Why is no one cheering the falling deficit?

FY2013 deficit : -$679B

While this is down significantly from Obama's first deficit of -$1,412B*, it is still amost 50% higher than GWB's highest deficit of $458B (FY2008).

So... if all of that "good work" and "progreess" gives you hope and qualiifies as "change", feel free to pat The Obama on the back.

Just remember:
The national debt was 10,626,877,048,913.08 whn GWB left offce.
Its risen 6,810,997,211,499.10 (64.92%) since then - every single dollar of which was spent by choice.

* FY2009 budget deficit. FY2009 budget was signed into law by The Obama in Marh 2009.

This is incorrect. His first year in office, the President basically has to live with a budget made by the previous President. Clinton's last budget was FY2001, at a surplus of $127.3 Billion. Bush's last budget was FY2009, at a deficit of - well, see above.

This is incorrect. Clinton raided SS (stole money from savings to pay people their SS) to obtain a fake surplus. This of course could not work indefinably, Bush stopped it.

Passed that Obama added hundreds of billions to the first budget, lumping that blame on Bush is trolling at this time in history, either that or full blown ignorance.

This is all of course pointless to debate seeing as Obama receives over 1 trillion a year injected into the markets by the FedR. The taxes collected from that injection alone can make a sizable difference on lowering the deficit. Of course talking about the destruction that giving rich people money from Government to make the economy look like it's getting better is a whole other subject to debate.... But leave it to Dem voters to support bailing out the rich indefinitely as long as it makes a Democrat President appear to be doing "something."

To the useless fool I quoted, this is your warning about lying on the claim of Clinton having a surplus... From this point on you are a trolling fool if you keep making such a bullshit claim. The reason we know the phrase "raiding SS" is because of that fat fuck Newt and that egotistical looser that uses positions of power to sleep with girls, Clinton.
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FY2009 was created in 2008, under Bush.

Yet even the most conservative estimates say that Obama spent money that was not part of the Bush budget. The reason for that is that there was a fucking stimulus passed in 2009 that had nothing to do with Bush. By the way, the reason Obama's numbers aren't worse than they are is that all of the Bush TARP money was repaid, unlike the Obama TARP money. The government conveniently counted the repayment as income, and put off most of the increased spending under Obama because cash accounting rules allow them to pretend debts don't actually exist.


And an expensive stimulus, over $800 billion. A big solution to a big problem But it was spread out over years, being between $200 and $300 billion per year. Plus, as I've noted, most economists thought the stimulus should have been even bigger. None of this changes, however, that the vast majority of our current incredible deficit was set in place by Bush.

Are you talking about this TARP money?

No complaints on the graph.

So you admit you lied... Interesting.... First it was all Bush, now you claim Obama's extra spending was needed. So Obama did have a "big" say in the budget.
FY2013 deficit : -$679B

While this is down significantly from Obama's first deficit of -$1,412B*, it is still amost 50% higher than GWB's highest deficit of $458B (FY2008).

So... if all of that "good work" and "progreess" gives you hope and qualiifies as "change", feel free to pat The Obama on the back.

Just remember:
The national debt was 10,626,877,048,913.08 whn GWB left offce.
Its risen 6,810,997,211,499.10 (64.92%) since then - every single dollar of which was spent by choice.

* FY2009 budget deficit. FY2009 budget was signed into law by The Obama in Marh 2009.

This is incorrect. His first year in office, the President basically has to live with a budget made by the previous President. Clinton's last budget was FY2001, at a surplus of $127.3 Billion. Bush's last budget was FY2009, at a deficit of - well, see above.

That's actually not true. The FY2009 budget proposed by the Bush White House OMB was never appropriated. H.R. 2638 allocated spending at the FY2008 baseline until March 9, 2009, plus TARP (which then Senator Obama supported). H.R. 1105 was used to fund the rest of FY2009 and Bush was already out of office.

