis can't be laid on any one person's shoulders).

Obama deflected most of that depression with his stimulus package, which economists now widely agree was necessary and a success. Yet it's extremely difficult to bring government spending down. No group gives their elected official a cookie for cutting their spending from the budget. The falling deficit is something to be applauded.

These folks only believe in less spending when a Democrat is in the white house.

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