Why Is Racheal Madcow So Popular? Because She Lies & Spreads Propaganda - Snowflakes LOVE That Shite

Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.

LOL, If this post ^^^ is not sarcasm, the author is brain damaged. It is not a typical idiot-gram, it is too long and provides food for thought, i.e. I immediately saw it was written by a biddable feeder at the table serving conspiracy theories.
You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.

Hannity is a lying fool. Rachel has 3 Emmys
Here is a list of some of Hannity's crazier conspiracy theorys

Not only informative but a winner and sure to drive the echo chamber who repeat thess claims as truths crazier.
Maddow has a degree from in public policy from Stanford, was a Rhodes Scholar, and earned a doctorate in politics from Oxford. I don't watch her regularly, but when I do, I find her well-prepared, with facts and back-up documents, and she is careful to provide context. She also apologizes on camera when she makes a mistake.In contrast, people like Hannity and Ingraham are not well prepared and make all sorts of assertions and accusations without providing proof to shore up their arguments. Hannity attended a seminary high school and then dropped out of NYU. Ingraham graduated from Dartmouth and U.Va. Law.
Maddow blows them out of the park.

I don't watch any TV news but from I've seen on you tube snippets, Maddow is quite intelligent, prepared, logical, articulate if somewhat pompous. A far cry from 99% of all the other mindless pundits and commentators on the boob tube. I'd love to see her in a debate.
I'd love to see her debate Hannity face-to-face on any given issue, and I mean a real debate in which no one is allowed to interrupt the other person's remarks, not these brawls that pass for "debates" nowadays.

Hannity is not in her league

Hannity is a living, breathing Charley McCarthy.
She must have been seriously kicking Trump cult ass. That's why their masters gave orders to the Trumpflakes to all run to the internet and have a big group crying session, an order that the Trumpflakes all obeyed without questioning or without thinking.

Darn, I must not have gotten the memo ----- how do I join this magical conspiracy group?

You have some odd ideas about how the world works.

It's called "delusions of grandeur". A psychosis often exhibited by liberals even as in Mamooth's case, to the point of hallucinations and rambling incoherent babbling.
Like Trump. LOL

No, more like Obama. Trump is actually performing, while Obama was just a blowhard with a lot of lofty ideals but very little in the way of actual results.
Rachel followers like to put on masks and follow fat girls with megaphones.

She must have been seriously kicking Trump cult ass. That's why their masters gave orders to the Trumpflakes to all run to the internet and have a big group crying session, an order that the Trumpflakes all obeyed without questioning or without thinking.

Darn, I must not have gotten the memo ----- how do I join this magical conspiracy group?

You have some odd ideas about how the world works.

It's called "delusions of grandeur". A psychosis often exhibited by liberals even as in Mamooth's case, to the point of hallucinations and rambling incoherent babbling.

Like Trump. LOL

No, more like Obama. Trump is actually performing, while Obama was just a blowhard with a lot of lofty ideals but very little in the way of actual results.

Idiot-Gram ^^^; Trump is performing, he was elected by the few, the biddable and the callous conservatives by means of his impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of a small minority in three states.
Wingers just love their slanted, intellectually dishonest "news".

Well, sure --- at least they're on our side! Not much use listing to the enemy slant, is there? You do the same, after all ---- listen to the liars who are on your side.
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LOL, If this post ^^^ is not sarcasm, the author is brain damaged. It is not a typical idiot-gram, it is too long and provides food for thought, i.e. I immediately saw it was written by a biddable feeder at the table serving conspiracy theories.

It's a little complicated....but I am not perfectly sure that was a compliment.
Idiot-Gram ^^^; Trump is performing, he was elected by the few, the biddable and the callous conservatives by means of his impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of a small minority in three states.

Don't forget the wins in all the other states: Trump won by 306 Electoral votes, IIRC.

If Trump had only gained a small minority in three states as you say, we'd be referring to President Hillary, and not be nearly as happy as we are.
Idiot-Gram ^^^; Trump is performing, he was elected by the few, the biddable and the callous conservatives by means of his impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of a small minority in three states.

Don't forget the wins in all the other states: Trump won by 306 Electoral votes, IIRC.

If Trump had only gained a small minority in three states as you say, we'd be referring to President Hillary, and not be nearly as happy as we are.

Huh? He won the electoral vote, and lost the popular vote. Of course the conspiracy set claims millions of votes which went to HRC were cast illegally.

Whose happy? Those who saw the elephant or lost family and friends in combat aren't happy with Trump's Brinkmanship, an inexperienced Secretary of State who seems disinterested in diplomacy, or a Congress whose disapproval rating is nearing 75%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
LOL, If this post ^^^ is not sarcasm, the author is brain damaged. It is not a typical idiot-gram, it is too long and provides food for thought, i.e. I immediately saw it was written by a biddable feeder at the table serving conspiracy theories.

It's a little complicated....but I am not perfectly sure that was a compliment.

Be assured, it was not a compliment; it was a statement of facts.
Huh? He won the electoral vote, and lost the popular vote. Of course the conspiracy set claims millions of votes which went to HRC were cast illegally.

Right, that was just California illegals from Mexico voting illegally. Fortunately it didn't matter.

Whose happy?

I'm happy. Everyone who voted for Trump is happy. Oh, frabjous day, callooh, callay! Too bad for you. Maybe you should switch sides: believe me, the winning side is more fun.
Huh? He won the electoral vote, and lost the popular vote. Of course the conspiracy set claims millions of votes which went to HRC were cast illegally.

Right, that was just California illegals from Mexico voting illegally. Fortunately it didn't matter.

Whose happy?

I'm happy. Everyone who voted for Trump is happy. Oh, frabjous day, callooh, callay! Too bad for you. Maybe you should switch sides: believe me, the winning side is more fun.

Not quite everyone:


I expect the shark will be jumped the more people learn the details in the Tax Bill.
Maddow is:

1. Highly educated
2. Liberal
3. Homosexual

Everything that conservative hate
You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.

Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use

Again, educated doesn't automatically equate to intelligent.

I've met PhD's that are wizards in their own field but can't figure out how to drive a car properly.
Hater's gotta hate. RM is a Rhodes Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Political Science; Sean Hannity is a Jr. College Drop Out and dumb as ... you.

Educated does not mean intelligent, and snark is not the same as intellect.

True. But Hannity is not intelligent nor is he educated; he's indoctrinated much like easyt65 and most of the echo chamber.

Ask me how I know you've never watched a full hour of his show. Hannity is one of the few people who is delving into the depravity and criminality of the Clintons and Obama, and exposing the left for what it really is. If we didn't have people like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage, you leftist nutcakes would be literally getting away with murder.
Funny you would bring up Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

None capable of even a bachelors degree. Evident in the simplistic rhetoric they use

Again, educated doesn't automatically equate to intelligent.

I've met PhD's that are wizards in their own field but can't figure out how to drive a car properly.
In the case of Rachael Maddow, she is very intelligent

Even if you don't agree with her politics, she thoroughly researches her pieces and presents them in an understandable fashion

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