Obama did not have to live with Bush's last budget. For better or worse, the Democrat controlled House and Senate made sure of that.
It's too bad none of the folks who keep making those threats can actually make them happen, eh?


Where was the threat ?

Answer: There wasn't one.

He said should happen....not will make it happen.


You only read what you want to read.

Your thread has been skewered from the start and this is all you can say ?

You lost this one...BIG TIME.
Sure he lost...and he is licking his wounds as any below PAR DOG would...and any statist SCUMBAG. Yeah Sallow, I mean YOU.


In your alcohol addled mind I am sure you think this to be the case.

Well get ready for a shock.

It isn't.
At the end of FY2009 (Bush's last budget)....
Bush's last budget was FY2008.
FY2009 was signed into law in March 2009.

FY2009 was created in 2008, under Bush.

Not true.

From the FY2009 reference within your link:

The FY 2009 budget was unusual because it was not signed by the President that created it. President George W. Bush submitted it to Congress in February 2008, right on schedule, but Congress stated it was dead on arrival.


At the end of FY 2008 (September 30, 2008), President Bush and Congress signed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government for another six months. As a result, the newly-elected President Obama passed the FY 2009 budget, folding in $253 billion in expenses for the Economic Stimulus Act.

Summary of Fiscal Year 2009 US Government Federal Spending
Bush's last budget was FY2008.
FY2009 was signed into law in March 2009.

FY2009 was created in 2008, under Bush.

Yet even the most conservative estimates say that Obama spent money that was not part of the Bush budget. The reason for that is that there was a fucking stimulus passed in 2009 that had nothing to do with Bush. By the way, the reason Obama's numbers aren't worse than they are is that all of the Bush TARP money was repaid, unlike the Obama TARP money. The government conveniently counted the repayment as income, and put off most of the increased spending under Obama because cash accounting rules allow them to pretend debts don't actually exist.



Bush was engaged in some pretty neat fiscal gymnastics to put off paying for shit until sometime after he left office.

It was called the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.


He also got rid of paygo in a hurry.


Obama brought back Paygo.

Budget sequestration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And ended the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.

The Obameter: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war | PolitiFact
Indeed. This is what should happen to Obama voters:


It's too bad none of the folks who keep making those threats can actually make them happen, eh?


Where was the threat ?

Answer: There wasn't one.

He said should happen....not will make it happen.


You only read what you want to read.

Your thread has been skewered from the start and this is all you can say ?

You lost this one...BIG TIME.

Of course it's a threat, asshole.
FY2009 was created in 2008, under Bush.

Yet even the most conservative estimates say that Obama spent money that was not part of the Bush budget. The reason for that is that there was a fucking stimulus passed in 2009 that had nothing to do with Bush. By the way, the reason Obama's numbers aren't worse than they are is that all of the Bush TARP money was repaid, unlike the Obama TARP money. The government conveniently counted the repayment as income, and put off most of the increased spending under Obama because cash accounting rules allow them to pretend debts don't actually exist.



Bush was engaged in some pretty neat fiscal gymnastics to put off paying for shit until sometime after he left office.

It was called the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.


He also got rid of paygo in a hurry.


Obama brought back Paygo.

Budget sequestration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And ended the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.

The Obameter: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war | PolitiFact

The president does not pass legislation. Congress does.
Let us look at the facts instead of partisan hack ideologue spin:
Per CBO on deficits:
2014 514 billion deficit at a minimum

2015 500 billion

2016 500 billion

And CBO projects massive growth in the deficit from 2017-2014 because of what?
"CBO projects that under current laws, outlays will grow faster than THE ECONOMY DURING THE NEXT DECADE. Net interest payments on the Federal debt will grow rapidly from 1.3 % of GNP to 3.3 % of GNP by 2024."

