CDZ Why is racism ok if the target is white?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Racism is an ugly thing, one that can have enormously harmful effects on society. One would hope that this would be recognized by people on all sides, but sadly this is not often the case.

In recent years, I have noticed an increase in racism. First, there has been an increase in antisemitic language on various sites that appear to be associated with people who identify as the alt-right. Second, there has been an increase in anti-white language from people, especially minorities, on the left.

Both trends are disturbing. But I find the latter trend to be more dangerous in one important way. While the racists on the alt-right are generally condemned by “respectable” society, the racists on the left are often tolerated by the left wing part of such society.

There is no justification for this differential treatment. Racism – hatred of racial groups rather than of individuals for their actions – is pernicious. Since humans are so group-oriented, racism appears to be tempting, but that means that social norms need to condemn it strongly and consistently.

The most recent, high visible toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

If these were tweets of a white person or a right winger, the New York Times would never, ever hire that person. Why would they hire Jeong?

Her public apology for the tweets is very weak – it suggests she did it in retaliation of harassment, but it does not appear all of the tweets were in response to such actions.

This is sad. I am not one who looks back on a golden age of the New York Times when it was a neutral newspaper. But I have to admit things appear to have gotten much worse in recent years. This type of action not only harms society, but also harms the reputation of an institution which it is hard to respect, despite it being the “leading newspaper in the nation.”

The Racism of New York Times Reporter Sarah Jeong - Law & Liberty

Now I doubt that all Lefties support this any more than all righties support racism against anyone else, but still the NY Times hires this person? Anybody want to take a whack at explaining why this isn't highly hypocritical? Yes, the Times can hire whoever they want, but can you imagine the outcry if Fox News hired a person who said the exact same thing about any minority you car to name?
Why do you need to ask this question?

The regressive left have an Agenda. That Agenda is to eradicate white European culture they hate so much. So yea, of course racism against whites is OK.

Once you accept that fact, nothing the left does should surprise you.
Why is racism ok if the target is white?

^ This question may be even too racist to ask. You just have to go ahead and to pay your high taxes silently to feed some other race while they will keep telling you how it sucks to be white and how you should be ashamed to be white.

The most recent, high visible toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

I am an old White man and the opinions of this Sarah Jeong character mean nothing to me. She is an insignificant little twat and she and the Times deserve each other.
The Progressive narrative is that White people, especially White Males have had it too good for too long. That's what all the White Privilege nonsense is all about. Now it is time for retribution, and punishment of White Males in order to "even the score" for minorities, and women.

It is done in the name of diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, fairness, etc, but it is more about getting back at what is perceived as the boogie man.
Racism is an ugly thing, one that can have enormously harmful effects on society. One would hope that this would be recognized by people on all sides, but sadly this is not often the case.

In recent years, I have noticed an increase in racism. First, there has been an increase in antisemitic language on various sites that appear to be associated with people who identify as the alt-right. Second, there has been an increase in anti-white language from people, especially minorities, on the left.

Both trends are disturbing. But I find the latter trend to be more dangerous in one important way. While the racists on the alt-right are generally condemned by “respectable” society, the racists on the left are often tolerated by the left wing part of such society.

There is no justification for this differential treatment. Racism – hatred of racial groups rather than of individuals for their actions – is pernicious. Since humans are so group-oriented, racism appears to be tempting, but that means that social norms need to condemn it strongly and consistently.

The most recent, high visible toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

If these were tweets of a white person or a right winger, the New York Times would never, ever hire that person. Why would they hire Jeong?

Her public apology for the tweets is very weak – it suggests she did it in retaliation of harassment, but it does not appear all of the tweets were in response to such actions.

This is sad. I am not one who looks back on a golden age of the New York Times when it was a neutral newspaper. But I have to admit things appear to have gotten much worse in recent years. This type of action not only harms society, but also harms the reputation of an institution which it is hard to respect, despite it being the “leading newspaper in the nation.”

