Why Is Racheal Madcow So Popular? Because She Lies & Spreads Propaganda - Snowflakes LOVE That Shite

Remember when she "had Trump's taxes?"

Or when Trump had no path to victory?

She must've been in error.
She did have Trump's taxes.

Yes it went well for her and did not make a bigger fool out of her than her election predictions did.

The echo chamber of the biddable is in full force this morning. not a creative or original thought from this group ever.
Her girlfriend is often mistaken for her mom.
Do tell.....interesting that you care that much to notice.
Popular with whom? No one watches that channel except the teleprompter programmers at CNN.

She's popular? That would surprise me. She is one scary woman. I think there is something wrong with her, that growly voice, the snarling. If I get on MSNBC by mistake and see her, I fork the charm against the Evil Eye at her with both hands and then hit the button for Fox. Or Fox Business, my favorite.
Give it up. Most Americans understand that the wage earners will see a temporary small cut to be phased out while the investor class reaps huge permanent cuts.

I understand that nobody wants to believe anything against the alliance they are in, but if you Dems are trying to convince people the economy is bad, you've got a bad problem with the stats.

The stock market is soaring, unemployment is very low, wages are going up, inflation is under control, interest is going up, jobs and foreign profits are being repatriated, there's an excellent tax reform and tax cuts ----

Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

An echo chamber comment coming from you is comical at best.

Different indoctrination, same lemming like mentality.

Wow, she sure looks better with makeup for TV than in that picture hugging her girlfriend. So........she IS a lesbian? Everybody knows this but me?

I mean, just to look at her you have to figure that, very peculiar looking, but I had not heard it said.
Remember when she "had Trump's taxes?"

Or when Trump had no path to victory?

She must've been in error.

There is a difference from attempting to mislead, and making an error. Of course someone like you has been brainwashed (rumor has it you only needed a light rinse), and are incapable of understanding trollism is an aberration in your genetic code.
I said she made an error in each case. Maybe if you remove the dildo it will help clear your brains.

Nice spin, I recognize sarcasm. Sadly, you spin won't turn.

Of course you lied, she had a tax form. And, she was not alone as most thinking people believed the American voters were too smart to elect an unfit and incompetent person to the oval office. Lots of us were wrong, now we know less than 1% of the voters in WI, PA & MI were biddable and did vote for the Narcissist now in the Oval Office (maybe once a week).
Yes she's a shining light in a world of darkness.

Those vids never get old. lol
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

The fact that she's an over-educated boob doesn't necessarily mean she has an ounce of intelligence or common sense. This country is full of wacked-out leftists with reams of paper hanging on the wall, who are so stupid they need help tying their own shoes.

Working in an academic environment for 15 year, I know the truth in that. Many of those who like her, who live in their little elitist ivory towers, are very much of touch with the the real world. Like they say: "There's book-smart then there's real intelligence." Maddow has an overabundance of the former, and is completely bereft of the latter.

And you learned all that sweeping and emptying trash containers?

Let's compare:

Who is Rachel Maddow? Everything You Need to Know

Who is Sean Hannity? Everything You Need to Know

Who is Rush Limbaugh? Everything You Need to Know

Ms. Maddow is in a committed relationship, Hannity and Limbaugh are divorced (L. three times). Ms. Maddow has a Ph. d.; Hannity and Limbaugh do not have an undergraduate degree (Hannity has an honorary degree from Liberty U.)
She's extremely intelligent, and she knows her stuff in the utmost detail with facts....

Outside of that, she blinks too much, and as rightwinger said, she is long winded and doesn't need to get down to all of the nitty gritty backgrounds to each story, though...it does make us understand more than we would if she hadn't.
I don't see a conservative equivalent of Rachel Maddow

Someone who is well educated and respects the intelligence of her audience
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Oh look, some fine Maddow Derangement Syndrome.

She must have been seriously kicking Trump cult ass. That's why their masters gave orders to the Trumpflakes to all run to the internet and have a big group crying session, an order that the Trumpflakes all obeyed without questioning or without thinking.

Personally, I don't watch her. The way she repeats everything 3 times drives me nuts. I can read a quick summary elsewhere.
Remember when she "had Trump's taxes?"

Or when Trump had no path to victory?

She must've been in error.
She did have Trump's taxes.

Yes it went well for her and did not make a bigger fool out of her than her election predictions did.

The echo chamber of the biddable is in full force this morning. not a creative or original thought from this group ever.
Her girlfriend is often mistaken for her mom.
Do tell.....interesting that you care that much to notice.
I admit that I, too, was fooled.
It's right on their logo.


The only problem with your argument, which is the same thing wrong with almost everything that comes out of a snowflake's mouth, is that it is a lie and is easily disproved.

MSNBC used a white supremacist web page as 'legitimate news' with which to attack Trump.
CNN's Cuomo declared to the world live on tv during the election that CNN had done everything it could do to help Hillary win the election, even refusing to cover any of her scandals.
Rachel Madcow embarrassed herself on national TV to admit her earlier lies about Trump's taxes were wrong.
The NY Times, MSNBC, CNN - all retracted stories and fired employees after being busted for repeatedly reporting Fake News.

They sacrificed their credibility in an attempt to take down Trump because of their rabid bias and butt-hurt hate-driven mental illness / sedition against the President.

Snowflakes like you HATE Fox because they have not been REPEATEDLY busted for being fake news 'Onion'-wannabes.


The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is … - Rasmussen Reports™

FOX's file: | PunditFact

Fact-checking Fox, MSNBC and CNN: PunditFact's network scorecards


Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use
You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use

That "simplistic rhetoric" cost you elitists the most important election of your lifetimes. Not bad for a bunch of "uneducated" deplorables, eh?
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'
If you work for one of those companies and you got a raise you’ll be voting trump in 2020
You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use

Uneducated are the preferred spewers for the DOPers and for some
GOP for best facts..
Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use

Uneducated are the preferred spewers for the DOPers and for some
GOP for best facts..

Wrong. The Democrat Party sorely relies on the uneducated, the ignorant, and the uninformed to win elections. Those are a major voting block and without them, we'd never see another Democrat in office. Why else would Democrats constantly be promising their slope-headed knuckle-dragging voter base "free education" and dissolution of student debt?

And if their base isn't ignorant and uneducated enough to get the votes, they always have the media to feed them a steady stream of lies and propaganda.

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