Only a dumb ass believes the deficit is going down LONG TERM.
We have a growing moocher class.
Yet even the most conservative estimates say that Obama spent money that was not part of the Bush budget. The reason for that is that there was a fucking stimulus passed in 2009 that had nothing to do with Bush. By the way, the reason Obama's numbers aren't worse than they are is that all of the Bush TARP money was repaid, unlike the Obama TARP money. The government conveniently counted the repayment as income, and put off most of the increased spending under Obama because cash accounting rules allow them to pretend debts don't actually exist.



Bush was engaged in some pretty neat fiscal gymnastics to put off paying for shit until sometime after he left office.

It was called the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.


He also got rid of paygo in a hurry.


Obama brought back Paygo.

Budget sequestration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And ended the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.

The Obameter: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war | PolitiFact

The president does not pass legislation. Congress does.

Well..yeah..he sorta does.

Almost all legislation gets signed into law by the President.

But never having read a Constitution? You wouldn't know that.
Let us look at the facts instead of partisan hack ideologue spin:
Per CBO on deficits:
2014 514 billion deficit at a minimum

2015 500 billion

2016 500 billion

And CBO projects massive growth in the deficit from 2017-2014 because of what?
"CBO projects that under current laws, outlays will grow faster than THE ECONOMY DURING THE NEXT DECADE. Net interest payments on the Federal debt will grow rapidly from 1.3 % of GNP to 3.3 % of GNP by 2024."

Only a dumb ass believes the deficit is going down LONG TERM.
We have a growing moocher class.

All projections are bullshit. Economic activity, earnings, profits, laws, taxes, trade, regulations, etc are always in flux. Massive surpluses were projected until the Bush administration & rubber-stamp congress destroyed that, the US dollar, created massive debt, job loss, & economic implosion. Effective management of the presiding people in charge brings down deficits. The current administration has done an excellent job of cutting the deficit, restoring global faith in the US dollar & managing the government.
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Let us look at the facts instead of partisan hack ideologue spin:
Per CBO on deficits:
2014 514 billion deficit at a minimum

2015 500 billion

2016 500 billion

And CBO projects massive growth in the deficit from 2017-2014 because of what?
"CBO projects that under current laws, outlays will grow faster than THE ECONOMY DURING THE NEXT DECADE. Net interest payments on the Federal debt will grow rapidly from 1.3 % of GNP to 3.3 % of GNP by 2024."

Only a dumb ass believes the deficit is going down LONG TERM.
We have a growing moocher class.

All projections are bullshit. Economic activity, earnings, profits, laws, taxes, trade, regulations, etc are always in flux. Massive surpluses were projected until the Bush administration & rubber-stamp congress destroyed that, the US dollar, created massive debt, job loss, & economic implosion. Effective management of the presiding people in charge brings down deficits. The current administration has done an excellent job of cutting the deficit, restoring global faith in the US dollar & managing the government.

:lol: Good one. Kissmy. I thought you were being serious until I saw just how ludicrous your post was, then I knew you were joking.

Just have to look at the interest of the borrowing and see that we're in trouble the deficit and debt.
It's too bad none of the folks who keep making those threats can actually make them happen, eh?


Where was the threat ?

Answer: There wasn't one.

He said should happen....not will make it happen.


You only read what you want to read.

Your thread has been skewered from the start and this is all you can say ?

You lost this one...BIG TIME.

Of course it's a threat, asshole.

Not in any way shape or form....dickweed.
horray for the falling deficit!!!

DEBT has almost tripled under obama; so hes working on reducing his own record pace of debt accumulation?

wow; big effin deal
Let us look at the facts instead of partisan hack ideologue spin:
Per CBO on deficits:
2014 514 billion deficit at a minimum

2015 500 billion

2016 500 billion

And CBO projects massive growth in the deficit from 2017-2014 because of what?
"CBO projects that under current laws, outlays will grow faster than THE ECONOMY DURING THE NEXT DECADE. Net interest payments on the Federal debt will grow rapidly from 1.3 % of GNP to 3.3 % of GNP by 2024."