The Racism of New York Times Reporter Sarah Jeong - Law & Liberty

Now I doubt that all Lefties support this any more than all righties support racism against anyone else, but still the NY Times hires this person? Anybody want to take a whack at explaining why this isn't highly hypocritical? Yes, the Times can hire whoever they want, but can you imagine the outcry if Fox News hired a person who said the exact same thing about any minority you car to name?
This is one of the more moronic of rightwing lies – that racism against whites is somehow ‘justified’ or ‘condoned,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
“Why is racism ok if the target is white?”

It isn’t.

And no one said it is.

The notion that racism is ever ‘OK’ is just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

The New York Times made it very clear that it is OK and you have your head stuck in the sand

Racism is an ugly thing, one that can have enormously harmful effects on society. One would hope that this would be recognized by people on all sides, but sadly this is not often the case.

In recent years, I have noticed an increase in racism. First, there has been an increase in antisemitic language on various sites that appear to be associated with people who identify as the alt-right. Second, there has been an increase in anti-white language from people, especially minorities, on the left.

Both trends are disturbing. But I find the latter trend to be more dangerous in one important way. While the racists on the alt-right are generally condemned by “respectable” society, the racists on the left are often tolerated by the left wing part of such society.

There is no justification for this differential treatment. Racism – hatred of racial groups rather than of individuals for their actions – is pernicious. Since humans are so group-oriented, racism appears to be tempting, but that means that social norms need to condemn it strongly and consistently.

The most recent, high visible toleration of left wing racism is by the New York Times, which hired Sarah Jeong. Jeong has a first-rate left-wing resume, but her Twitter feed is filled with outrageously racist tweets, such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

If these were tweets of a white person or a right winger, the New York Times would never, ever hire that person. Why would they hire Jeong?

Her public apology for the tweets is very weak – it suggests she did it in retaliation of harassment, but it does not appear all of the tweets were in response to such actions.

This is sad. I am not one who looks back on a golden age of the New York Times when it was a neutral newspaper. But I have to admit things appear to have gotten much worse in recent years. This type of action not only harms society, but also harms the reputation of an institution which it is hard to respect, despite it being the “leading newspaper in the nation.”

The Racism of New York Times Reporter Sarah Jeong - Law & Liberty

Now I doubt that all Lefties support this any more than all righties support racism against anyone else, but still the NY Times hires this person? Anybody want to take a whack at explaining why this isn't highly hypocritical? Yes, the Times can hire whoever they want, but can you imagine the outcry if Fox News hired a person who said the exact same thing about any minority you car to name?
This is one of the more moronic of rightwing lies – that racism against whites is somehow ‘justified’ or ‘condoned,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

More like your deliberate and dishonorable left-wing lies. I’m not even white and I can see it’s true. You’re an enabler and just as bad as people like Jeong
The huge explosion in antisemitism has come from the left rather than the right, but otherwise, yeah.

This forum experiences all sorts of hatred directed at whites. I had a black poster express pleasure when I told about my partially disabled child being the victim of racial violence and the official response of this very forum was to threaten me for not liking it.

The race forum here is a cesspool of hatred against white people.
Now I doubt that all Lefties support this any more than all righties support racism against anyone else, but still the NY Times hires this person? Anybody want to take a whack at explaining why this isn't highly hypocritical? Yes, the Times can hire whoever they want, but can you imagine the outcry if Fox News hired a person who said the exact same thing about any minority you car to name?

First and foremost, since white people already have institutional power just by virtue of being white, there's really not anything Sarah Jeong can really do about them, is there?

As opposed to white people who practice racism who are often in positions of power and use it to discriminate.

Second, we have yet to see what the full exchanges were that these comments were made. You know, "context". Was she responding to a bunch of racist and misogynistic comments directed towards her? Then the comments become a lot more understandable. Not good, mind you, but understandable.

