Why is no one cheering the falling deficit?

Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration.

SERIOULSY you're nothing but a joke. Do you realize how stupid you look ranting about things your Party approves of?
can you show anybody here when Dems opposed expanding pay for government employees? under Bush or otherwise?
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration.

No soruce listed. Graph stops at 2009.

Dumb move idiot! Recent data shows government employee pay falling as private pay rises under the Obama administration.

good one doofus; then explain why we still have record numbers on food stamps and you losers insist it is heartless to even consider reducing them by one day or one penny? and especially given that you morons insist that almost no waste, fraud and abuse is occurring.

idiots and hypocrites
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration.

SERIOULSY you're nothing but a joke. Do you realize how stupid you look ranting about things your Party approves of?
can you show anybody here when Dems opposed expanding pay for government employees? under Bush or otherwise?

Your the stupid joke here. I am not a member of any party. I refuse to let anyone else speak for me, think for me or lead me. I was as anti Obama as anyone here (you can check my posting history) & voted against him his first term because of campaign retoric. By his second term there was factual data on his governing that made Bush's & Romney's governorship look foolish by comparison. So I voted for Obama second term based on facts, not your fantasy land.
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration.

SERIOULSY you're nothing but a joke. Do you realize how stupid you look ranting about things your Party approves of?
can you show anybody here when Dems opposed expanding pay for government employees? under Bush or otherwise?

Your the stupid joke here. I am not a member of any party. I refuse to let anyone else speak for me, think for me or lead me. I was as anti Obama as anyone here (you can check my posting history) & voted against him his first term because of campaign retoric. By his second term there was factual data on his governing that made Bush's & Romney's governorship look foolish by comparison. So I voted for Obama second term based on facts, not your fantasy land.

record welfare and food stamps on obama's watch; and not just in the first years; this continues today

if those are the facts you made your decision on; you made the wrong decision. i'm not living in a fantasy land regarding obama; YOU ARE
but isnt that just so typical of loser lefties? to project your own mental disease onto others.
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration.

No soruce listed. Graph stops at 2009.

Dumb move idiot! Recent data shows government employee pay falling as private pay rises under the Obama administration.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.
you say you voted against obama his first term; and then were convinced he is good?


you could make a case obama "inherited" a lot to deal with. that is when you rejected him.

but now you delude yourself that he's done something and was worthy of being re-elected?
record welfare and food stamps and a 40-year low in participation in the labor market in his 6th year is doing well to you?

nobody believes you leftard. you were always a left-wing nutjob and an obama-bot

Has anyone noticed that the U.S. budget deficit has plunged by nearly $1 trillion since its peak in 2009? Probably not.

It has become a politically inconvenient truth that budget deficits will only grow and never decline, and yet, an astounding $1 trillion dollars has been hacked from the annual shortfall.

Read More › CBO estimates lower deficits as health subsidies fall

The winding down of two decade-long wars, fiscal restraint, stronger than forecast economic growth, hence higher tax receipts, and higher tax rates, have all contributed to a very significant decline in government red ink.

And it certainly has defied conventional wisdom in Washington that wrongly suggested that such a turnabout was even remotely possible.

Recall the prevailing wisdom on budget deficits just five short years ago. This report from the Washington Post, July 24th, 2010, suggests that trillion-dollar deficits would become the norm after "The Great Recession," not the exception:

"The latest forecast from the White House budget office shows the deficit rising to $1.47 trillion this year, forcing the government to borrow 41 cents of every dollar it spends. Contrary to official projections, the budget gap will not begin to narrow much in 2011, because of an unexpectedly big drop in tax receipts … The White House predicted Friday it will not dip below 8 percent until the end of 2012."
The Congressional Budget Office is cutting its estimates of the U.S. deficit to $492 billion due to lower-than-expected Obamacare premiums, reports CNBC's Eamon Javers.

Oops! The deficit peaked in 2009 and has been on a rapid downward trajectory ever since.
Why is no one cheering the falling deficit??economy?Commentary!

There goes that "big spending" argument..


Well the deficit has gone down but it is expected to go back up. Also the deficit is half a trillion dollars. That is hardly an achievement worth bragging about. The debt is continuing to grow not shrink and with increases in ACA premiums the deficit will increase. The next correction to occur to the economy, which is due soon, will decrease revenues there by increasing deficits as well. The CBO does not project economic down swings. The displayed debt is 17 trillion dollars and the real debt counting everything including backed home loans, insured accounts, student loans etc… the real debt is 222 trillion dollars. To fund Social Security and Medicare for the future we would need to place 22 trillion in the back today to start gaining returns. Last but not least, the interest on the debt is not counted in the deficit. That is why when we had a surplus under Clinton the debt continued to grow. We actually will soon need somewhere around a 400 billion dollar surplus just to cover the interest. Things are not even close to fine.
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No soruce listed. Graph stops at 2009.

Dumb move idiot! Recent data shows government employee pay falling as private pay rises under the Obama administration.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.


Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

The employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.

All I can say is.....wow.

Democratic politicians are correct....ANYTHING they say will be repeated as fact by some followers.....even if they say that the sky is red.

Pay no attention to these Nazi's. They are worse than the Wizard of Oz.
All I can say is.....wow.

Democratic politicians are correct....ANYTHING they say will be repeated as fact by some followers.....even if they say that the sky is red.

So far no one can refute any of the factual data I have posted. Nothing but empty rhetoric, political spin & flat out lies from the troll bots.

That is because the common voter has now become fans rooting for a team rather than an educated electorate.
No soruce listed. Graph stops at 2009.

Dumb move idiot! Recent data shows government employee pay falling as private pay rises under the Obama administration.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.

It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.
Dumb move idiot! Recent data shows government employee pay falling as private pay rises under the Obama administration.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.

It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.

It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
So the first chart shows total compensation, the second one wages. And this is supposed to prove what exactly?
Another idiot who can't read a chart.

It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
When Public Service becomes Self-Serving...Tyranny isn't far behind.
It proves that on average federal employees make twice what private employees make whether you include benefits or not. Must be nice to have a guaranteed source of income... my back pocket.

Quick story and I swear that it is the truth. My Son got out of the Navy a while back. A friend of his got out at the same time. Both were Lieutenants. My Son became a project manager for a regional construction company - he makes (on average) $80,000 per.

His friend, got out and immediately filed a claim with the VA (I swear to God) he was given a disability because he claimed that he could not "father children". He gets a disability check each month. He then went to work for the DEA. He now makes $91,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS his "so-called" disability. Oh, BTW, he now has two kids. :cuckoo:

This guy is NOT a field agent, He sits at a desk all day, so basically, my Son's job and his are the same.

I'm sorry, but when civil servants make MORE than private sector employees.....something is wrong. And indeed - something is wrong here.
When Public Service becomes Self-Serving...Tyranny isn't far behind.


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