Why is no one cheering the falling deficit?

It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
When Public Service becomes Self-Serving...Tyranny isn't far behind.

Ayup. It would appear the war on the citizens of this country by the authoritarians is profitable for them. How many wars are they fighting now? The war on drugs. The war on fear. The war on energy production. ...
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We should be cheering that we're going more into debt a little bit slower than usual?

That's pretty fucking stupid.

As opposed to the rocket slide of debt every single time a Republican President is in the White House?

Yes..I'd say that's something to cheer about.

Seems that "fiscal conservatism" is a bunch of malarkey that conservatives tell voters.
It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
When Public Service becomes Self-Serving...Tyranny isn't far behind.

So you are looking for an "all volunteer" military that's no benefits and no pay?

Radical..but heck..go with it.
Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

you are a complete idiot; spewing talking points. yiou dont have a clue. FEDERAL government has NOT shrank in size under obama; it has been the state and local governments and that because of a continued WEAK ECONOMY.

in fact REPUBLICANS PREDICTED THIS would happen when the Stimulu money ran out.
left-leaning FactCheck.org says the federal government has GROWN BY 5% UNDER OBAMA.
you're a joke

Yes,the liberal depends on the Federal government that CAN print as much coin as they want to, when they want to and how they want to while the states CAN NOT print any money.
States, cities and every one else have to balance their budgets or carry massive deficits or
go bankrupt like Detroit.
And then the savior white hat knight Feds come in as in the Medicaid expansion night mare approach claiming they will pay and assume all the costs.
And the liberal believes no one has to pay for it and it is "free".
They are amassing massive debt and doing nothing to stop it.
And the dumb masses do not understand it because it requires math skills.
probably because nobody with a functioning brain thinks this country is on the right track.
record corporate profits the same time as record welfare and food stamps cant be a good thing; and despite the cries of the loony Left; people give the government the blame

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