Why is no one cheering the falling deficit?


Has anyone noticed that the U.S. budget deficit has plunged by nearly $1 trillion since its peak in 2009? Probably not.

It has become a politically inconvenient truth that budget deficits will only grow and never decline, and yet, an astounding $1 trillion dollars has been hacked from the annual shortfall.

Read More › CBO estimates lower deficits as health subsidies fall

The winding down of two decade-long wars, fiscal restraint, stronger than forecast economic growth, hence higher tax receipts, and higher tax rates, have all contributed to a very significant decline in government red ink.

And it certainly has defied conventional wisdom in Washington that wrongly suggested that such a turnabout was even remotely possible.

Recall the prevailing wisdom on budget deficits just five short years ago. This report from the Washington Post, July 24th, 2010, suggests that trillion-dollar deficits would become the norm after "The Great Recession," not the exception:

"The latest forecast from the White House budget office shows the deficit rising to $1.47 trillion this year, forcing the government to borrow 41 cents of every dollar it spends. Contrary to official projections, the budget gap will not begin to narrow much in 2011, because of an unexpectedly big drop in tax receipts … The White House predicted Friday it will not dip below 8 percent until the end of 2012."
The Congressional Budget Office is cutting its estimates of the U.S. deficit to $492 billion due to lower-than-expected Obamacare premiums, reports CNBC's Eamon Javers.

Oops! The deficit peaked in 2009 and has been on a rapid downward trajectory ever since.
Why is no one cheering the falling deficit??economy?Commentary!

There goes that "big spending" argument..


First, this is an opinion piece with a little bit of factual material sprinkled in to make it look like a news article.
However, if what this writer states it's true , I guess we can blame those God damned republican obstructionists.
You libs are so desperate. So all over the place.
Before this stuff came out you people were in 100% support of deficit spending. That so your pet programs could continue to be fed.
Ya know what? Shut up....Your side is wearing out it's welcome.

leave it to the Left to talk out of both sides of their mouths and try to have it both ways. the fact is the Left wanted; still wants; to spend trillions more off-budget. it was those mean ol Republican "obstructionists" that got in the way. that and obama gutting the military by allowing Dems to have the sequester go into effect instead of working with the other side

Take just the obama Stimulus for example. many on the Left say it didnt appear to work so well because it wasnt large ENOUGH; Some Progressives said it should have been TWO OR THREE TIMES BIGGER than the almost $1 TRILLION it costs.
This is why:

...and rising

U.S. Debt Clock - Worldometers

You figure is wrong, the Debt is


Some still don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt.

It is comments like your that are the reason why I no longer susbscribe to threads.
This is just another fucking deflection by a liberal poster who cannot accept that his messiah has not been perfect.
Economic growth is what stimulates the economy and ends deficits.
This administration stifles growth as the only growth they have is food stamp recipients and the moocher class.
Lowest labor participation rate in 70 years.
An administration that encourages people to file for social security disability is not a free market capitalism supporting gang.
They are anti productivity and anti economic achievement and independence.
This administration and their supporters gauge success on how many people become dependent on government.

Yet another idiot parrot regurgitates crap. The only growth the previous administration managed was growth in deficit spending & debt while destroying the economy. Obama has grown the economy & jobs while decreasing deficit. Bill Clinton did the same. Republicans run their mouth, but can't run the economy anywhere but into the ground. Just a bunch of MBA econ indoctrinated idiots preaching ideology instead of reality.
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Economic growth is what stimulates the economy and ends deficits.
This administration stifles growth as the only growth they have is food stamp recipients and the moocher class.
Lowest labor participation rate in 70 years.
An administration that encourages people to file for social security disability is not a free market capitalism supporting gang.
They are anti productivity and anti economic achievement and independence.
This administration and their supporters gauge success on how many people become dependent on government.

Yet another idiot parrot regurgitates crap. The only growth the previous administration managed was growth in deficit spending & debt while destroying the economy. Obama has grown the economy & jobs while decreasing deficit. Bill Clinton did the same. Republicans run their mouth, but can't run the economy anywhere but into the ground.

the only idiot parrot is you leftard. there are about 1 million fewer Americans working now then when obama took office. Dems voted for every penny of the "Bush" spending and then some. Bush's highest spending years were the 2 that Dems held the purse strings.
the economy tanked on dems watch. and right now what you are portraying as a great economy is the slowest recovery from a recession in history; and labor market participation at a 40 year low

