Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?


Sep 6, 2012
Washington Post Article;

By Marc A. Thiessen, Monday, September 10, 10:41 AMThe Washington Post President Obama is touting his foreign policy experience on the campaign trail, but startling new statistics suggest that national security has not necessarily been the personal priority the president makes it out to be. It turns out that more than half the time, the commander in chief does not attend his daily intelligence meeting.

The Government Accountability Institute examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.
Point of fact, Bush might have attended more often, but the briefing were half the size they were before he took office. So perhaps Obama attends less but complies more *shrug*.
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When you factor in weekends and holidays when there is no "daily" meeting, it is more like 67%.

But why would anyone expect honesty from a rightwingloon?
They're too intelligent for him, he thought they were intelligent classes so he quit attending.
obama doesn't care what they have to say. He's more interested in campaigning, and when he's not campaigning, there's ESPN.

At lease he's gone to half the intelligence briefings. He hasn't met with the jobs council at all.
btw, it's not a meeting, it's a memo. There is nothing to "attend."

Remember when Dubya was at home cutting brush when he got the one titled "bin laden determined to strike America"

The author of that hit piece in the OP seems to be doing his best to be viewed as a traitor by trying to undermine national security.
Also, there's golf to blame.

Golf is so important to a wannabe elitist that grew up outside the rich circles.

He needs to work on his game to be accepted at the country club, so intel briefings are a waste of time.
Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?

Is he off somewhere cutting brush a month at a time?

When you factor in weekends and holidays when there is no "daily" meeting, it is more like 67%.

But why would anyone expect honesty from a rightwingloon?

I didn't think of that. G.W spent almost 2 years of his 8 as president on vacation, although I suppose he could have had the briefings even though he was on vaca.
btw, it's not a meeting, it's a memo. There is nothing to "attend."

This is incorrect. The daily brief is a meeting between an intelligence officer and the President with the principal National Security Council members.

These are the meetings the President has been skipping.

btw, it's not a meeting, it's a memo. There is nothing to "attend."

This is incorrect. The daily brief is a meeting between an intelligence officer and the President with the principal National Security Council members.

These are the meetings the President has been skipping.


The President's Daily Brief[1] (PDB), sometimes referred to as the President's Daily Briefing or the President's Daily Bulletin, is a top-secret document produced each morning for the President of the United States.

So he's soooooo smart that he doesn't need SMEs to brief him on their intel bullets?

I've seen Generals and Admirals with more experience than him that want the SME to explain their information and what it could mean.

btw, it's not a meeting, it's a memo. There is nothing to "attend."

This is incorrect. The daily brief is a meeting between an intelligence officer and the President with the principal National Security Council members.

These are the meetings the President has been skipping.


The President's Daily Brief[1] (PDB), sometimes referred to as the President's Daily Briefing or the President's Daily Bulletin, is a top-secret document produced each morning for the President of the United States.

Secretary Clinton, Secretary of State, probably knows more people than Obama. Vice President Biden probably knows more people than Secretary Clinton. Las Vegas Hotel Managers, or others, probably know more about Prince Harry than does Vice President Biden. Even Michele likely knows about International Leaders, and Intel!

Maybe they just email the stuff, or put it out Youtube.

They are probably not found on Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News, where ratings matter. If the President is not watching, then who else could be watching?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many read signals from smoke in Great Skies Where Ospry-That-Tries-To-Soar-With-Seagulls-Learns-Lesson-Of-Great-Wingspans-Floating-With-Ease-At-Upper-Altitudes-Beyond-Reach-Of-Ordinary-Flesh-Eater-Capability-And-So-Loses-Further-Interest-And-Goes-Oh-The-Hell-With-It-To-Boot! Not a 7th Cavalry Moment!)

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