Third, Fox News has hired people who've said some truly awful things.
Why do you need to ask this question?

The regressive left have an Agenda. That Agenda is to eradicate white European culture they hate so much. So yea, of course racism against whites is OK.

Once you accept that fact, nothing the left does should surprise you.

I'm just wondering when this is supposed to happen. I spent all day today communicating in a European Language, eating European Food, listening to European/American cultural things. So man, this has to be the laziest eradication effort out there, right after the Muslim attempt to conquer the world that has been going on since 700 AD. Glaciers move faster.
If a (fill in the blank ethnicity) group continually and consistently fails , racism comes in pretty handy as an excuse. It can't possibly be the fault of the (fill in the blank ethnicity) for failing to thrive, because they just aren't trying hard enough? Perish the thought. Heaven forbid. Racism ...ya, that's the ticket!
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If a (fill in the blank ethnicity) group continually and consistently fails , racism comes in pretty handy as an excuse. It can't possibly be the fault of the (fill in the blank ethnicity) for failing to thrive, because they just aren't trying hard enough? Perish the thought. Heaven forbid. Racism ...ya, that's the ticket!

Ah, the voice of white privilege!

The reality, when a minority excels, it's usually because they have to work twice as hard as a white person, who will then blame "affirmative action" or some such nonsense.
If a (fill in the blank ethnicity) group continually and consistently fails , racism comes in pretty handy as an excuse. It can't possibly be the fault of the (fill in the blank ethnicity) for failing to thrive, because they just aren't trying hard enough? Perish the thought. Heaven forbid. Racism ...ya, that's the ticket!

Ah, the voice of white privilege!

The reality, when a minority excels, it's usually because they have to work twice as hard as a white person, who will then blame "affirmative action" or some such nonsense.
White privilege, ah, that magic unicorn of the deluded left. Mostly rich privileged white or black activists suffer from that delusion or mental defect. If I have this so called "white privilege", where can I find it? Because I can use all the help I can get.
"Racism" and convincing minorities they are a victim of other skin colors is the root of power of democratic socialist politics.

If pissed off minorities don't show at the polls - democrats are screwed.
Ok, there ought to be a TV show called : "The hunt for white privilege." Devoted to discovering the truth behind this allegation, where it can be found, and who exactly these mysterious "privileged white people" are. Because, none of the people I associate with are rich college edumucated and hell, 85% of all the homeless folks I have seen were white. So that privilege thing goes out the window. Say bye bye to another myth.
Ah, the voice of white privilege!


Thank you for being the first to prove the validity of the op by using such an extremely racist buzz term .

It takes a special type of world view to claim these kids are privileged


while these kids are underprivileged

Ok, there ought to be a TV show called : "The hunt for white privilege." Devoted to discovering the truth behind this allegation, where it can be found, and who exactly these mysterious "privileged white people" are. Because, none of the people I associate with are rich college edumucated and hell, 85% of all the homeless folks I have seen were white. So that privilege thing goes out the window. Say bye bye to another myth.

Before racists got ahold of the term, people realized that the notion of privilege was associated with economic status rather than skin color.

I miss those days when people were much smarter than they are today.
"Racism" and convincing minorities they are a victim of other skin colors is the root of power of democratic socialist politics.

If pissed off minorities don't show at the polls - democrats are screwed.


Not only is it demagoguery, but self replicating. If you can instill in a group the notion that they are a victim of another group, they become angry and belligerent, uncooperative, rude and sullen -- all the very qualities that prevent them from succeeding in their dealings with that group, When they don't succeed, you then manipulate them by saying "see what I told you? You are a victim of that other group".

What the race pimps are selling is failure. Value education, speak English properly or work had you will be uncle Tommed out of the club. All the qualities that COUD lead to success are ridiculed to the point only the dysfunctional ones remain.

It's a vicious circle and ones the demagogues play to the hilt.

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