why dont you stop making a fool of yourself?
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The economy was destroyed by passing legislation that allowed all financial institutions to participate in mortgage lending.
Then add in the liberal loan practices that accompanied it with the trade offs of each party giving each other in Congress.
Add in the phony baloney packaging and bundling of those mortgages with the AAA ratings given and phony appraisals with no one in either party complaining.
And then when a guy that is making $36,000 a year can not make the note on his $350,000 loan one wonders why the entire thing crashed.
And Democrats blame Republicans because they are stupid and Republicans blame Democrats because they are stupid.
But the real ignorant are those that claim this administration sorted it all out or Frank Dodd helped any.
Frank Dodd has done more damage to the existing home sale market and kept vacant houses sitting for years before anyone can buy them than anything.
We are all to blame for the financial crisis but it was Bush that went to Congress many times and they laughed in his face. Barney Frank, who I could care less if he is gay or not, did nothing and in fact increased the lending and the Republicans continued to support the building boom at all costs.
But that has nothing to do with the incompetence of an administration not smart enough to build a damn web site.
Even Ray Charles could have seen that.
The economy was destroyed by passing legislation that allowed all financial institutions to participate in mortgage lending.
Then add in the liberal loan practices that accompanied it with the trade offs of each party giving each other in Congress.
Add in the phony baloney packaging and bundling of those mortgages with the AAA ratings given and phony appraisals with no one in either party complaining.
And then when a guy that is making $36,000 a year can not make the note on his $350,000 loan one wonders why the entire thing crashed.
And Democrats blame Republicans because they are stupid and Republicans blame Democrats because they are stupid.
But the real ignorant are those that claim this administration sorted it all out or Frank Dodd helped any.
Frank Dodd has done more damage to the existing home sale market and kept vacant houses sitting for years before anyone can buy them than anything.
We are all to blame for the financial crisis but it was Bush that went to Congress many times and they laughed in his face. Barney Frank, who I could care less if he is gay or not, did nothing and in fact increased the lending and the Republicans continued to support the building boom at all costs.

But that has nothing to do with the incompetence of an administration not smart enough to build a damn web site.
Even Ray Charles could have seen that.

This is the primary crux of the matter right here. Dodd - Frank encouraged (no DEMANDED) that lending institutions approve loans regardless of basic qualifications - then reported to Congress that "there is no problem at FANNIE" even though everyone and his third Cousin knew that they were lying.

Those two should have went straight to prison. However, we don't do that to the "royals", now do we?
Economic growth is what stimulates the economy and ends deficits.
This administration stifles growth as the only growth they have is food stamp recipients and the moocher class.
Lowest labor participation rate in 70 years.
An administration that encourages people to file for social security disability is not a free market capitalism supporting gang.
They are anti productivity and anti economic achievement and independence.
This administration and their supporters gauge success on how many people become dependent on government.

Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.
This is the first time ON ANY WEBSITE, that a republican has even acknowledged that TARP was on Bush's watch.

That's progress!!!!

Weather agree or not of having TARP, TARP was always Bush's doing. Also, money spent on TARP was almost repaid/recovered, with exclusion of auto industry. That is also Bush's doing, since those were conditions of TARP. Did TARP do what was suppose to do, I think yes.

On the other hand, Obama's stimulus, beside increasing debt, didn't do pretty much anything.
Yet even the most conservative estimates say that Obama spent money that was not part of the Bush budget. The reason for that is that there was a fucking stimulus passed in 2009 that had nothing to do with Bush. By the way, the reason Obama's numbers aren't worse than they are is that all of the Bush TARP money was repaid, unlike the Obama TARP money. The government conveniently counted the repayment as income, and put off most of the increased spending under Obama because cash accounting rules allow them to pretend debts don't actually exist.



Bush was engaged in some pretty neat fiscal gymnastics to put off paying for shit until sometime after he left office.

It was called the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.


He also got rid of paygo in a hurry.


Obama brought back Paygo.

Budget sequestration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And ended the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.

The Obameter: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war | PolitiFact

The president does not pass legislation. Congress does.

Unless president have a pen and a phone...
LOL......."the pump" has amazing effects:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:..........not at all important to the far left.:D:D:2up: Your damn right the deficit is going to fall some when the Fed is pumpiing 70-80 billion a month in the economy!!
Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

Clinton & Obama lowered government spending & deficits, Bush increased government spending, deficits & inflation.


Under Obama the employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.
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Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

you are a complete idiot; spewing talking points. yiou dont have a clue. FEDERAL government has NOT shrank in size under obama; it has been the state and local governments and that because of a continued WEAK ECONOMY.

in fact REPUBLICANS PREDICTED THIS would happen when the Stimulu money ran out.
left-leaning FactCheck.org says the federal government has GROWN BY 5% UNDER OBAMA.
you're a joke
Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

The employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.

eavesdropping; including warrantless wiretapping; has INCREASED UNDER OBAMA. this has been reported in the news; and no not just by Fox.

seriously you're a joke; idiot.
under obama the "elite wallstreeter" is doing better than ever. it is the other 93% of Americans that has seen a drop in household income under obama
Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

The employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.

All I can say is.....wow.

Democratic politicians are correct....ANYTHING they say will be repeated as fact by some followers.....even if they say that the sky is red.
Indeed. This is the most "business UNFRIENDLY" president this country has ever had to endure. Barry DESPISES the private sector in favor of big government. Hell, he makes no bones about it. Government is about the only institution that has grown during his reign and it has EXPLODED.

More bullshit lies from the peanut gallery1

Under Obama's administration government shrank in terms size, cost & jobs while the private sector exploded. The exact opposite happened Under Bush's administration. Bush exploded government cost, employment, pay, compensation, power, policing, eavesdropping, arrest, incarceration, stop & frisk & control over our lives. Unless you were an elite wallstreeter, then he made the rules preventing fraud, theft & abuse go away & legalized theft of workers pay & tax dollars. Clinton had the economy humming until Bush ideology destroyed it.

Clinton & Obama lowered government spending & deficits, Bush increased government spending, deficits & inflation.

Under Obama the employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.

This is the internet s0n......but in the real world, everybody thinks the Obama economy is a Jonestown.:D Again......this is a POLICTICS forum s0n........and reality is 95% perception.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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