Why Is Racheal Madcow So Popular? Because She Lies & Spreads Propaganda - Snowflakes LOVE That Shite

So when your taxes go up, is what she said. I'm sure she went on to explain. Maddow never has false news unless its actually an error, she does not create fake news like Hannity, Ingraham and most of Fox does.

It's right on their logo.

If it is not holding an 'exclusive' on prime time about Trump's taxes, only to embarrass herself by declaring to the world she was wrong and that Trump did / does pay his taxes then it's her lying ... and being caught lying...like CNN is repeatedly...about the new Tax Law, that even CNN has admitted now will be good for Americans.
It's right on their logo.


The only problem with your argument, which is the same thing wrong with almost everything that comes out of a snowflake's mouth, is that it is a lie and is easily disproved.

MSNBC used a white supremacist web page as 'legitimate news' with which to attack Trump.
CNN's Cuomo declared to the world live on tv during the election that CNN had done everything it could do to help Hillary win the election, even refusing to cover any of her scandals.
Rachel Madcow embarrassed herself on national TV to admit her earlier lies about Trump's taxes were wrong.
The NY Times, MSNBC, CNN - all retracted stories and fired employees after being busted for repeatedly reporting Fake News.

They sacrificed their credibility in an attempt to take down Trump because of their rabid bias and butt-hurt hate-driven mental illness / sedition against the President.

Snowflakes like you HATE Fox because they have not been REPEATEDLY busted for being fake news 'Onion'-wannabes.
Dude, that time with trumps tax returns was a WHOPPER. I enjoyed the hell out of that!
She is very entertaining

Yes, I'm sure that was embarrassing for her. After all the effort to find anything concerning Trump's tax returns, her excitement in finding a little tidbit caused her to rush to tell about it before she knew what it showed. She admitted her mistake the next day. Fox makes purely false statements every day, and never mentions hen they have been wrong. Remember the fox claims that Hillary definitely had Parkinson's and would probably die before the election?
She sure frightens the trumpanzees....you can see it everytime they whine about her.
Dude, that time with trumps tax returns was a WHOPPER. I enjoyed the hell out of that!
She is very entertaining

Yes, I'm sure that was embarrassing for her. After all the effort to find anything concerning Trump's tax returns, her excitement in finding a little tidbit caused her to rush to tell about it before she knew what it showed. She admitted her mistake the next day. Fox makes purely false statements every day, and never mentions hen they have been wrong. Remember the fox claims that Hillary definitely had Parkinson's and would probably die before the election?
She sure frightens the trumpanzees....you can see it everytime they whine about her.
She is far from frightening. But the nut job is entertaining!
Maddow is very intelligent and demonstrates a detailed understanding of the nuances of major issues
She is a hack just like most of the MSM

She has a political point of view that she expresses very well

A bit long winded at times (get to the point) but she has a deep understanding of the issues and what contributes to them
The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
You have just described rightwingers. Except RW pundits don't 'occasionally tell a whopper.' They do it all the time.
The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
You have just described rightwingers. Except RW pundits don't 'occasionally tell a whopper.' They do it all the time.
Yeah, I hear that one from both ends. They only see the faults and behaviors of the other.

Amazing, how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
Remember when she "had Trump's taxes?"

Or when Trump had no path to victory?

She must've been in error.
She's extremely intelligent, and she knows her stuff in the utmost detail with facts....

Outside of that, she blinks too much, and as rightwinger said, she is long winded and doesn't need to get down to all of the nitty gritty backgrounds to each story, though...it does make us understand more than we would if she hadn't.
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.
So when your taxes go up, is what she said. I'm sure she went on to explain. Maddow never has false news unless its actually an error, she does not create fake news like Hannity, Ingraham and most of Fox does.

Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.
As you said, Haters gonna hate - thanks for the Demonstration.

RM is a great example of how being a Rhodes Scholar and having a Ph.D. does not instill in anyone honesty, integrity, and does not prevent you from being an extremely partisan lying douche bag.
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.
As you said, Haters gonna hate - thanks for the Demonstration.

RM is a great example of how being a Rhodes Scholar and having a Ph.D. does not instill in anyone honesty, integrity, and does not prevent you from being an extremely partisan lying douche bag.

Need I remind you that you are challenged by reality? In a word: INSANE!
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

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