Only a dumb ass believes the deficit is going down LONG TERM.
We have a growing moocher class.

All projections are bullshit. Economic activity, earnings, profits, laws, taxes, trade, regulations, etc are always in flux. Massive surpluses were projected until the Bush administration & rubber-stamp congress destroyed that, the US dollar, created massive debt, job loss, & economic implosion. Effective management of the presiding people in charge brings down deficits. The current administration has done an excellent job of cutting the deficit, restoring global faith in the US dollar & managing the government.

:lol: Good one. Kissmy. I thought you were being serious until I saw just how ludicrous your post was, then I knew you were joking.

Just have to look at the interest of the borrowing and see that we're in trouble the deficit and debt.

Foreign faith in & purchases of US dollar treasuries have been on fire under the Obama administration.

Bush sent gold price from $275 to $1920 per ounce. Today it's $1295 & falling.
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All projections are bullshit. Economic activity, earnings, profits, laws, taxes, trade, regulations, etc are always in flux. Massive surpluses were projected until the Bush administration & rubber-stamp congress destroyed that, the US dollar, created massive debt, job loss, & economic implosion. Effective management of the presiding people in charge brings down deficits. The current administration has done an excellent job of cutting the deficit, restoring global faith in the US dollar & managing the government.

:lol: Good one. Kissmy. I thought you were being serious until I saw just how ludicrous your post was, then I knew you were joking.

Just have to look at the interest of the borrowing and see that we're in trouble the deficit and debt.

Foreign faith in & purchases of US dollar treasuries have been on fire under the Obama administration.

Bush sent gold price from $275 to $1920 per ounce. Today it's $1295 & falling.
Nice try, but the federal reserve has a lot to do with the gold prices...that's what happens when you keep diluting the dollar year after year after year.true story
Also, we are in big trouble when those interests rates come back to a normal rate.
Yeah, Obama is wonderful......:eusa_hand:
:lol: Good one. Kissmy. I thought you were being serious until I saw just how ludicrous your post was, then I knew you were joking.

Just have to look at the interest of the borrowing and see that we're in trouble the deficit and debt.

Foreign faith in & purchases of US dollar treasuries have been on fire under the Obama administration.

Bush sent gold price from $275 to $1920 per ounce. Today it's $1295 & falling.
Nice try, but the federal reserve has a lot to do with the gold prices...that's what happens when you keep diluting the dollar year after year after year.true story
Also, we are in big trouble when those interests rates come back to a normal rate.
Yeah, Obama is wonderful......:eusa_hand:
All I have to say is ALL of us had better start stocking up and prepare when the bottom falls out. It will make the 'Great Depression' look like a walk in the park and NO WPA programs a-la FDR will save us. WE will be ripe for the picking from our enemies.
horray for the falling deficit!!!

DEBT has almost tripled under obama; so hes working on reducing his own record pace of debt accumulation?

wow; big effin deal

Sure..Obama could have gone 2 ways.

One was cancel all the debt Bush accrued.

The other was to add it to the debt and pay it down.

He went with option, 2.
:lol: Good one. Kissmy. I thought you were being serious until I saw just how ludicrous your post was, then I knew you were joking.

Just have to look at the interest of the borrowing and see that we're in trouble the deficit and debt.

Foreign faith in & purchases of US dollar treasuries have been on fire under the Obama administration.

Bush sent gold price from $275 to $1920 per ounce. Today it's $1295 & falling.
Nice try, but the federal reserve has a lot to do with the gold prices...that's what happens when you keep diluting the dollar year after year after year.true story
Also, we are in big trouble when those interests rates come back to a normal rate.
Yeah, Obama is wonderful......:eusa_hand:

Yeah a "diluted" dollar leads to a fall in gold prices..

What FOX program did you learn that little economic gem on?

:lol: :lol:

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